GOAL OF THE MONTH – Special Edition


Where We Are

The 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly marks a crucial milestone in the global effort to accelerate progress towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. With only 17 per cent of the Goals targets on track, progress remains uneven leaving many behind. The highly anticipated Summit of the Future, held during the General Assembly on 22 and 23 September, underscores the urgent need for enhanced international cooperation to address pressing challenges and forge a collective vision for a better, more sustainable future.

This Summit represents a critical opportunity to advance long-overdue commitments and secure agreements that will benefit everyone. The outcome of the Summit will be encapsulated in a Member State negotiated Pact for the Future, accompanied by two annexes: the Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations.

The UN Department of Global Communications will hold its flagship SDG Media Zone during the high-level week 23-27 September, with impactful in-depth interviews and dialogues on global issues that matter to people everywhere. All events will be streamed LIVE on UN Web TV.

For a cheat sheet of the week, please visit the UN General Assembly High-level Week page.

September’s Summit of the Future is a key moment to drive forward the vision for a strengthened and renewed multilateralism, so that we can manage both the risks and opportunities ahead, for the good of all humanity. 

António Guterres, UN Secretary-General, May 21, 2024 


In Focus


  1. 22-23 September | Summit of the Future 

World leaders will meet at the UN in New York to tackle global governance challenges highlighted by recent crises. The Summit will reinforce commitments to the Sustainable Development Goals and the UN Charter, aiming to strengthen cooperation and create a “Pact for the Future”, an action-oriented document aimed to bolster global cooperation and adapt to current challenges effectively for the benefit of all and for future generations. More here.

  1. 20-21 September | Summit of the Future Action Days 

Preceding the Summit of the Future the Action Days will provide an opportunity for broad engagement and inclusion and bring together Heads of State, Ministers, senior UN officials and representatives from the private sector, youth, civil society and other actors. The full two-day programme, including many side events, may be found here.

  1. 23-27 September | UN SDG Media Zone 

The UN General Assembly flagship SDG Media Zone broadcasts live conversations exploring key issues for accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals, key outcomes and discussions around the Summit of the Future and how you can take action on the SDGs. Join us for a full week of inspiring speakers! Click here for more information and for regular updates on the programme.

  1. 24 September | SDG Moment

While the overall state of SDGs globally remains of grave concern, the SDG Moment will demonstrate that dramatic progress is still possible between now and 2030. It will do so by highlighting inspiring examples of progress being made across the world as well as the role that just and inclusive transitions can play in accelerating SDG progress. The meeting will build directly on the outcomes of the Summit of the Future and will be streamed live on webtv.un.org. For more information visit https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sdg-moment/.

  1. 24-28 September, 30 September | General Debate 

World leaders will gather to engage in the annual high-level General Debate under the theme, “Leaving no one behind: acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations”. Heads of State and Government and ministers will explore solutions to intertwined global challenges to advance peace, security and sustainable development. https://gadebate.un.org/en

  1. 21 September | International Day of Peace 

This year, the UN observes the International Day of Peace with the theme “Cultivating a Culture of Peace,” marking the 25th anniversary of the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace. The Secretary-General will lead the Peace Bell ceremony on 13 September, available live on UN Web TV. For more details and ways to contribute, visit the dedicated website and explore the new United Nations peace and security website. Join the ActNow for Peace campaign and discover how you can also contribute to a culture of peace.

  1. 21-26 September | Future’s Lounge 

The UN Office for Partnerships and partners will host the SDG Lounge  to foster discussions and inspiring action towards achieving the SDGs. You can expect a mix of deep-dive roundtables, Davos-style panels, inspiring dialogues, and interactive experiences featuring diverse and influential voices. https://sdglounge.unpartnerships.un.org/ 

  1. 25 September | High-level Meeting on Sea-Level Rise 

The High-Level Meeting on Sea-Level Rise will bring together global leaders, experts, and stakeholders to tackle the urgent threat of rising sea levels. The focus will be on creating actionable solutions to ensure a resilient and sustainable future, particularly for small island developing states and low-lying coastal regions.

  1. 26 September | High-level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) 

The High-level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) offers a crucial opportunity for countries and stakeholders to intensify efforts against the escalating threat of AMR. Building on past commitments, the meeting will emphasize stronger international cooperation, responsible antimicrobial use, and the development of new treatments to protect global health.

  1. 26 September | High-level Meeting: International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons 

Global nuclear disarmament is the UN’s top disarmament priority. This mission began with the General Assembly’s first resolution in 1946, leading to the creation of the Atomic Energy Commission (dissolved in 1952) to control nuclear energy and eliminate weapons of mass destruction. This annual High-level meeting commemorates the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons.


16 | Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The Gender Snapshot 2024 

Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The Gender Snapshot 2024, developed by UN Women and the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, will be launched globally on 16 September 2024 12:30 pm EDT, during a press briefing at UN Headquarters in New York.

The report highlights gender equality trends, gaps and setbacks across all 17 Goals and finds that with the right policies and investments, progress is possible and gender disparities can be redressed. The report champions a positive shift from the current trajectory through radical actions that build on proven solutions to accelerate progress, including investing in gender equality.

17 | Launch of E-Government Survey 2024

The E-Government Survey 2024, produced by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, will be launched on 17 September at UN Headquarters in New York. The 2024 edition highlights global progress in digital government, driven by increased investment in infrastructure and technology, such as AI and digital identity systems. The survey introduces a Digital Government Model Framework to guide countries in planning and implementing effective e-government initiatives.

Upcoming International Days

7 | International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies

With 99% of the global population breathing polluted air, improving air quality constitutes a significant lever to improve public health, enhance climate change mitigation and reduce the burden of death and disease, particularly among women, children and the old, which are disproportionally affected. This September, the International Day of Clean Air calls on governments, civil society and the private sector to invest in clean air.  Find UNEP’s Clean Air Guide here and key data related to air pollution here.

8 | International Literacy Day

This year’s Literacy Day focuses on the power of multilingualism for achieving lasting peace. Celebrations will include a global conference in Yaoundé, Cameroon, on September 9 and 10, the award of UNESCO’s International Literacy Prizes, accessible online, and other side events. It will notably shed light on the literacy agenda in Africa in the context of the African Union’s Year of Education. Learn more about the Day’s history and the 2024 edition here.

15 | International Day of Democracy

This year’s theme for the International Day of Democracy is focused on the importance of Artificial Intelligence as a tool for good governance. In his message for the observance, Secretary-General António Guterres notes that AI has the potential to enhance public participation, equality, security, and human development but warns that if “left unchecked” its dangers “could have serious implications for democracy, peace, and stability”.

18 | International Equal Pay Day

The theme for this year’s Equal Pay Day is “Pay for the Future: Solutions to Close the Gender Pay Gap”. The Equal Pay International Coalition, led by ILO, OECD and UN Women, will host a high-level event exploring successful policies, initiatives and tools that reduce the disparity in pay between men and women.  Learn more about the objectives of the event and the Day here.


29 | International Day of Awareness on Food Loss and Waste Reduction

The 5th edition of the International Day of Awareness on Food Loss and Waste Reduction will highlight the critical need for financing to reduce food loss, waste, achieve climate goals and advance the 2030 Agenda, as about 20% of total food production continues to be wasted by consumers. A global virtual event will be convened by FAO and UNEP on 27 September at 1:30pm CEST to mark this fifth observance.  Register for the event and learn more about the Day here.

ACTNOW for our Common Future 

In today’s divided world, the call for peace should echo louder than ever. There are many ways to speak up for peace and everyone can be part of the conversation. Use your voice and words to champion peace. On the road to theSummit of the Future, we are encouraging everyone to #ActNow and speak up to show decision makers that people worldwide are taking a stand for a more peaceful future for all. Learn more on how you can participate and engage your networks in ActNow:bit.ly/SoF-Challenge-NL 


Summit of the Future 

The Summit of the Future, to be held in New York 22-23 September 2024, is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to strengthen the multilateral system to address existing and emerging challenges, improve global governance and accelerate the implementation of existing commitments, including the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.  The Summit will have as its outcome an inter-governmentally agreed Pact for the Future. Stay tuned for more: https://www.un.org/en/summit-of-the-future 

Awake at Night Podcast

Season 8 of the UN’s award-winning podcast is now streaming! Hosted by UN Communications Chief, Melissa Fleming, Awake at Night gives exclusive insights into the inspiring lives of the extraordinary people that make up the United Nations. 

Discover all the episodes here: https://pod.link/1429922419