During the week of 18th to 22nd September, the UN Department of Public Information together with the Office of the President of the UN General Assembly, UN Foundation and the Pvblic Foundation will host the SDG Media Zone—a live broadcast of interviews, panel discussions and other digital content—to engage people all around the world in the important conversations happening at the UN General Assembly. The hashtag will be #SDGLive.

The #SDGLive format of interviews, panel discussions and other digital content, seeks to create, connect, and highlight the initiatives that the global community are working on to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Bringing together well-known personalities and Member States as well as content creators, influencers and media partners, the SDG Media Zone provides a dynamic space to strengthen the commitment of the international community in support of the 2030 Agenda.

Each day, the SDG Media Zone will set the scene for conversations with prominent officials and experts on a broad range of topics including the role of sustainable development in preventing conflict, promoting gender equality, addressing climate change, engaging youth and partnerships.

For more information, programme, live stream, and videos from earlier SDG Media Zones at the UN Headquarters, please visit: un.org/sdgmediazone

Heads of State and Government will be gathering at the UN Headquarters in New York for the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly which opens on 12th September. The General Debate under the theme “Focusing on people: striving for peace and a decent life for all on a sustainable planet” begins on 19th September.