UN MIP information sessions April 2024

As we transitioned to the new contract with Cigna International, we invited all staff and retirees enrolled in UN MIP to join us for an informative session designed to help effectively navigate your health insurance plan. To accommodate your schedule and language preference, we've arranged multiple sessions, ensuring you could participate at your convenience. In case you were not able to join the sessions or wish to review the recordings of the presentation, you will find the information below:

During the sessions, we covered the following important topics and more:

Electronic Membership Cards: Learn about the transition to electronic membership cards and its benefits for you and the environment.

Provider Search Tool: Learn how to use Cigna’s Provider Search Tool to find the ideal healthcare provider for your needs.

Mobile Applications: Explore the features of Cigna’s apps, including the Cigna Health Benefits App for easy claims submission and access to benefits information, and the Cigna Wellbeing App for professional health advice and access to Global Telehealth.

Call-back Functionality: Get familiar with the convenient call-back feature on Cigna’s personal webpages and the Cigna Health Benefits App, enabling you to receive immediate telephonic assistance from a Cigna representative at no cost.

Global Telehealth: Learn about the comprehensive services offered by Cigna’s Global Telehealth, providing support for managing chronic conditions, obtaining referrals, prescriptions, and more, available 24/7 in multiple languages at no additional cost.