UN Palestine Commission – Outstanding Points – Response from United Kingdom

26 March 1948


Communication Received from United Kingdom Delegation

Concerning Outstanding Points

The following communication, requesting an early reply on certain points which are outstanding, has been received from Mr. J. Fletcher-Cooke of the United Kingdom Delegation.


Empire State Building

New York 1, N.Y.


25th March, 1948.

My Dear Ralph,

May I draw your attention to the correspondence noted below, in respect of which I should be grateful for an early indication of the Commission’s views.

(a) My confidential letter of the 22nd March in which I enquired whether the Commission saw any objection to the Government of Palestine approaching the Arab Higher Committee with the suggestion that the Committee might wish to make some preliminary arrangements so as to ensure that those prisoners and criminal lunatics who will be confined in Arab areas after the 15th May will be properly guarded.

(b) My letter of the 18th March in which I asked for your confirmation that there is no misunderstanding “concerning the continuance in service of British officers of the Palestine Administration after the 15th May.”

(c) My confidential letter of the 18th March in which I enquired as to the total strength of the Police Force which the Commission contemplate it will be necessary to have in Jerusalem after the 15th May, so that I can inform the Government of Palestine, who are considering whether they can make any useful suggestions as to the terms of service and status of the Chief of the Jerusalem Police.

(d) My confidential letter of the 18th March in which I enquired whether Commission would agree to make assailable to the International Red Cross Committee the sums necessary in order to finance the continued operation of the hospital at Jerusalem and the two mental hospitals at Bethlehem.

(e) My confidential letter of the 15th March relating to the decision to establish a Clearing Office in Cyprus.

(f) My letter of the 13th February and subsequent correspondence, in which I enquired as to the restrictions which the Commission may find it necessary to impose in Palestine after the 15th May as regards Postal Services. In view of the large amount of mail for Palestine which reaches the United Kingdom from other countries for onward transmission, His Majesty’s Government are particularly anxious to be informed as soon as possible in advance, of any restrictions which the Commission may find it necessary to make.

Yours sincerely

(signed) (J. Fletcher-Cooke)

Document symbol: A/AC.21/UK/87
Download Document Files: https://unispal.un.org/pdfs/AAC21UK87.pdf
Document Type: Communication, Letter
Document Sources: General Assembly, United Nations Palestine Commission (UNPC)
Country: United Kingdom
Subject: Governance, Health, Palestine question, Security issues, Statehood-related
Publication Date: 25/03/1948

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