CDP Theme: Social Issues

Social Issues

Presentation of the CDP report to ECOSOC's 2023 Management Segment and adoption of the ECOSOC resolution on the report
While there are important improvements and positive developments in the VNRs over time, there remains a significant gap between the ambitions of the 2030 agenda and the policies, strategies and actions reported in the VNRs. The deep transformative change that is envisioned in the agenda and required to meet the SDGs is not evident in the VNRs.
Report on the outcome of the 22nd session of the CDP Plenary
Report of the Committee for Development Policy (E/2020/33, Supplement No. 13) عربي, 中文, English, Français, Русский, Español CDP excerpts on the report by theme Accelerated action and transformative pathways: realizing the decade of action and delivery ...
Insights from the CDP on contemporary challenges and opportunities at the intersection between inequalities and leading topics on the global agenda
Development often creates or exacerbates poverty and comes at the expense of environmental integrity, pushing people further behind.  It is particularly important, she stated, to  address the inequalities that create obstacles to the reform of the mechanisms through which people are pushed behind, such as decision-making systems where the most disadvantaged are often unrepresented.
The Report of the Committee for Development Policy (E/2019/33, Supplement No. 13) on its 21st plenary session held from 11 to 15 March 2019 is now available in all six official languages on the CDP website. The report addresses the following themes dis ...
“Can multilateralism survive?” is the theme of an open session organized by the Committee for Development Policy (CDP). The event, taking place during the 21st session of the CDP Plenary from 11-15 March 2019 features four CDP members, Winnie Byanyima, ...
From 23 to 26 October the Secretariat of the Committee for Development Policy (CDP) conducted the Expert Group Meeting (EGM) of the CDP Subgroup on least developed countries (LDCs) in Geneva, Switzerland to (i) discuss issues related to the review of t ...
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