CDP Theme: Climate


Presentation of the CDP report to ECOSOC's 2023 Management Segment and adoption of the ECOSOC resolution on the report
2023 CDP Report, ECOSOC and GA resolutions
Climate change is above all an equity issue
CDP member Mariana Mazzucato gave the keynote address at the opening of the General Assembly’s Second Committee. The way we “do capitalism”, she said, has to be much more goal-oriented and the SDGs need to be put at the center of policy.
Report on the outcome of the 22nd session of the CDP Plenary
A bold multilateral response is required that enables countries to address the immediate health crisis, stem the economic impacts and accelerate SDG implementation
A series of environmental, economic and social crises that overwhelm the capacity of states and communities to respond, adapt and rejuvenate.
Insights from the CDP on contemporary challenges and opportunities at the intersection between inequalities and leading topics on the global agenda
The 22nd Session of the CDP Plenary was held from 24-27 February 2020.
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