CDP Theme: LDCs


Secretary of the Committee for Development Policy (CDP) participated in the Workshop for the WTO LDC Subgroup on LDC graduation, which addressed potential trade-related impacts of the future graduation of Cambodia, Comoros, Djibouti, Senegal and Zambia, countries that have recently started on the path towards graduation. 
The general preliminary conclusion is that the impacts on development cooperation will be relatively small, as most development partners do not rely on whether or not a country is an LDC as a primary determinant of their assistance.
Smooth Transition Strategy (STS) guidance note provides a set of guideline to help graduating and graduated LDCs to write up their STS.
The CDP session on “Supporting sustainable graduation: making graduation irreversible and a steppingstone to achieve the SDGs” will take place on 31 August (11:15 - 13:15 Geneva time)
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Recovery from COVID-19 needs to reframe the development paradigm towards equality, resilience and environmental sustainability
Improving support to graduating LDCs to ensure a smooth transition of utmost importance
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