UN Palestine Commission – Daily News Summary



3 February 1948

(Sources: New York Times, New York Herald Tribune)

Jerusalem, Feb .2 – Abdul Kadir Husseini, Arab Commander, said tonight that his men had been responsible for the bombing of “The Palestine Post” offices, which caused the death of one person and injury to 19 others. Damage to the office, adjoining buildings and stores of the main Jewish business district was reckoned at more than$1,200,000.

“The Palestine Post” this morning published a single-sheet edition from a commercial press and planned to continue publication withoutt missing an edition. (AP and Turner, NY Herald Tribune)

Jerusalem, Feb. 2 – Police reported that casualties for the day were 2 Arabs, 4 Jews, and one British policeman killed, and one Jew dead of wounds received previously. The total of wounded for the day was 11 Arabs, 9 Jews, and one British policeman. (NY Times)

Damascus, Syria, Feb.2 – Haj Amin el-Husseini, exiled Mufti of Jerusalem, arrived here by air from Cairo. He conferred with representatives of the Syrian Government and with Fawzi el-Kawukji, Commander of the Arab League Volunteer Force. (Schmidt, NY Times)

Jerusalem, Feb.2 – According to an underground informant, Irgun Zvai Leumi is preparing en offensive beyond the borders of the proposed Jewish State in Palestine.

It will seek out Arab forces, occupy Arab villages where bases might he maintained and straighten out the boundaries of the proposed State so that some sort of grant can be established.

The underground organization hopes to coordinate its tactics with those of Haganah, the informant said, but because it has long been outlawed by the British authorities, a merger of the forces will probably not take place openly until Britain surrenders the mandate. (Currivan, NY Times)

Jerusalem, Feb.2 – The Stern Gang tonight issued a proclamation threatening the lives of the rulers of Arab States if any pogrom was instituted against Jews living in the States neighboring Palestine. (Reuters, NY Times)


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