UN Palestine Commission – Daily News Summary



9 March 1948

Jerusalem, March 8 – A Jewish source reported tonight that Haganah and Irgun Zvai Leumi have reached an agreement for “coordination of activities” under Haganah’s overall command. The agreement is expected to be ratified on Wednesday by the Jewish Agency Executive, the Vaad dismal, and the Irgun. (NY TIMES and HERALD TRIBUNE)

London, March 8 – In addition to the motion submitted on Wednesday by nine Laborite MP’s, a second group of five members voiced its disapproval of the Government’s Palestine Bill in the following amendment: “That this House, while welcoming the Government’s decision to terminate the Palestine Mandate on 15 May and withdraw all British troops from Palestine, declines to give a second reading to the Palestine Bill while the Government pursues a policy in respect to Palestine which undermines the authority of the United Nations”. (NY TIMES)

Jerusalem, Match 6-7 – The first large contingent of British forces to evacuate Palestine – about 1,000 troops of the Sixth Airborne Division, and 500 policemen and 300 members of their families – embarked at Haifa. (NY TIMES)

Jerusalem, March 6-7 – Fawzi el-Kawuki set up headquarters in a village northeast of Nablus and declared, “Everything is ready. The battle starts when I give the word.” He is reported to have 6,000 to 7,000 volunteers in Palestine, the number of men being trained or waiting in Syria probably does not exceed 3,000. (NY TIMES)

Jerusalem, March 7 – A Haganah source reported that 100 armed Arabs, the first to arrive from Egypt, had crossed Palestine’s southern border and reached Gaza. (NY HERALD TRIBUNE)

Jerusalem, March 7 – A Haganah broadcast charged that 200 members of the British Army and police had joined the Arab forces. This was immediately denied by the British.

A spokesman of the Jewish Agency declared that Haganah claims the right to mobilize United States citizens if they are of military age and reside in Palestine. The United States Consulate said it had made a strong oral protest. (NY TIMES)


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