UNCCP – Procedures for Mixed Committees – Letter to Israel


Letter dated 4 July 1950 addressed by the Chairman of the Conciliation Commission to the Foreign Minister of Israel


With reference to your letter of 8 May 1950, I have the honour to inform Your Excellency that the Governments of Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria have communicated to the Conciliation Commission for Palestine their replies to its Notes of 11 and 30 May, concerning the procedure for mixed committees which the Commission had proposed to the parties in its Memorandum of 29 March.

In their replies, the four Governments maintained the attitude which had been expressed in their name by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Egypt during his meeting in Cairo, on 14 April 1950, with the Chairman of the Commission. The declaration of the Egyptian Foreign Minister is summarized in the Sixth Progress Report addressed by the Commission to the Secretary General of the United Nations on 8 May 1950 and made public in Lake Success Geneva and Jerusalem on 1 June 1950.

In its reply, the Government of the Hashemite Jordan Kingdom stressed its desire not to depart from the policy followed by the other Arab States. In addition, the Jordanian Government referred to measures taken by the Israeli authorities to expel certain Arab tribal populations living in the south of Palestine. The Government of Jordan added that as soon as the Government of Israel showed signs of good will, Jordan would not fail to re-examine the situation, on the basis that the rights of the Arabs would be protected and the wishes of the Arab States duly taken into consideration.

I have the honour to be, Sir,

Your obedient Servant,

Claude de Boisanger,


Document symbol: A/AC.25/IS.54
Download Document Files: https://unispal.un.org/pdfs/AAC25IS54.pdf https://unispal.un.org/pdfs/AAC25IS54f.pdf
Document Type: French text, Letter
Document Sources: United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine (UNCCP)
Country: Israel
Subject: Palestine question
Publication Date: 04/07/1950

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