UNCCP – 25th progress report

Twenty-second session



(for the period from 1 October 1966 to 30 September 1967)

[Note by the Secretary-General: The following report of the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine has been transmitted by the Chairman of the Commission to the Members of the United Nations, in accordance with paragraph 6 of General Assembly resolution 512 (VI) of 26 January 1952 and pursuant to paragraph 8 of resolution 2154 (XXI) of 17 November 1966.]

1.    Following the adoption by the General Assembly, on 17 November 1966, of resolution 2154 (XXI), the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine gave continuing and serious attention to how it might best fulfill the Assembly's mandate on the Palestine refugee problem, and in particular to paragraph 8 of the resolution which called upon the Commission to "intensify its efforts for the implementation of paragraph 11 of resolution 194 (III) and to report thereon as appropriate and not later than 1 October 1967".

2.    The Commission has continued to examine various ways in which it might be possible to intensify its efforts with any prospects of advancing matters towards the implementation of paragraph 11 of resolution 194 (III).  As it concluded and reported on 30 September 1966,1/ all of the ways envisaged presupposed substantial changes in the situation.  Upon reviewing prospects after the adoption of resolution 2154 (XXI), the Commission was unable to discern evidence of any such changes.  The developments which have taken place since June of this year have served to further complicate an already very complex problem.

3.    As it reported last year, the Commission extended the duration of its technical programme until 30 September 1966, at the official request of the representatives of the host countries.  On that date the Technical Representative concluded his activities.  Since the termination of the programme only a very few inquiries have been received from individual refugees, some representing the continuation of correspondence begun while the technical programme was still operating.

4.    In late May the former Technical Representative Mr. Frank E. Jarvis, returned to New York and dealt with these inquiries.  During his stay he attended two meetings of the Commission and offered his advice and assistance to the members.  The Commission once again wishes to thank Mr. Jarvis for his services.

5.   During the past year much attention has been given to the question of utilization of the materials collected during the course of the technical programme.  The Commission has not taken a decision on this matter and its continuing its consideration of it.


1/    Official Records of the General Assembly, Twenty-first Session, Annexes, agenda item 32, document A/6451.


Document symbol: A/6846
Document Type: Note, Report
Document Sources: General Assembly, United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine (UNCCP)
Subject: Palestine question, Refugees and displaced persons
Publication Date: 30/09/1967

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