UN Palestine Commission – Daily News Summary



4 February 1948

(Sources: New York Times and New York Herald Tribune)

Jerusalem, Feb. 3 – Three British constables, six Arabs and five Jews were killed today in shooting incidents throughout Palestine. The unofficial death toll since the November 29th decision of the General Assembly to partition Palestine rose to 1,043.

Arabs attempted to blow open Jerusalem’s Central Prison tonight with bombs and gunfire. They freed two convicts, one of whom vas serving a life term. (A.P. Herald Tribune)

Damascus, Syria, Feb. 3 – Naj Amin el-Husseini, exiled Mufti of Jerusalem, spent several hours tonight with President Shukri al-Kuwatly and called earlier on Premier Jamil Mardam Bay. Some quarters speculated that the Mufti’s visit here was in connection with his recent proposal that he form a “government” for Palestine, which had been received coolly in Syria. (N.Y. Times)

London. Feb. 3 – War Secretary Emanuel Shinwell told the House of Commons today that British troops in Palestine will probably be reinforced despite the approaching end of the Mandate. A shipment of reinforcements for the Middle East had sailed from England and some troops will probably be sent to Palestine he said. (U.P., N.Y. Times)


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