Status of Arab Refugee Congress in negotiations – UNCCP – Letter to Arab Refugee Congress


Letter dated 25 June 1949 addressed

by the Principal Secretary of the Conciliation Commission

to Mr. Nassib Bulos, Delegation Secretary,

Arab Refugee Congress

Dear Mr. Bulos,

After careful consideration of your letter of June 13, the Conciliation Commission has decided to confirm its previous decision as regards the relation between the Commission and your organization.

While the Commission will always be most willing to receive and take into serious consideration any request or information communicated to it by your organization, it has not been considered possible to keep you officially and formally informed of the course of the negotiations which the Commission might have found it appropriate to engage upon in their regard.

On the other hand, the Commission has instructed me again to give you verbally and informally all available information that would concern your organization.

Yours faithfully,

P. de Azcarate

Principal Secretary


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