Jerusalem/Cultural heritage – UNESCO decisions (excerpts)

United Nations Educational,

Scientific and Cultural Organization

Executive Board


Hundred and sixty-fourth session

164 EX/Decisions

PARIS, 21 June 2002



(Paris, 21-30 May 2002)


Jerusalem and the implementation of 162 EX/Decision 3.5.3 (164 EX/20 and Add. and 164 EX/51)


The Executive Board,

1. Having examined document 164 EX/20 and Add.,

2. Reaffirms all its previous decisions concerning Jerusalem;

3. Requests the Director-General to continue his efforts to implement those decisions;

4. Invites the Director-General to report to it on this subject at its 165th session.

(164 EX/SR.8)



Jerusalem and the implementation of 161 EX/Decision 3.4.2 (164 EX/16 and 162 EX/54)

The Executive Board,

1. Recalling 30 C/Resolution 28 and 161 EX/Decision 3.4.2, as well as the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and its Additional Protocols, of the Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (The Hague, 1954) and its Protocol, and of the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972), the inscription of the Old City of Jerusalem on the World Heritage List and on the List of World Heritage in Danger, the UNESCO recommendations, resolutions and decisions on the protection of the cultural heritage and the relevant United Nations Security Council and General Assembly resolutions and decisions on the status of Jerusalem,

2. Taking note of document 162 EX/16 concerning Jerusalem and drawing attention to the obstacles to the implementation of 161 EX/Decision 3.4.2,

3. Concerned at the damage duly ascertained by experts of international repute, which has affected and threatens the balance of the Holy City,

4. Profoundly concerned at actions that endanger the heritage of that city and its cultural, architectural, historical and demographic components,

5. Appreciates the appeal by the Director-General at the opening of the 162nd session of the Executive Board for recognition of the importance of Jerusalem as a symbol of humankind's common heritage;

6. Thanks the Director-General for his praiseworthy and unceasing efforts for the preservation of the cultural and historic property of the Old City of Jerusalem, and requests him to continue his efforts to safeguard the overall balance of the site, and to endeavour to ensure the application by the occupying power of all decisions and resolutions concerning Jerusalem as regards the totality of its cultural, architectural, historical and demographic components as well as restoration work;

7. Thanks the States, organizations, institutions and individuals that have made fmancial contributions to the Special Account for the Safeguarding of the Cultural Heritage of the City of Jerusalem, and in particular the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for its generous contribution;

8. Reaffirms its regret that the Israeli authorities continue to obstruct the mission to Jerusalem with which Professor Oleg Grabar has been entrusted and that, as a result of this obstruction, he has not been able to submit his report to the Executive Board at its 162nd session, and invites the Director-General to continue his efforts with a view to securing the implementation by the Israeli authorities of 30 C/Resolution 28 so as to enable Professor Grabar to carry out his mission to Jerusalem and to submit his report at the 164th session of the Board; and firmly demands that the Israeli authorities take all necessary measures to facilitate the satisfactory accomplishment of this mission;

9. Reguests governmental and non-governmental organizations and institutions to observe UNESCO General Conference resolutions and Executive Board decisions relating to Jerusalem, and not to allow any measures to be taken which contravene them;

10. Decides to include this item in the agenda of its 164th session.

(162 EX/SR.7)



The reconstruction and rehabilitation of Palestinian educational and cultural systems

The Executive Board,

1. Having heard the introduction by the Director-General, in addition to the debate on the report by the Director-General on the execution of the programme adopted by the General Conference,

2. Recalling the provisions of the F ourth Geneva Convention (1949) and its Additional Protocols, the provisions of the Hague Convention and Protocol for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (1954), the Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property (1970), and the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972),

3. Recalling also 162 EX/Decision 3.5.1 on protection of the cultural heritage: acts constituting "a crime against the common heritage of humanity",

4. Recalling further all the resolutions of the United Nations relating to the conflict, particularly Security Council resolutions 1397, 1402 and 1403 and General Assembly resolution 53/27 on the Bethlehem 2000 project,

5. Expresses its unreserved approval to the Director-General for the efforts he is contemplating, within UNESCO's mandate, with a view to the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Palestinian institutions, infrastructures and facilities in the fields of education, culture and communication which were destroyed or damaged wholly or in part following the reoccupation by Israeli troops of Palestinian cities;

6. Deplores the destruction and damage caused to the cultural heritage and to institutions and infrastructures, radio and television facilities, and premises appertaining to the Palestinian education system;

7. Supports the initiatives of the Director-General aimed at the prompt dispatch of a UNESCO intersectoral mission to assess reconstruction needs in Palestine in the Organization's various fields of competence; at strengthening UNESCO's activity under the agreement signed between the Organization and the Palestinian Authority; and at calling an information meeting of all permanent delegates devoted entirely to matters of reconstruction and reconciliation in the Near East;

8. Endorses the Director-General's proposal to allocate, as a confidence-building measure in the region, the sum of $1,135,000 for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of damaged Palestinian educational and cultural systems and of the cultural heritage, from the unspent balance orthe preceding biennium;

9. Invites the Director-General:

(a) to pursue and develop the preparation of projects intended for the reconstruction, rehabilitation and re-establishment of the educational, cultural and information systems in Palestine with a view to enabling UNESCO to take an active part in restoring peace in the region and building relations of trust;

(b) to pursue and intensify his efforts to secure the contribution of the international community to the special fund he intends to establish to finance priority activities in Palestine;

10. Calls upon States, organizations and institutions, and upon individuals, to contribute generously to the special fund;

11. Requests the Director-General to report to it on the implementation of this decision at its next session.

(164 EX/SR.9)



Application of 162 EX/Decision 9.2 concerning educational and cultural institutions in the

occupied Arab territories (164 EX/43 and 164 EX/43 Rev. and Rev. Corr. and 164 EX/51)


The Executive Board,

1. Considering that documents 164 EX/43 and 164 EX/43 Rev. were not submitted within the statutory time limit,

2. Reaffirms all its previous decisions concerning educational and cultural institutions in the occupied Arab territories;

3. Requests the Director-General to pursue his efforts to implement these decisions;

4. Postpones consideration of this  item to its 165th session;

5. Invites the Director-General to report further to it on this subject at its 165th session.

(164 EX/SR.8)



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