Jordanian Premier and IAEA head on Palestinian-Israeli conflict – 2008 World Economic Forum on the Middle East (Sharm el Sheikh) – WEF session summary/Non-UN document

Resolving Palestinian conflict key to Middle East stability 

A settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is crucial for Middle East security was the message from the region’s leaders at a World Economic Forum on the Middle East plenary session. “This is very important for Jordan and the whole region,” said Nader Al Dahabi, Jordan’s premier. “The Palestinian issue is core,” agreed Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the IAEA. He added that the region needed to improve the quality of life through home-grown reforms for there to be lasting stability: “Poverty to me is the most powerful weapon of mass destruction.”

Document Type: Summary
Document Sources: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), World Economic Forum
Country: Jordan
Subject: Palestine question, Peace proposals and efforts
Publication Date: 19/05/2008

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