Emergency Appeal for Northern Lebanon – UNRWA – Final report

Emergency Appeal
for Northern Lebanon
1 September 2007 – 31 August 2008

Table of Contents


List of Acronyms

1. Introduction  

2. Sectoral Responses  

2.1 Relief and Social Services

2.2 Health

2.3 Shelter

2.4 Water and Sanitation (WATSAN)

2.5 Education

2.6 Protection

2.7 Early Recovery

a. Livelihood Support

b. Recovery and Reconstruction Needs Assessment

c. Rubble Removal

d. Electricity

2.8 Emergency and Recovery Capacity

a. Relief, Recovery and Reconstruction Management Unit

b. Coordination, Security and Support

3. Financial Summary  


This Final Report summarises the activities carried out by the United
Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near
East (UNRWA) that were funded under the Emergency Appeal for
Northern Lebanon (September 2007-August 2008). This appeal was
launched in response to the major humanitarian crisis that occurred in
Nahr el-Bared Palestine refugee camp (NBC) during the summer 2007.
On 20 May 2007, fierce fighting between the Lebanese Armed Forces
(LAF) and the radical group Fatah Al-Islam (who were using the camp
as a base) erupted in NBC, 20km north of the city of Tripoli. The conflict
quickly turned into a three month siege of the camp that forced the
refugee inhabitants of NBC and its adjacent areas to flee to safety, most
taking refuge in Beddawi camp near Tripoli. Initial estimates indicated
that around 31,000 Palestine refugees (5,449 families) were displaced
as a result of the massive artillery and aerial bombing campaign. The
figures were later revised to 27,000 refugees or 5,553 families who
were affected by the crisis. Among them, 1,264 refugees were able to
return to the adjacent areas after October 2007, but remained in need
of humanitarian support.

The conflict left the camp in ruins and schools, health clinics and relief
services offices in the UNRWA compound were also destroyed, as were
many residential and commercial properties owned by both Lebanese
and Palestinians in the adjacent areas located outside of the official
camp boundaries.  While the fighting was still raging, a large-scale humanitarian
emergency operation was organised to support the thousands of
refugees fleeing the camp. UNRWA was the lead agency for these
operations with coordinated support from the UN Resident Coordinator,
the UN Country Team, the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement as
well as local and international NGOs.


For full report, please see the attached Document.


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