Saudi Arabia pays $1.8 million to UNRWA – UNRWA press release



Press Release No. J/03/2004

13 May 2004


Saudi Arabia pays $1.8 million to UNRWA

Amman – The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has today handed over to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) a contribution of $1.8 million for the Agency’s regular budget for 2004.

In a ceremony held this morning at the Saudi Embassy in Amman, Deputy Commissioner-General of UNRWA Ms. Karen Koning AbuZayd received from the Saudi Ambassador in Amman H. E. Mr. Abdul Rahman Naser Al-Ohaly two cheques for the amount; one for $1.2 million and the other for $600,000.

The amount of $1.2 million represents Saudi Arabia’s regular contribution to UNRWA. The remaining amount represents part of a $2.4-million additional contribution announced by Saudi Arabia in 2000 to be paid to UNRWA over four years.

Since 1994, Saudi Arabia has contributed generously to Agency projects, particularly under the Saudi Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People under which UNRWA received $44 million in funding for projects implemented by the Agency in the Palestinian territories.

Receiving the two cheques from the Saudi Ambassador, Ms. AbuZayd expressed UNRWA’s deepest appreciation of the continued generous support provided by the Kingdom to UNRWA, on behalf of more than four million Palestine refugees in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, the West Bank and Gaza Strip.


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