Jerusalem/Statute for the city – Referral to the General Assembly – Trusteeship Council resolution

  34 (II). Question of the statute for the City of Jerusalem

Whereas the General Assembly by its resolution of 29 November 1947 requested the Trusteeship Council to elaborate and approve a detailed Statute for the City of Jerusalem within five months of the date of passage, that is to say, by 29 April 1948,

The Trusteeship Council,

Taking note of the resolutions adopted by the Security Council concerning the future government of Palestine dated 5 March 1948, and the convocation of the special session of the General Assembly for the purpose of considering further the future government of Palestine,

Transmits to the General Assembly for its information, together with a copy of the draft Statute for the City of Jerusalem (T/118/Rev.2 8/), the following resolution adopted by the Trusteeship Council on 10 March 1948:

The Trusteeship Council,

"Having been directed by the General Assembly, in accordance with Section C of Part III of the Plan of Partition with Economic Union (A/516), to elaborate and approve a detailed Statute for the City of Jerusalem within five months from the adoption by the General Assembly of its resolution on the future government of Palestine; and

"Having completed its discussion on the draft Statute,

"Decides that the Statute is now in satisfactory form and agrees that the question of its formal approval, together with the appointment of a governor of the City, shall be taken up at a subsequent meeting to be held not later than one week before 29 April 1948;" and

Refers the matter to the General Assembly for such further instructions as the General Assembly may see fit to give.

                                                                  Thirty-six meeting,

                                                                     21 April 1948


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