CEIRPP – German Democratic Republic statement

Statement made by the representative of the German Democratic Republic at the 15th meeting of the Committee on 11 May 1976*

My delegation would also like to associate itself with the representatives who have thanked the Rapporteur for the work he has done. As far as this document is concerned, my delegation has some doubts about certain of the formulations, especially those concerning the International Court.  However, at stage my delegation could agree with the report that has been submitted, since we want to reach a consensus. We base this position on the following considerations. Permit me to state once again certain questions of principle to which my delegation adheres.

On 20 November 1975 the General Assembly at its thirtieth session adopted resolution 3376 (XXX), setting up our Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People.  Subsequently the Security Council several times had to take up the situation in the Middle East, including the question of Palestine. The situation in the occupied Arab territories shows that the Government of Israel is still not ready to make a sober and realistic assessment of the results of its cynical Zionist policy and to recognize the relevant decisions of the Security Council and the General Assembly, thus making a contribution to the attainment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East.

The delegation of the German Democratic Republic in its first statement in this Committee, on 26 February of this year, stated that the question of Palestine was an important key question for the solution of the Middle East conflict and that a consistent political settlement of the Middle East conflict would be impossible unless the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people could be exercised, including its right to set up its own State.  In the same way, we are firmly convinced that the comprehensive exercise of the lawful rights of the Palestinian people is inconceivable without a political solution of the Middle East conflict.  The just cause of the Arab people of Palestine cannot be separated from the question of refugees. It has become generally accepted that we are dealing here with the fundamental questions of peace in the Middle East.  Thus it is essential to avoid anything which might create a danger of the question of the lawful rights of the Palestinian people and their implementation being reduced to a question of refugees.

On 4 May of this year the Government of the German Democratic Republic made a statement on the Middle East situation. In that document my Government notes that the statement of the Soviet Union of 28 April on the Middle East situation is an outstanding and constructive initiative in the interest of strengthening comprehensive peace and international security which, creates a. new and purposeful impetus in the struggle for the elimination of the dangerous hotbed of war in the Middle East. In its statement the Government of the German Democratic Republic says the following:

"The Government of the German Democratic Republic shares the grave concern caused by the serious deterioration in the Middle East situation, which is a potential threat not only for that part of the world but also for the international situation as a whole. This situation has arisen as a result of the stubborn refusal of Israel to clear out of the Arab territories occupied in 1967 and to recognize the inalienable rights of the Arab people of Palestine. Thereby Israel is blocking a full and just solution of the Middle East conflict. The ruling circles in Israel are able to take this position only because they received broad political, military and financial support from influential imperialist circles. Every day it becomes more evident that the policy of separate partial steps has proved unfruitful for settling the Middle East problem.  It has further complicated the situation and weakened the position of the progressive national Arab forces and their unity.

"The Government of the German Democratic Republic confirms its position. It believes that a consistent and comprehensive settlement of the Middle East problem requires that the following organically related questions be dealt with on the basis of the past resolutions of the Security Council and the General Assembly:  first, the withdrawal of Israeli troops from all the Arab territories occupied in 1967; secondly, satisfaction of the lawful national demands of the Arab people of Palestine, including its inalienable right to set up its own State-thirdly, the establishment of international guarantees of the safety and inviolability of the frontiers of all States of the Middle East and their right to independent existence and development.

"The Government of the German Democratic Republic believes that the Geneva Peace Conference on the Middle East provides suitable international machinery for a just and stable settlement of the Middle East conflict. The Conference must resume its work speedily, with the participation of all the parties directly concerned.  Of course, the Palestine Liberation Organization, as the only lawful representative of the Arab people of Palestine, must be represented from the outset.

"True to the principles of its socialist foreign policy, the German Democratic Republic will continue to stand at the side of the Arab peoples." That is the statement of my Government of 4 May this year.  In this spirit the delegation of the German Democratic Republic will continue its work in our Committee.

* Distributed in accordance with a decision of the Committee.  English text based on the interpretation from the Russian.



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