Invitation to Member States and IGOs to participate in work of CEIRPP – Note by the Chairman, SecGen letter


1.  At a meeting held on 26 January 1977, the Committee authorized the Chairman to request the Secretary-General to renew his invitation of 4 March 1976 to all States Members of the United Nations, permanent observers to the United Nations and intergovernmental regional organizations to participate in the work of the Committee as observers or to transmit to it, orally or in writing, any suggestions or proposals which they consider useful for the Committee's activities.  The Chairman was also authorized to request the Secretary-General to emphasize once more the particular importance of participation in the Committee's work by all the parties to the Middle East conflict and by the members of the Security Council, especially its permanent members.

2.  In compliance with that request, conveyed to him by the Chairman's letter dated 27 January 1977, the Secretary-General, on 4 February 1977, addressed a note verbale to those States and organizations which were not already participating in the work of the Committee as members or observers.

3.  In accordance with a decision taken by the Committee, the Chairman's letter and the Secretary-General's note verbale are annexed below.  Replies to the Secretary-General's note will be issued in an addendum to the present document.


Letter dated 27 January 1977 from the Chairman

of the Committee to the Secretary-General

I have the honour to inform you that at its meeting of 26 January 1977, the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People requested me, in my capacity as Chairman, to ask you to renew the communication you addressed on 4March 1976 to States Members of the United Nations and members of the specialized agencies, as well as to intergovernmental regional organizations, inviting them to participate in the work of the Committee as observers or to transmit to it, orally or in writing, any suggestions or proposals which they consider useful for the Committee's activities.

The Committee has also authorized me to ask you to emphasize once more the particular importance of participation in the Committee's work by all the parties to the Middle East conflict and by the States members of the Security Council, especially its permanent members.

(Signed) Medoune FALL

Chairman of the Committee

on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights

of the Palestinian People


Note verbale dated 6 February 1977 from the Secretary-General

to Member States and organizations

The Secretary-General of the United Nations presents his compliments to ………………………………and has the honour to transmit to him herewith the text of a letter dated 27 January 1977 from the Chairman of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People.

The Secretary-General wishes to draw the attention of States which are Members of the United Nations or members of specialized agencies but not members of the Committee, as well as of intergovernmental regional organizations, to the requests submitted by the Chairman on behalf of the Committee, in particular with regard to the importance the Committee attaches to participation in its work by all the parties to the Middle East conflict and by the States members of the Security Council, especially its permanent members.



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