CEIRPP meeting – Summary record




Held at Headquarters, New York, on Friday,

27 November 1987, at 10.30 a.m.

Chairman:  Mr. SARRE (Senegal)


Adoption of the agenda

Consideration of draft resolution D on the question of Palestine

Other matters


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                   The meeting was called to order at 11.10 a.m.


1.   The agenda was adopted.


2.   The CHAIRMAN drew attention to the revised text of draft resolution D on the question of Palestine, which was the outcome of consultations held between a number of delegations.

3.   Mr. BURAYZAT (Observer for Jordan) said that his delegation attached particular importance to draft resolution D and hoped that the agreement reached on it would be maintained and broadened further.  He proposed that the Committee should adopt the draft resolution paragraph by paragraph.

4.   Mr. TERZI (Observer, Palestine Liberation Organization) said that there were a number of discrepancies between the Arabic and the English texts of draft resolution D.  The references to the Conference in paragraphs 2 and 4 of the Arabic text were not as specific as those in the English text.  Accordingly, the Arabic text should be revised in order to convey exactly what was stated in the English text.

5.   The CHAIRMAN said that Committee attached great importance to draft resolution D, which was the key to all the draft resolutions adopted on agenda item 38.  In that connection, he stressed the need to reach agreement on a text which could be adopted by the largest number of votes.  If he heard no objection, he took it that the Committee wished to adopt draft resolution D paragraph by paragraph, as had been proposed by the representative of Jordan.

6.   It was so decided.

Paragraphs (a) to (d)

7.   Paragraphs (a) to (d) were adopted.

Paragraph (e)

8.   Mr. GLAIEL (Observer for the Syrian Arab Republic) said that, in accordance with the previous year's resolution, the word "negative" should be inserted before the word "attitude".

9.   The CHAIRMAN recalled that it had been decided not to include the word

"negative" in paragraph (e).  Since the introductory phrase "Expressing its regret" conveyed that idea, it had been felt that it was not necessary to describe the attitude of some Member States in that regard.

10.  Mr. IRTEMCELIK (Turkey), Mr. ABOUL-GHEIT (Observer for Egypt) and Mr. KARRAN (Guyana) agreed that there was no need for the word "negative" in that paragraph.

11.  Mr. GLAIEL (Observer for the Syrian Arab Republic) said that his delegation would prefer either the insertion of the word "negative" or a specific reference to the United States and Israel as the Member States in question.  His delegation, however, would not insist on that proposal.

12.  Paragraph (e) was adopted.

Paragraph (f)

13.  Paragraph (f) was adopted.

Paragraph (g)

14.  Mr. BURAYZAT (Observer for Jordan) said that paragraph (g) did not faithfully reflect the contents of the Final Declaration issued by the Extraordinary Arab Summit Conference held at Amman.  He therefore proposed that the remainder of paragraph (g) after the word "which" should be replaced by the following clause: "the Arab leaders, inter alia, supported the convening of an international peace conference on the Middle East on the basis of all relevant United Nations resolutions and in accordance with international legality,".

15.  Mr. TERZI (Observer, Palestine Liberation Organization) said that he was surprised that the representative of Jordan, in quoting the Final Declaration, had omitted the phrase "under the auspices of the United Nations and with the participation, on an equal footing, of all parties concerned, including the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian Arab people, and the permanent members of the Security Council".

16.  Accordingly, he proposed that the remainder of paragraph (g), after the word "which", should be replaced by the first sentence of the seventh paragraph of the Final Declaration (A/42/779-S/19274).  That would make it quite clear that the Arab States were united in the belief that such a conference was the only means of settling the Arab-Israeli conflict in a peaceful, just and comprehensive manner and that the conference should be held under the auspices of the United Nations and with the participation of the PLO on an equal footing.  Lastly, he felt that the English translation of the original Arabic text of the Final Declaration was inaccurate and should be reviewed.

17.  Mr. BURAYZAT (Observer for Jordan) said that he could support the proposal made by the Observer for the PLO.  However, since the question of representation at the conference was dealt with in paragraph 4 of the draft resolution, his delegation had not felt it necessary to include such a reference in the preambular part of the draft resolution.  The purpose of paragraph (g) had only been to specify the basis on which the International Peace Conference would be convened.

18.  Mr. BORG OLIVIER ((Malta), Rapporteur, suggested that the beginning of paragraph (g) might be amended to read:  "Taking note of the resolutions as well as the Final Declaration issued by the Amman Extraordinary Arab Summit Conference, held from 8-11 November 1987, reflecting, inter alia, the conclusion of the Arab leaders that", the rest of the paragraph remaining unchanged.

19.  Mr. TERZI (Observer, Palestine Liberation Organization) said that the English version of the Final Declaration must be revised to make it a faithful rendering of the Arabic text.

20.  Mr. BURAYZAT (Observer for Jordan) said he supported the wording proposed by the Rapporteur, which satisfied the concerns of the Observer for the PLO and reflected the Final Declaration.

21.  He doubted whether the translators had any reason to mistranslate intentionally texts given to them in Arabic.  The English version reflected the sense of the Arabic, and he thanked the translators for their efforts.

22.  Mr. TERZI (Observer, Palestine Liberation Organization), read aloud paragraph (g) in Arabic and said that it varied from the English text of document A/42/779-S/19274.  As the passage was taken from a statement by the Arab leaders, the official text must be the Arabic one.

23.  The CHAIRMAN said that the two main points were the convening of an international conference and the participation of the PLO.  He requested the Rapporteur to attempt to unify all ideas, taking into account the comments made by the Observer for the PLO and the representative of Jordan.

24.  Mr. BORG OLIVIER (Malta), Rapporteur, read out preambular paragraph (g),

incorporating the suggestions made during the debate.  He suggested that in the excerpt from the seventh paragraph of the Final Declaration (A/42/779-S/19274), the words "on an equal footing" should come after the words "Palestinian Arab people", thus conforming to the original Arabic text, subject to final checking with the appropriate translation services.

25.  Paragraph (g), as amended, was adopted.

Paragraph (h)

26.  Mr. BURAYZAT (Observer for Jordan) suggested the insertion in paragraph (h) after the word "relevant", of the words "United Nations", and that the phrase "through the just solution of the question of Palestine" could be deleted, as in General Assembly resolution 41/43 D.

27.  Mr. TERZI (Observer, Palestine Liberation Organization) said that as the

question of Palestine was the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict, it would not be appropriate to delete that phrase.

28.  Mr. GLAIEL (Observer for the Syrian Arab Republic) asked whether paragraph (h) was meant to replace the last four preambular paragraphs in resolution 41/43 D.

29.  The CHAIRMAN replied that paragraph (h) could indeed replace those paragraphs.  There was no need for repetition, and new developments must be taken into consideration.  The draft resolution focused on the emerging international consensus.

30.  Mr. GLAIEL (Observer for the Syrian Arab Republic) agreed that the last two preambular paragraphs of resolution 41/43 D were in fact reflected in paragraph (h) of the draft resolution.  But it would not be a useless repetition to include its seventh and eighth preambular paragraphs.

31.  Mr. OUDOVENKO (Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic) said that his delegation supported paragraph (h) as it stood, and agreed with the Chairman that it reflected new developments in connection with convening an international conference under the auspices of the United Nations.

32.  With regard to the third line of paragraph (h), it might be possible to amend the wording to read "and in conformity with its relevant resolutions".

33.  Mr. BURAYZAT (Observer for Jordan) proposed the following amended version of paragraph (h):  "Taking note with satisfaction of the growing international consensus for the achievement of a just and comprehensive settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict, including the just solution of the question of Palestine, through the convening of an international peace conference under the auspices of the United Nations and in conformity with its relevant resolutions."

34.  Mr. KARRAN (Guyana) said that an international consensus had indeed been emerging on the convening of an international peace conference, and that idea was reflected in paragraph (h), whose wording should therefore remain unchanged.  He endorsed the suggestion made by the representative of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, which would probably help to resolve some of the problems raised by the Observer for the Syrian Arab Republic.

35.  Mr. FASEHUN (Nigeria) said his delegation agreed with the remarks made by the representative of Guyana.  Changes in paragraph (h) would only detract from the emerging international consensus regarding the convening of an international conference on the Middle East.  Furthermore, if paragraph (h) was amended as suggested by the Observer for Jordan, it would no longer be in harmony with paragraph 2.  Changing the last phrase of paragraph (h) from "through the just solution of the question of Palestine" to read "including the just solution of the question of Palestine" would make that question a peripheral one, whereas in reality it was the core of the problem.

36.  The CHAIRMAN said that if the seventh and eighth preambular paragraphs from resolution 41/43 D were to be included in the draft resolution, as the Observer for the Syrian Arab Republic had suggested, it would dilute the main idea of the paragraph and make the text more unwieldy.  It would be better to save the two paragraphs for the resolution on the Middle East conflict as a whole.  Bearing in mind the comments made by the representatives of the Ukrainian SSR and Nigeria, it might be useful to add, at the end of paragraph (h), the words "which was the core of the conflict".

37.  Mr. BURAYZAT (Observer for Jordan) said that he could not accept the wording of paragraph (h) as it stood.  He agreed with the Observer for the Syrian Arab Republic that reference should be made to the fact that the situation in the Middle East threatened world peace and security, as indicated in the eighth preambular paragraph of resolution 41/43 D.  Either the phrase "through the just solution of the question of Palestine" should be deleted or the notion of a just solution to the question of Palestine should be placed earlier in the paragraph, as in resolution 41/43 D.

38.  Mr. BORG OLIVIER (Malta), Rapporteur, said that there was general agreement that the growing consensus on convening an international conference on the Middle East should be reflected in paragraph (h) and he therefore suggested that the phrase in that paragraph reading "through the just solution of the question of Palestine" be replaced by "including in particular the question of Palestine, in a peaceful, just and comprehensive manner".

39.  Mr. GLAIEL (Observer for the Syrian Arab Republic) said that he had received no reply to his suggestion to include the seventh and eighth preambular paragraphs of resolution 41/43 D.

40.  The CHAIRMAN said that he had not ignored the comments made by the Observer for the Syrian Arab Republic and suggested that those paragraphs could be included in the draft resolution to be submitted under the item "The situation in the Middle East".

 41.  Mr. HAMMAD (Observer for the United Arab Emirates) said that the substance of the seventh and eighth preambular paragraphs could be combined into a single paragraph.

42.  Mr. TERZI (Observer, Palestine Liberation Organization) said that the wording under review was of key interest to him.  He agreed with the wording proposed by the Rapporteur, but objected to any further qualifications.

43.  Mr. GLAIEL (Observer for the Syrian Arab Republic) said that he feared lest the eighth paragraph be used by certain delegations for procedural purposes.  For that reason, he insisted only on the inclusion of the seventh paragraph.

44.  Mr. KARRAN (Guyana) agreed that only the seventh paragraph should be retained.

45.  The CHAIRMAN suggested that paragraph (h) should be amended so as to incorporate the seventh preambular paragraph of General Assembly resolution 41/43 D.

46.  It was so decided.

47.  Paragraph (h), as amended, was adopted.

Paragraphs 1 to 3

48.  Paragraphs 1 to 3 were adopted.

Paragraph 4

49.  Mr. BURAYZAT (Observer for Jordan) said that paragraph 4 should be brought into line with paragraph (g) by the inclusion of the entire relevant paragraph of the  Final Declaration of the Amman Summit Conference.

50.  Mr. TERZI (Observer, Palestine Liberation Organization) said that he saw no reason why questions might be raised.  In paragraph 4, the Committee was simply reaffirming a General Assembly resolution which had been adopted almost unanimously.  The Secretary-General's reports were unclear as to the guidelines and the participation of the group representing the Palestinians, as referred to in General Assembly resolution 38/58 C.  The parties to the Arab-Israeli conflict were Israel, Jordan, the Syrian Arab Republic, Lebanon, Egypt and the PLO.  He questioned the need to refer to the Amman Summit Conference.  That Conference had been faithful to the position taken by Arab leaders to support United Nations efforts to convene the peace conference.

51.  Mr. BURAYZAT (Observer for Jordan) said that the paragraph was unacceptable to Jordan, as it was not in harmony with what the 20 Arab leaders, including the Chairman of the PLO, had agreed on in Amman.  The call for the convening of the international peace conference must be in conformity with the general Arab consensus, without which there would be no conference.  It was not a matter of politics or semantics.  If the paragraph did not reflect in letter and in spirit what had been approved in Amman, Jordan would not support it.  He appealed to the Committee to respect the efforts made by the 20 Arab leaders and to make a concerted effort, so that the draft resolution would be acceptable.

52.  The CHAIRMAN suggested that the rest of the sentence after the word "therein" should be deleted.  The essential point was the adherence to General Assembly resolution 38/58 C, which was the basic text.

53.  Mr. PHAM QUANG ZINH (Observer for Viet Nam) proposed that the following phrase should be added after the word "guidelines":  "and the participation of all the parties concerned, including the Palestine Liberation Organization, on an equal footing and with equal rights, as determined therein".  The rest of the sentence should be deleted.

54.  Mr. BURAYZAT (Observer for Jordan) said that the proposal of Viet Nam was unacceptable.  The Chairman's suggestion reflected the spirit of the Committee, and could be the basis for reaching consensus.  Jordan wished to make one consistent, serious, meaningful call for the international conference.

55.  Mr. TERZI (Observer, Palestine Liberation Organization) said that it would be useful to know whether the Chairman had referred to "a" peace conference or "the" peace conference.  He affirmed that there was only one basis for the international peace conference, which was resolution 38/58 C.  The PLO was proud that the Amman Summit Conference had supported that view.

56.  The CHAIRMAN said that he had referred to "the" international peace conference.  General Assembly resolution 38/58 C contained all the relevant elements of a peace plan.  Reference to it in the draft resolution under consideration indicated that the Committee fully endorsed it.  He believed that his suggestion for amending paragraph 4 would be satisfactory to all delegations.

57.  Mr. GLAIEL (Observer for the Syrian Arab Republic) said that he supported the Chairman's suggestion.

58.  Mr. ABOUL-GHEIT (Observer for Egypt) proposed that the following phrase should be added after the words "resolution 38/58 C":  "as well as the final declaration of the Arab Summit Conference in Amman concerning the participation, on an equal footing, of all the parties concerned, including the Palestine Liberation Organization".

59.  The CHAIRMAN suggested that, as a compromise, the following phrase should be added after the word "guidelines":  "and the participation determined therein". The rest of the sentence should be deleted.

60.  Mr. BURAYZAT (Observer for Jordan) said that he had been prepared to consider the Chairman's initial suggestion while awaiting instructions from his Government. However, the Chairman's second suggestion was unacceptable.

61.  Mr. KARRAN (Guyana), supported by Mr. TERZI (Observer, Palestine Liberation Organization), said that the Chairman's second suggestion more adequately took into account the intention of the paragraph.  General Assembly resolution 38/58 C laid down both the guidelines for the conference and the level of participation in it.

62.  The Chairman's second suggestion was adopted.

63.  Paragraph 4, thus amended, was adopted.

Paragraph 5

64.  Mr. GLAIEL (Observer for the Syrian Arab Republic) said that it would be useful to know whether the Committee was going to adopt the draft resolution definitively or ad referendum.

65.  The CHAIRMAN said that, given time constraints, it was necessary to adopt it definitively.  Should the members still have reservations, they could raise them in plenary meeting.  The main point was to arrive at an acceptable draft, although not necessarily one which was satisfactory to all delegations.

66.  Mr. BURAYZAT (Observer for Jordan) said that paragraph 5 should be reviewed in the light of new developments for convening the international conference.  It would be useful to know the views of other delegations directly involved; he, for his part, proposed that the paragraph should be deleted.

67.  Mr. TERZI (Observer, Palestine Liberation Organization) said that, should the paragraph be deleted, the Security Council would be relieved of its responsibility.  Such an approach was inconsistent with the content of paragraph 7.

68.  Paragraph 5 was adopted.

Paragraphs 6 to 8

69.  Paragraphs 6 to 8 were adopted.

70.  Draft resolution D, as a whole, as amended, was adopted.


71.  The CHAIRMAN reminded the Committee that, at the previous meeting, the Secretariat had distributed a tentative calendar of events for 1988 to be organized by the Division for Palestinian Rights and DPI, which the Committee did not have time to discuss.  The Department of Public Information had announced that the European journalists' encounters, listed therein, would take place from 23 May to 5 June.  Moreover, the Government of the German Democratic Republic had offered to host the European regional seminar at Berlin in May or June 1988.

72.  If he heard no objection, he would take it, first, that the Committee accepted the tentative calendar proposed and gave a mandate to the Secretariat to carry out its prescribed task in that regard; second, that it accepted the offer of the German Democratic Republic.

73.  It was so decided.

                            The meeting rose at 1.25 p.m.


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