Human rights situation in Palestine and other OATs – HRC 11th session – NGO statement (Organization for Defending Victims of Violence)



Written statement* submitted by the Organization for Defending Victims of Violence (ODVV),

a non-governmental organization in special consultative status

The Secretary-General has received the following written statement which is circulated in accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/31.

[17 May 2009]


* This written statement is issued, unedited, in the language(s) received from the submitting non-governmental organization(s).

Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories.

Once again the subject at hand is Palestine. The lands occupied by the oppressive Israeli regime, once again speak of the futile efforts of parties on both sides with regards to reaching a just peace that is acceptable by the two. The lengthening of the peace talks process have the unpleasant characteristic where internal and external factors damage this process at different times, and at times this process comes to a stand still. The current situation is a proof to this claim, the current political system in Israel as a result of change of government, has in turn changes angles and views regarding the talks process, and changed the conditions of these talks.

From another perspective, the power struggle of Palestinian leaders with regards the governing of Palestine, and failure in setting up a government for all Palestinian political parties and groups, is another reason for the slowing down of the talks process and both the Palestinians and Israelis being in a quagmire in reaching a mutual agreement.

Taking a careful look at the subject it can be observed that extremism in practice and extremist ideals in notion among the Israeli and Palestinian leaders is the main factor in the standstill of the talks and therefore the laying to waste of all efforts that have been made to-date.

Presently because of pressures from the far-right members of the cabinet, Israel has set new preconditions for the continuation of the peace talks which have brought the talks process to a standstill. On the other hand Israel’s action in the 22-day Gaza conflict, which turned the UN Secretary-General against Israel (reports presented to the UN Security Council regarding the bombing of UN buildings in Gaza by Israel, causing 11 million dollars in damages) and also Israel’s failure to stick to commitments made following the 18 month Gaza ceasefire, which must be observed. These things greatly damaged the peace talks.

According to latest reports there are still food and fuel delivery restrictions in progress in the Gaza Strip by Israel. Also Israel continues its restriction on the amount of urgent international aid that include medicine is delivered to Gaza and continues its economic blockade which is an inhuman treatment.

These measures as a pressure tool against the government of Ismaeel Hanifa has increased the differences between Hamas and Israel and Fatah, and the effects have been for the Mahmoud Abbas government and Ismaeel Hanifa government to fail to reach an agreement. The result of this disagreement has resulted in the formation of a new government in Palestine without coordination with and support for Hamas and other Palestinian factions. And this has multiplied the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Referring to the points made in this statement, the Organization for Defending Victims of Violence stressing that the suffering people of Palestine, women and children in particular, are the main victims of the existing disagreements between the two opposing sides, declares its support for the defenceless people of Palestine and calls upon those responsible for the terrible conditions that the people of Gaza have been reduced to, to be brought before justice and human conscience and pay for the crimes that have been committed.

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