Human rights situation in Palestine and other OATs/Israeli occupation – HRC 24th session – Statement by NGOs (Corr.)

Joint written statement submitted by the International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the General Arab Women Federation, the Union of Arab Jurists, the Arab Lawyers Union, North-South XX1, the United Towns Agency for the North-South Cooperation, the Indian Movement “Tupaj Amaru”, the Organisation pour la Communication en Afrique et de Promotion de la Coopération Economique Internationale – OCAPROCE International, non-governmental organizations in special consultative status; the International Human Rights Association of American Minorities, the Indian Council of South America, the World Peace Council, International Educational Development, Inc., non-governmental organizations on the roster 




Page 2
The asterix text attached to the title
should read 


   The Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territories * 





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