International Day of Solidarity – CEIRPP meeting – Verbatim record




Held at Headquarters, New York,

on Tuesday, 29 November 1983, at 3.00 p.m.

Chairman: Mr. SARRE (Senegal)


Commemoration of the International Day of solidarity with the Palestinian People

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The meeting was called to order at 3.20-p.m.



The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I should first like to call upon Mr. Achim Reichardt, General Secretary of the Solidarity Committee of the German Democratic Republic, who will make a statement in connection with the presentation to us of the 1984 calendar prepared by that Committee in co-operation with the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People.

Incidentally, this is the second time this organization has published a calendar dedicated to the Palestinian cause.

Mr. REICHARDT: On behalf of the Solidarity Committee of the German Democratic Republic, of its President, and on behalf of all citizens of my country engaged in solidarity I have the honour and pleasure to convey to you, Mr. Chairman, as well as to all the other members of this Committee and the staff members of the Division for Palestinian Rights sincere greetings and congratulations on the admirable work that has been performed by your Committee up to now. I do not want to omit thanking you sincerely for the invitation to participate in this special meeting of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People on 29 November, the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. I regard the invitation as a recognition and appreciation of the work of the Solidarity Committee of the German Democratic Republic for the Palestinian cause.

The Day we are observing now, in view of the dangerously aggravating international situation, is of a special importance this year. This dangerous situation is caused by the policy of the arms built-up and confrontation by the most aggressive circles of imperialism, especially by the United States Administration, reaching a dangerous culmination with the start of deployment of United States nuclear medium-range missiles, that is, first-strike weapons, in Western Europe. These missiles pose a threat not only to the socialist countries but also the countries of the Near and Middle East and of Africa.

The policy of global confrontation pursued by the present United States Administration is expressed not only in provocations aimed against the socialist countries but also in aggravating the conflicts in Central American and in the Caribbean, in the south of Africa and in Lebanon today. This policy poses a threat to world peace and especially to a free national and social development of the nations of the third world. The causes for the new aggravation of the situation in the Middle East are the continued aggression of Israel and the increasingly expanding political and military interference of the United States and of some other countries members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in the internal affairs of Lebanon and the escalation of the military pressure on Syria.

With great concern and indignation we are watching the threatening drawing up of elements of the fleets of the United States and some NATO States to the coasts of Lebanon and Syria. We call for an immediate end to this policy of threat through military means. We express our firm solidarity with the peoples of Syria, Lebanon and Palestine, as well as with other Arab countries, in averting the aggressive plans of the United States and Israel.

The Solidarity Committee of the German Democratic Republic supports all initiatives and collective efforts leading to a just and permanent solution of the Middle East conflict-and of its essential aspect, the Palestinian issue.

Indispensable to such a solution are: the complete withdrawal of Israeli troops from all areas occupied since 19671 and the implementation of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including their right to establish an independent State of their own, and the right of all States of the region to a secure and independent existence.

We welcome the Geneva Declaration on Palestine and the Programme of Action for the implementation of the Palestinian rights in particular the proposal for convening an international Middle East conference with the participation of all sides concerned, including the Palestine Liberation organization (PLO). Both documents are a good basis for further activities of our Committee.

The German Democratic Republic is energetically supporting the struggle of the Palestinian people, led by its only legitimate representative, the Palestine Liberation organization (PLO), for implementation of its inalienable rights.

The success of this struggle to a decisive extent depends on the power of the PLO which lies in the unity and compactness of its ranks. Therefore we are of the Opinion that-all attacks against the unity of the PLO can only do harm to the cause Of the Palestinian people and to the cause of all Arab peoples.

The Solidarity Committee of the German Democratic Republic has in the past always tendered extensive fraternal assistance to the Palestinian people and the PLO and will also do so in the future.

I can inform this Committee that on this international Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people, a considerable number of events, organized by the Solidarity Committee of the German Democratic Republic in co-operation with other social organizations and parties of my country, are taking place. There, the people of the German Democratic Republic is once more manifesting its firm solidarity with the just struggle of the Palestinian people.

In conclusion, I should like to thank you, Mr. Chairman, and all the other members of the Committee for the excellent co-operation so long maintained between the Solidarity Committee of the German Democratic Republic and your Committee. This co-operation in our common cause has produced a number of fruitful results.

It is my pleasure, Mr. Chairman, to present you with the latest concrete result of this co-operation, a Palestine calendar for the year 1984. Allow me to hand it over to you.

Mr. Reichardt (German Democratic Republic) made the presentation to the Chairman of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People.

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): On behalf of the Committee and on my own behalf, I should like to thank Mr. Reichardt for the efforts made by his Committee in having published this marvelous calendar dedicated to the Palestinian cause.

I now call on the representative of Saudi Arabia.

Mr. SHIHABI (Saudi Arabia) (interpretation from Arabic): I have the honour to bring to this Committee on the Exercise of the inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People a message to its Chairman and other members from His Majesty, King Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on this Day of solidarity with the Palestinian people. No one can have a greater claim than His Majesty, in unison with his fraternal Kings and Heads of Arab, Islamic and friendly States in the defence of the sacred rights of the Palestinian people in Jerusalem and in Palestine. The following is his messages

"I wish to express to Your Excellency the deep appreciation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the constructive role that this Committee is playing under your Chairmanship and for the sincere efforts of all its dedicated members in supporting the rights of the Palestinian people. I also take this opportunity to reaffirm the Saudi Arabian people's firm determination wholeheartedly to support the Palestinian people in regaining their legitimate rights, including the right to return to their homeland, the right to self-determination and to the establishment of a State of their own on their national soil.

"The world is commemorating the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People when that people is living under circumstances that could, at the very least, be described as inhuman. The Palestinian people are exposed to the ugliest manifestations of persecution and oppression by the Zionist entity, which is supported by a world super-Power. That super-Power is called upon to fulfil the aspirations of the lesser developed countries by promoting justice and equality among nations, in order to be consistent with the principles which it claims form the basis of its international relations.

"Moreover, it is most regrettable that the United Nations has until now been unable to implement the just resolutions adopted by the overwhelming consensus of the international community for the purpose of eliminating the widespread injustice and oppression that continues to be meted out by the Zionist entity against the Palestinian people. Such implementation would take the form of granting the Palestinian people the most basic right enjoyed by other peoples of the world, namely, the right to live in an independent State in their own homeland. The fundamental features of that homeland are now calculatedly being obliterated by the Zionist entity in favour of an ugly new phase through confiscation of the historic land of the Palestinians and the establishment of settlements for Jewish immigrants brought to Israel from all corners of the world to replace the original owners of the land.

"The international community is required today to put an end to the ever more aggressive and brutal Zionist practices. Those practices have been evidenced most recently in the genocidal war waged by the Israeli army on Lebanese soil, where Lebanese and Palestinian women and children and the elderly were killed and where the army indiscriminately destroyed civilian neighbourhoods and institutions, establishing some of the most horrendous detention camps known to history. In so doing, in defiance of the numerous appeals for an end to this ongoing human tragedy, the Zionists have gone beyond conceit and arrogance.

"This persistence of the Israeli entity in intensifying its aggressive practices designed to carry out its expansionist ambitions and to concentrate its growing colonial settlements on Arab lands and Islamic holy places inevitably sets international peace and security, on a very precarious course.

"Therefore, it is the duty of the international community to strengthen its solidarity with the Palestinian people to defuse Israel's expansionist and aggressive designs and to address Israel's persistent defiance of the expressed will of the international community and of all human values.

"Here I wish to make it clear that Saudi Arabia is convinced that a comprehensive and just peace in the Middle East, to which all Arab countries aspire and which is supported by all peace-loving countries in the world, cannot be achieved without Israel's withdrawal from all the territories it has forcibly occupied, including Jerusalem, and without the Palestinian people enjoying the right to self-determination and sovereignty in their own State.

"The Arab States and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, have both reiterated their desire to reach a just and honourable solution to the Palestinian problem. This was demonstrated by the clear positions of the Arabs formulated in the Arab peace proposal adopted by the Twelfth Arab Summit Conference of States, held in Fez in September 1982. That proposal is based on United Nations resolutions and on international law. The Arab nations had hoped that that proposal would open up a new horizon for more effective action by the international community within the framework of international law and would at least ensure the return of Al-Quds and the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories.

"May I also take this opportunity to express the gratitude and appreciation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the increasing support that the Palestinian people, legitimately represented by the PLO, are receiving from friendly States in all fields of United Nations activities. I hope this International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People will be an occasion for peace-loving nations and States to demonstrate their solidarity in order to enable all peoples subjected to foreign domination to exercise their rights to self-determination, freedom and independence, in accordance with the United Nations Charter "

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I now call on the representative of Ethiopia, who will read out a message from the Head of State of Ethiopia in his capacity as current Chairman of the Organization of African Unity.

Mr. IBRAHIM (Ethiopia): I have the honour to read out the message from my Head of State and the current Chairman of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), Colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam, to this special meeting of the Committee on the Exercise of the inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People to commemorate the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

"In my capacity as the current Chairman of the OAU, I have the pleasure of conveying to you, and through you to all the participants in the commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, Africa's unreserved support for and militant solidarity with the people of Palestine.

"The commemoration of this International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People at this decisive moment when their struggle is passing through a difficult phase, once again manifests the ever-growing determination of the international community to seek anew an urgent solution to the just cause of the Palestinian people.

"The plight of the Palestinians and the denial of the fulfilment of their legitimate aspirations to independence and statehood have been a matter of great concern to the peoples and Governments of Africa. African countries, through the OAU, have for the past several years not only expressed their full support for and solidarity with the just struggle of the Palestinian people but also exerted every effort to make a tangible contribution to the solution of the problem.

"The attempt to get rid of the Palestinian factor in the Middle East by opposing the Palestinian revolution has created the present unprecedented tragic situation, which poses a grave threat to the rightful cause of the Palestinian people as well as to the peace and security of the entire region. It is Africa's earnest hope that the international community will bring pressure to bear on the protagonists to put an end to the present grave and tragic situation.

"While once again reiterating our firm solidarity with the people of Palestine and our full support for their just cause, let me reassure you of Africa's unwavering commitment to the search for a just comprehensive and lasting solution to the question of Palestine, which is the crux of the Middle East problem."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): The next speaker is the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Niger, the acting Chairman of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

Mr. OUMAROU (interpretation from French)s I have assumed new functions as acting Chairman of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and am here in York for the sixth annual commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. However, I must say that this Day in 1983 is not like its predecessors, since it has the terrible peculiarity of coming in a most troublesome context. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the sole authentic representative of the Palestinian people, is going through the darkest days of its history. Immediately after the Sabra and Shatila massacres, it is facing internal. struggles. The PLO, which is imbued with patriotism and which displayed such energy and admirable steadfastness in fighting the injustices and aggression of the, Israeli usurper, which has always dreamed of stealing its land and its identity must resolve the destructive undercurrents within itself. We deplore those undercurrents, because the international consensus for the settlement of the painful problem of the Middle East had been sought with regard to a single unified PLO, struggling for the inalienable rights that we all recognize, support and defends the right to sovereignty, the right to a homeland Palestine and the right to return for its sons who are unjustly scattered throughout the world. Members will certainly remember that, one year ago, in the message sent to the Committee on this same occasion, General Seyni Kountche, President of the Supreme Military Council and Head of State of the Republic of Niger, wrote that it was a truism to say that the Palestinian people had suffered too much. He added "Never since the recent history of Nazism has any people had to suffer such a tragedy, to undergo such frustration and to endure such humiliation an that valiant people of Palestine, continually suffering aggression, uprooted and treated as pariahs in the land which should be theirs but over which the usurper wishes to gain total control through repressive and barbaric actions more and more resembling genocide."

Unfortunately today that usurper, solely responsible for the tragic events in the middle East, is delighted at the eight of Palestinians fighting one another and of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) on the verge of fragmentation. Hence, for the usurper that is unhoped for respite obtained for once without exertion and without cost. That is why the commemoration of the International Day of solidarity with the Palestinian People should this year have the character of a massive, solemn and urgent appeal to all forces of division, within and outside the PLO, to cease playing into the hands of Israel to the destruction and humiliation of our Palestinian brothers. It is therefore our common duty to encourage and to foster initiatives for reconciliation within that Organization in order to bring about renewed confidence, understanding and peace, thus proving to Israel and to the enemies of Palestine that the cause of the Palestinian people is not lost and that we are more than ever determined to help that heroic and courageous people to regain its land, its rights and its personality.

The organization of the Islamic Conference has for its all always acted accordingly and, in spite of the failure, which it deplores, of its recent attempts for peace and reconciliation, it will continue to multiply its contacts in order to give the Palestinian cause its most active support. The Fourteenth Ministerial Conference, which I shall have the signal honour to open next week in Dacca, Bangladesh, will give us an opportunity to renew that solidarity with our Palestinian brothers and to help the PLO to safeguard its unity and its representative. It will also enable us to define the new strategy aimed at our struggle against the Israeli usurper which is, I repeat, the only entity responsible for the situation prevailing at present in the Middle East.

Sir, I cannot conclude without saying how much we value the steadfastness and selflessness with which you and your Committee are devoted to the Palestinian cause, and we offer our congratulations. I wish success and triumph in your activities. I can assure you, not only of the support of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, which I represent here, but also of my personal support, the Support of my country, Niger, and the support of my President, His Excellency General Seyni Kountche.

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I thank the Foreign Minister  of Niger for the major statement he has just delivered as the acting Chairman of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

I should like, moreover, to avail myself of this opportunity, on behalf of Committee and on my own behalf, to congratulate His Excellency the minister for Foreign Affairs of Niger. Less than a week ago he was in our midst as the Permanent Representative of Niger to the United Nations and in that capacity we were able in the past three years to take the full measure of the eminently positive role he played within our Committee. Indeed, Niger has been and continues to be an active member of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People. That is why, Sir, while regretting the fact that you have left us, we are convinced that, bringing to bear the same faith and the same commitment, you will continue militantly to work for the triumph of the Just cause of the Palestinian people in the lofty office you are now holding in your country. I now call on the representative of Trinidad and Tobago.

Mr. McBARNETTE (Trinidad and Tobago): Allow me, Mr. Chairman, to extend my delegation's greetings to you and to the other members of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People. We thank you for convening this important meeting and we thank you and the Committee for your tireless efforts on behalf of the Palestinian people. I have the honour to convey to you and your Committee the following message from my Head of Governments:

"It is a source of great concern that the year since the last commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People has been no less traumatic for this long-suffering people than those past.

"On this sixth anniversary of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, the international community has an opportunity once again to focus on the struggle of the Palestinian people for their inalienable rights to self-determination and the establishment of their own State and national independence. On this solemn occasion, the Government and people Of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago reiterate their solidarity with the Palestinian people and their legitimate representative, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Trinidad and Tobago also takes this opportunity to commend the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People for its continuing efforts to bring about a just and lasting settlement.

"It is our sincere hope that, before long through peaceful negotiations, the question of Palestine will be resolved and peace and stability will return to the Middle East. We fully concur with the view that a just solution of the question of Palestine is the crucial element in a comprehensive, just and lasting political settlement in the Middle East. In this context we fully support the call of the Geneva Declaration on Palestine for the convening of an international peace conference on the Middle East under the auspices of the United Nations, with the participation of all parties to the Arab-Israeli conflict, including the PLO, as well as the United States of America, the Soviet Union and other concerned States.

"The recent International Conference on the Question of Palestine wisely emphasized the importance of the time factor in achieving a just solution to the problem of Palestine, and Trinidad and Tobago dearly hopes that the Palestinian people will achieve early success in their struggle for their inalienable rights."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): The next speaker is the representative of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, on whom I now call.

Mr. HAN Si Has (Democratic People's Republic of Korea): I have the honour and privilege to read out the following message addressed by the great leader, Comrade Kim 11 Sung, President of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, to Comrade Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation organization and Commander-in-Chief of the Palestinian revolutionary forces, on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian Peoples.

"On behalf of the Government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Korean people, and on my own behalf, I wish to express warm militant greetings to you and, through you, to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Palestinian people on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The long continued sacred struggle waged by the Palestinian people against the naked aggression and brutal suppression of the United States imperialists and Zionists and for the restoration of their legitimate national right to return to their homeland and the I right to establish an independent and sovereign State enjoys our strong support and, as days go by, of the world's people as a link in the chain of the joint struggle of the oppressed peoples against imperialism and for independence.

"The Korean people has been actively supporting and encouraging the national liberation struggle of the Palestinian people since the inception of the Palestine question and in the future too will stand unswervingly on the side of the fighting Palestinian people until they achieve a final victory.

"Reaffirming our militant solidarity with the liberation cause of Palestine, I avail myself of this opportunity sincerely to wish you the resistance fighters and the entire Palestinian people great successes in your rightful struggle for achieving national independence and territorial integrity.

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I now call upon the representative of the Yemen Arab Republic.

Mr. SALLAM (Yemen) (interpretation from Arabic): Mr. Chairman it in my pleasure on this International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People to express to you, on behalf of the delegation of the Yemen Arab Republic, our appreciation for the efforts that you and your country's Government have been undertaking in support of the just Palestinian cause. 1 should like to read out a message from Mr. Ali Abdallab Salih, President of the Yemen Arab Republic.

"His Excellency Mr. Massamba Sarre, Chairman of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestine Peoples.

"We commend the United Nations for setting aside every year, this international Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People to support their just cause, which has been considered as the most important cause of liberation internationally for the past 36 years, and which even today remains, a nightmare for all those who strive for justice and peace for mankind as whole and who are dedicated to self-determination and freedom for peoples still under the yoke of imperialism, colonialism, oppression, exploitation and" racism.

"The imperialist countries have created this situation of the Palestinian people, causing then to be evicted from their land and denying their rights.

"Nevertheless, the United Nations, which truly represents the will of the international community, has not been remiss in assuming its responsibilities with regard to the Palestinian people. This Organization has adopted dozens of resolutions confirming the rights of the Palestinian people, including ,their legitimate rights to return to their homeland, to self-determination and to the establishment of their own independent State on their homeland.

"However, Israel has refused to implement those resolutions, challenging the will of the international community with unprecedented arrogance. This makes the achievement of peace in the Middle East a very difficult matter, and it obliges the United Nations to take practical steps to implement its resolutions undoubtedly, the Geneva Conference was an important landmark in support of the struggle of the Palestinian people which confirms their inalienable rights. Consequently, the States-Members of this Organization should assume their responsibilities and make greater efforts in order to put an end to the continuous Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people and to check the settlement and colonialist policies adopted by Israel in the occupied Arab territories.

"While paying a tribute to this worthy gathering, we of the Yemen Arab Republic wish to renew our deep conviction – the validity of which has been proven by events that a just and durable peace in the Middle East can be achieved only by the withdrawal of Israel from all occupied Arab territories, including Jerusalem, and by allowing the Palestinian people to return to their homes, to exercise their right to self-determination and to establish an independent State on their own soil, under the leadership of their sole legitimate representative, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). I wish also to express our deep appreciation for the efforts you are making, through the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, in the service of the principles of this Organization and of international peace and security.

"I convey my heartiest congratulations to you, your staff and all those who are participating sincerely in the struggle of the Palestinian people to enjoy the same freedom, dignity and independence other peoples of the world do so that peace and security can return to this very critical region of the world."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I now call on the representative of the German Democratic Republic.

Mr. HUCKE (German Democratic Republic): It is my honour to read out the following message from the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany and Chairman of the Council of State of the German Democratic Republic, Erich Honecker, addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, His Excellency Javier Perez de Cuellar, on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People:

On the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, the German Democratic Republic again takes this opportunity to pledge unswerving solidarity with the Palestinian people in the struggle for its inalienable rights, under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

"Acting upon the fundamental principles of its socialist foreign policy, and in accordance with the decisions of the United Nations, the German Democratic Republic calls for a comprehensive, just and lasting peace settlement in the Middle East, the centerpiece of which is the resolution of the question of Palestine. Indispensable prerequisites for this are the complete withdrawal of Israeli troops from all Arab territories occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, recognition of the legitimate rights of the Arab people of Palestine, including its right to establish an independent State of its own, and the assurance of the right of all States of the region to secure an independent existence and development.

"The people of the German Democratic Republic is deeply concerned by the escalation of tension in the Middle East, thus endangering peace. The hegemonistic designs of the Israeli aggressor, backed by the most reactionary imperialist circles of the United States, are aimed at imposing another war On the Arab States.

"That dangerous course, posing an extremely grave threat to world peace, is most strongly condemned by the German Democratic Republic. It is urgent to Oppose those actions in contravention of international law decisively and through the voice of the United Nations. It becomes more and more imperative consistently to implement the resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council.

"The International Conference on the Question of Palestine in Geneva, which adopted the Programme of Action for that purpose, re-emphasized the usefulness of an international Middle East conference with the participation of all interested parties, including the Palestine Liberation Organization. Implementation of that proposal would be a practical step towards breaking the cycle of force and war in the region. Concerted action by all peace-loving forces seeking to achieve this aim is now essential to eliminate the hotbed of conflict and to end the suffering of the Palestinian people. It is necessary to avoid anything that might encourage aggressive imperialist quarters in their drive to aggravate the situation. The German Democratic Republic will also henceforth stand firmly at the side of the Palestinian people in their fight for the implementation of their inalienable national rights, under the leadership of its sole, legitimate representative, the Palestine Liberation Organization."

Mr. RACZ (Hungary): Mr. Chairman, it is a great honour and privilege for me to express my congratulations to you on this special occasion and to read out the text of the message sent by Mr. Pal Losonczi, President of the Presidential Council of the Hungarian People's Republic to Mr. Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization. The message reads as follows:

"On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People the Hungarian people join me in assuring the Palestinian Arab people of our support in their struggle for a just cause.

"We continue to be convinced that only a just and comprehensive settlement of the Middle East crisis, along with the attainment of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian Arab people can guarantee the peace and security of the countries of the region. The settlement of the crisis can be achieved by peaceful means, through negotiations, with the participation of all parties concerned, including the sole, legitimate representative of the Palestinian Arab people, the Palestine Liberation Organization.

"Therefore we are deeply concerned at all developments that weaken the unity of the liberation movement, jeopardize the results achieved so far in the struggle and favour only those who disregard the most fundamental rights and just aspirations of the Palestinian Arab people.

"While expressing our solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian Arab people for their legitimate rights and for the establishment of their own," independent State, we sincerely wish that the Palestine Liberation Organization will be able to restore its unity and strengthen the joint stand against Israeli aggression and imperialism with all the forces struggling a just settlement of the Middle East crisis.

"On behalf of the Presidential Council of the Hungarian People's Republic and the whole Hungarian people, I wish you every success in the struggle for your just cause."

Mr. AL-ZAID (Kuwait) (interpretation from Arabic): it is a pleasure for me on this occasion to read out the message from the Emir of the State of Kuwait, Sheikh Jabir Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The message is addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and reads as follows:

"It gives me great pleasure on this occasion to send my personal regards and those of the people of Kuwait to the honourable participants gathered at United Nations Headquarters to express their solidarity on this Day, when all eyes are focused on the tragedy of the Palestinian people which is unprecedented in modern times.

No words can describe its dimensions. This is a case of the cruellest manifestations of injustice – one which has been characterized by deception, distortion, wrongdoing, levity, indifference and abandonment. It has also been ill-fated from the very beginning when the partition plan was announced by the United Nations on this very day in 1947. This is the case of a people whose human rights are violated and for which the various international laws and norms do not apply. The occupying aggressor has usurped the largest and most significant part of the Palestinian people's homeland, denying them freedom and keeping a hold over their territories. It is pursuing efforts to annex all that is left of their homeland through established illegal and repressive measures, as well as through the policy of faits accomplis in an attempt to distort the case by trickery and deviousness and to prevent the rightful owners of the land from recovering their inalienable rights, including the right to self-determination. Strange as it may seem, the annexation of new land is now being carried on under the pretext of security What hypocrisy and what a false pretext which cannot be based on any logic or right.

"For 36 years, this cause has been crying out for justice to be done, but to no avail. One may wonder why this cause has been set aside for such a long time. It is significant to note that the aggressor has been placing one obstacle after another in the way of any solution, intending to keep it in abeyance by disregarding international decisions and flouting the will of the international community and its institutions. However, it would not have been able to do so had it not been for the absolute support it has been receiving from certain well-known international quarters. As a matter of fact, the reason why this case has become so tangled is because of this strong support, which is the main obstacle still preventing a just solution and keeping the arguments in a vicious circle. Is it not incumbent upon those responsible quarters to advocate right, justice and fair play in the world without any discrimination, instead of helping the perpetrators of injustice and endorsing their policies?

"However, there remains a ray of hope that right will eventually prevail. Do not despair of the mercy of Allah's mankind has never lacked and will never lack conscientious people such as those gathered today at the Headquarters of this world Organization to raise their voices in support of this unjustly treated people in its legitimate struggle for the restoration of its inalienable rights and its integrity, and to ease the sufferings brought about by the partition of its land. Though the announcement of that partition in a painful memory for those people, they are still nostalgic for the days when they were living so happily on the soil of their homeland before it was occupied by the usurpers. They look hopefully forward to a prosperous future which, God willing, will be achieved.

"A cursory glance at the map of Palestine at the time of partition and its delineated borders is enough to expose the aggressor's expansionist designs and to show to what lengths its arrogance can lead it. Honourable Men will wonder what is left for the rightful owners of the country and where they will find justice.

"Before concluding, we must assert the urgent need to solve this just case which sooner or later will threaten world peace. We also confirm anew our total solidarity with this beleaguered people and call upon all international bodies, particularly the United Nations which represents the will of the international community, to shoulder their full responsibility and make every possible effort to give this people the opportunity to attain its legitimate national aspirations to live in peace on its ancestral land. Only thus can there be any chance for peace, stability, well-being and prosperity in this troubled region of the world."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I call on the representative of the Soviet Union.

Mr. TROYANOVSKY (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) (interpretation from Russian): Mr. Chairman, may I transmit to you and all the other members of your Committee, and also to the leaders of the Palestine Liberation Organization present here and to other Palestinian representatives, our sincere congratulations and our warm wishes on the occasion of the commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. I now have the pleasure of reading out the cable sent by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR addressed to Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization;

"On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, we address to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and to the Palestinian people our heartfelt congratulations and our wishes of success in their struggle for the achievement of the inalienable right of the Arab people of Palestine to the creation of their own independent State.

"The PLO stands in the forefront of that struggle. It has acquired international recognition and respect as the sole, legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. An indispensable condition for the success of the Palestinian resistance movement in its just and courageous struggle is the achievement of unity and cohesion of all the elements of the movement and close co-operation of the PLO with the Arab countries, first and foremost those in the forefront of resistance to the aggressive expansionist designs of the United States of America and Israel on the Middle East.

“Indeed, we observe with concern that the situation at present leaves a great deal to be desired in this respect. Basing itself on positions of principle, the Soviet Union will continue to give its support to the friendly Palestinian people and to other Arab nations in the defence of their legitimate rights and in the struggle for the restoration of a just and stable peace in the Middle East."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): The next speaker is the representative of Indonesia, on whom I now call.

Mr. ALATAS (Indonesia): It is a distinct honour and privilege for me to convey the message of His Excellency Mr. Soehartoo President of the Republic of Indonesia, on the occasion of the commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People:

"On this day, the international Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, I should like, on behalf of the Government and the people of Indonesia, to reaffirm our unswerving support for the Palestinian people in their struggle to realize their inalienable rights.

"This annual commemoration is an important occasion for all States which value human dignity, freedom and justice to speak out unequivocally on behalf of the Palestinian cause for self-determination and for the establishment of an independent Palestinian State. Moreover, this commemoration by the United Nations should also serve as an opportunity to renew our determination to implement all relevant United Nations resolutions on Palestine.

"The right of the Palestinian people has continued to be a central preoccupation of the international community for nearly four decades. Throughout this period the Palestinians have had to endure untold misery and suffering in their just struggle against Israeli aggression, occupation and racial discrimination.

"As a nation which upholds freedom and independence and which opposes colonial domination in all its forms and manifestations, Indonesia will steadfastly contribute to the common struggle for the realization of the independence of Palestine. We will continue to support any plan acceptable to the Arab Nation which will assure the Palestinians of their right to live in freedom in their own land.

"Indonesia gladly welcomes the decisions adopted by the International Conference on the Question of Palestine held in Geneva last September. The fact that no less than 139 States sent high-level delegations to the Conference was evidence of world-wide determination to seek more effective ways and means towards the attainment of the national rights of the Palestinians as a necessary part of a peaceful and comprehensive settlement of the Middle East question.

"We hope that the resolutions of this Conference will shortly be implemented, so as to achieve the desired objectives and in order to end the agony and suffering endured by the Palestinian people for so many decades.

"Indonesia, together with the other Members of the United Nations, the Non-Aligned Movement and the organization of the Islamic Conference, will continue to strive for the adoption of effective measures and actions which will compel Israel to abandon its abhorrent policies and to withdraw from all occupied Arab territories.

"In conclusion, on behalf of the Government and the people of Indonesia, I once again express our most sincere support and respect for the heroic struggle of the Palestinian people, under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), their sole and legitimate representative. We wish to pay homage to this brave nation which, through its unceasing sacrifices and hardships, has demonstrated to the world that freedom and justice cannot be denied for long."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I now call on the representative of Bahrain to make his statement.

Mr. Al-SABBAGH (Bahrain) (interpretation from Arabic): I should like to read out a message from His Highness Sheikh Isa Ibn Salman Al Khalifa, the Emir of Bahrain, on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, as follows:

"The region of the Middle East continues to suffer from the tragedy that started with the inception of Israel in 1948 and its inclusion as a Member of the United Nations – although acceptance of Israel as a Member of this international Organization was conditional upon the return of the Palestinian refugees to their homes, from which they were evicted under duress. Although, Israel has deliberately flouted this and other conditions contained in General Assembly resolutions 181 (111) and 194 (111), the United Nations has failed to compel it to implement what it had basically agreed to in both resolutions.

"Thirty-six years have elapsed without the United Nations being able to solve the Palestinian question. This period has been accompanied by serious problems and difficulties leading the international community to conclude that a just and durable peace in the Middle East cannot be achieved except by enabling the Palestinian people to realize their inalienable rights, including the right to self-determination and sovereignty, the right to establish their own independent State on their own national soil and the right to return to their homes and to the recovery of the property usurped from them.

"Hence, the General Assembly decided to convene an International Conference on the Question of Palestine in Geneva, from 29 August to 7 September 1983. Although the overwhelming majority of the world's countries participated in this important Conference, some States directly involved in the question of the Middle East chose not to participate. We therefore ask these States to shoulder their responsibilities in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

"The Middle East region is passing through a most difficult period, which is daily being aggravated by Israel's continuous aggression against the Palestinian people and the peoples of the neighbouring Arab countries, thus endangering international peace and security.

"Israel destroyed the peaceful nuclear installations in Iraq and then proceeded to invade Lebanon, destroying cities and villages and adopting further repressive measures against the Palestinian refugees and putting many of them in prisons and concentration camps in the occupied Arab territories, and in southern Lebanon. The Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon is clear proof of its expansionist designs, which are supported and encouraged by certain Western circles.

"Israel continues to usurp Arab lands in occupied Palestine and to establish settlements there, while expelling certain mayors from the cities and pursuing its aggressive policies in order to terrorize the Arab inhabitants and encourage them to leave.

"In its deep commitment to the right of peoples to self-determination in accordance with the principles and resolutions of the United Nations, the State of Bahrain reconfirms its full solidarity with the just and legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people, under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), its sole, legitimate representative, and calls upon the international community to make every effort to solve the problem of Palestine to recover the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and to put an end to Israeli-aggression against the Palestinian people in the occupied Arab territories and beyond.

"Israel's aggression against the neighbouring Arab States resulted in five wars in the Middle East and nearly unleashed a new world conflagration and its pursuit of this aggressive policy continues to threaten the entire international community." In closing, I should like personally to extend my sincerest wishes to you.

Mr. Chairman, and the other members of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People for success in your important task.

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): The next speaker is the representative of Yugoslavia, on whom I now call.

Mr. GOLOB (Yugoslavia): It is an honour and a privilege for me to read out the message that was sent by the President of the Presidency of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, His Excellency Mr. Mika Spiljak, on the occasion of the observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The message is addressed to this special meeting of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People.

The message reads as follows:

"On the occasion of the Day of International Solidarity with the Palestinian People, I should like to reiterate, on behalf of the Presidency of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Yugoslavia's full solidarity with and support for the just struggle of the Palestinian people under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

"Although the legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people have been confirmed in numerous resolutions of the General Assembly and the Security Council of the United Nations, as well as at the Summit Conferences and other meetings of non-aligned countries, no resolute action has been taken, and the Palestinian people, and its sole and legitimate representatives the PLO, have been brought into an even more difficult position by the latest developments in the Middle East and Lebanon in particular. The international community cannot acquiesce in the fact that, despite the heroic struggle of the Palestinian people for the realization of its inalienable national rights, it is still exposed to the most brutal acts of colonization, expulsion and even extermination.

"The continued aggressive and expansionist policy of Israel is the main cause of the suffering and tribulations of the courageous Palestinian people. Due to such a policy, this region has been turned into the most dangerous focal point of crisis in the world, with far-ranging threats to peace and security not only in the region but also beyond it.

"we firmly believe that there can be no Middle East settlement without the realization of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people to return to their homes, to self-determination, independence and the establishment of its own national State, without Israel's withdrawal from all Palestinian and Arab territories occupied since June 1967 and without ensuring the right to independence and safe development of all countries and peoples of the region.

"Yugoslavia, along with other non-aligned countries, has always urged that solutions be sought to this and other pressing international problems within the framework of the United Nations. In these trying days for the Palestinian people, it is necessary for the United Nations and the entire international community immediately to intensify their efforts and take every measure to make Israel, once and for all, comply with the decisions of the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council.

"The armed attacks against the PLO forces loyal to their legitimate leadership, causing heavy loss of human life and extensive material destruction, are viewed here in Yugoslavia with deep concern and regret. These attacks are aimed at breaking the PLO and directly weakening the struggle of the Palestinians and all other Arabs for the exercise of their legitimate rights. The current developments are all working in favour of Israel, which is trying to eliminate the PLO as an independent factor militarily and politically and to prevent the strengthening of Arab solidarity and preserve the positions acquired by aggression, expansionism and the policy of faits accomplis.

"Therefore, it is necessary that urgent steps be taken without delay, primarily by the Arab countries, with a view to ending the fratricidal conflict, resolving the controversial issues by political means, renewing PLO unity and maintaining its independent and equal position in the solution of the Palestinian question. The current efforts of Yugoslavia and other members of the Committee of eight non-aligned countries on Palestine are being made precisely to that effect. This is yet further testimony that the movement of non-aligned countries is the strongest and broadest bulwark of the struggle for freedom and independence.

"Expressing its solidarity with the Palestinian people in these difficult times, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia will continue to extend its wholehearted support for the just struggle of the Palestinian people for the attainment of full independence and freedom."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I call on the next speaker, the representative of Egypt.

Mr. KHALIL (Egypt) (interpretation from Arabic): On the occasion of commemorating the international Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, I have the honour to read out the message of President Hosni Mubarak, as follows:

"This year the United Nations is commemorating the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People in the very difficult conditions prevailing in the Middle East region, which threaten international peace and security. This confirms what Egypt has time and again declared the Palestinian question is the crux of the problem of the Middle East and peace and security in this important region of the world cannot prevail without a just solution to the Palestinian question based on respect for the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and to realizing their legitimate national aspirations, as defined in numerous United Nations resolutions.

"The commemoration by the United Nations of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People confirms once more the commitment of the international community to the principles underlying the Charter of the United Nations and expressing the need for respect of human rights, the first of which is the right to self-determination. We call on all States of the world, particularly the States directly concerned with the problem of the Middle East, to base their policies and positions on these lofty Charter principles and do their utmost to put an end to the human tragedy to which our region has been subjected for more than 35 years.

"This can be accomplished only by recognizing the rights of the Palestinian people and enabling them to enjoy these rights fully, without any outside pressure or interference in their affairs.

"Egypt has always felt that the question of the Palestinian people and its cause and struggle are part of its own struggle. Aware of these realities from the very start it has shouldered its national responsibilities and has not been remiss in lending every possible effort to our Palestinian brothers in defending their just cause, convinced, as we are, of our common destiny and the justice of that cause and determined to implement all relevant United Nations resolutions for a just, durable and comprehensive peace in the region.

"I must point out here that the international Conference on the Question of Palestine, convened by the United Nations last summer in Geneva, and the resolutions and recommendations emanating there from are an important step on the road to solving the question of Palestine.

"Finally, I wish to express our deepest appreciation for the role undertaken by the United Nations and its various organs in support of the cause of the Palestinian people.

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I call on the representative of China.

Mr. LING Qing (China) (interpretation from Chinese)t First of all, I should like to express our thanks to the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People for inviting the Chinese delegation to participate in this meeting in commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. I should like to read out the following message sent by Zhao Ziyang, Premier of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China.

"On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, I would like to express, on behalf of the Chinese Government and people, our high respects to the Palestinian people, who are engaged in a heroic struggle to regain their national rights, and sincerely wish then new victories in their just cause.

"Over a long time, the indomitable Palestinian people, under the leadership of Chairman Arafat and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), have waged an arduous struggle against the Israeli aggressors and won extensive sympathy and support from the international community. Now, more and more countries and peoples have come to realize that the Palestine question is at the core of the Middle East issue and that, in order to bring about lasting peace and stability in the Middle East region, the Palestinian people must regain their national rights and the aggression and expansion of Israel must be stopped resolutely.

"The birth of the Palestine Liberation Organization reflected the unshakeable national will of the Palestinian people for regaining their national rights. The PLO is the internationally recognized sole legal representative of the Palestinian people. The United Nations has long affirmed that the Palestinian people have the inalienable right to self-determination and to establish a State. Organs of the United Nations should discharge their responsibilities and take effective measures for the implementation of United Nations General Assembly resolutions affirming the national rights of the Palestinian people. The Chinese Government and people have unswervingly supported the just struggle of the Palestinian and other Arab peoples for the restoration of national rights and recovery of lost territories. I am convinced that the long-tested Palestinian people under the leadership of the PLO and upholding principles and unity and persevering in struggle, will ultimately overcome the difficulties and obstacles on the road of their advance and realize their noble national goals.

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I call on the representative of Poland.

Mr. NATORF (Poland): On the occasion of this Day, may I convey our warm greetings to you Mr. Chairman, and to the other members of this Committee, as well as to the representatives of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People is solemnly commemorated in Poland. It is with great honour and pleasure that I wish to read out at this special meeting of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People the text of the message of the President of the Council of State of the Polish People's Republic, Professor Henryk Jablonski, sent to Mr. Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization# on this occasion, 29 November 1983. The message reads as follows:

"Observances of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People have become an important event in the world as an expression of the broad support of the international community for the rights of the Arab people of Palestine, for the consolidation of its national liberation struggle and for progress in its efforts to realize its national aspirations. The Polish people traditionally devoted to the idea of freedom of nations, along with other peace-loving and progressive forces of the world, is sending on this Day its fraternal greetings to your people thus expressing respect for its steadfast efforts to reach its objectives in spite of many obstacles, enormous sufferings and victims. Let our greetings express our full solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian masses and consolidate their conviction that they are not alone in their struggle.

"The observances of the International Day of Solidarity this year are taking place in extremely grave circumstances; American imperialism is seeking to exploit the current situation in the middle East to promote its expansionist goals at the expense of the interests of Arab nations. The same -is true of its attempts to divert world attention from United States activities aimed against the most vital interests of the Arab people of Palestine in the occupied territories. it is therefore the urgent moral duty of the international community constantly to bear in mind the truth that the essence of the Middle East conflict is the negation of the rights of the Arab people of Palestine. The delay of a just solution to the Palestinian question can only lead to a further aggravation of the conflict, intensification of tension in the Middle East and diminishing chances for a lasting and just peace in the region.

"The United Nations still faces the great task of undertaking resolute action to put an end to the sufferings of the Palestinians and to attain a comprehensive settlement of the Middle East conflict. Such a settlement should take due account of the need to realize the inalienable rights of the Arab people of Palestine, including the right to self-determination and the creation of their own independent State in their homeland. The Israeli policy of aggression and territorial expansionism is the main impediment to the realization of this postulate. It manifests itself in disregard of United Nations resolutions and violation of the norms of international law. The attainment of such a settlement is hampered by attempts at partial solutions which are more in the interests of imperialism than of the Arab nations and contribute to the aggravation of tension in that region. The international community should intensify its efforts to overcome the impediments and bring about the convening of a Middle East peace conference with the participation of all parties concerned, including the Palestine Liberation organization (PLO) as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. The PLO, as an authentic exponent of the sovereign will of the entire Arab people of Palestine, has to play a major role in the attainment of such a solution. We wish to be able to continue its active and effective struggle in the name of the well-being of the Palestinian people for the sake of the unity of the Arab world and peace and progress throughout the world.

"On behalf of the people of Poland and the highest authorities of the Polish People's Republic, and on my own behalf, I should like to convey through you to the heroic people of Palestine best wishes for steadfastness and every success in your just and fair struggle. We are convinced that despite their painful experience the Palestine Liberation organization, true to the ideals of the Palestinian revolution, will persevere in consistently leading the Palestinian people to final victory."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I now call upon the representative of Mongolia.

Mr. ERDENSCHULUUN (Mongolia) (interpretation from Russian): The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People is being commemorated in say country. On the occasion of this important Day, the Head of State of the Mongolian People's Republic, Chairman of the Presidium of the Great People's Khural Mr. Tsedenbal, has addressed to you, Sir, as Chairman of the Committee on the Exercise of the inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, the following message:

"Mr. Chairman,

"On behalf of the Government of the People's Republic of Mongolia and on my own behalf I am sending to you and to all members of the Committee sincere greetings and good wishes on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. This Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People is this year being commemorated under conditions in which the imperialist and Zionist forces are openly attempting to undermine the Palestine liberation movement and to remove the question of Palestine from the agenda of the United Nations altogether.

"The ruthless violation of Lebanon's sovereignty and the de facto partition of that country makes the Palestinian problem and the entire problem of the Middle East more difficult. The Government of my country considers that the responsibility for this drastic deterioration of the situation in that explosive region is borne essentially by some countries members of the North Atlantic Treaty organization (NATO), foremost among which is the United States of America which not only foster the expansionist policy of the Zionists but have themselves chosen the policy of intervention in the Middle East and intervened directly in Lebanon with military forces.

"We consider that the indispensable condition for the restoration of peace and stability in the Middle East would be the withdrawal of Israeli forces from all Arab territories occupied since 1967 and the realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including their right to the creation of their own sovereign State. Such a settlement of the Palestinian problem would open the way for the creation of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East. That objective can be secured only through the collective efforts of all parties, including the Palestine Liberation Organization.

"In this connection an essential factor would be the strengthening of the unity of action of the Arab States and cohesion of anti-imperialist forces of the Arab world and the Palestine liberation movement itself. The Government of the People's Republic of Mongolia and the people of Mongolia once again express their warm solidarity with the heroic Palestinian people and their decisive support in that people's struggle, under the PLO, for the realization of their inalienable rights, against imperialistic and Zionist aggression and for the establishment of a genuine peace in the Middle East.

"I should also like to take this opportunity to wish you, Sir, and your Committee complete success in your noble action aimed at fostering the realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and at enforcing United Nations resolutions with regard to this vital problem."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I now call on the representative of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.

Mr. TREIKI (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) (interpretation from Arabic): We wish to transmit to this Committee a message from Mulammar Muhammad al-Qaddafi, the leader of the September Revolution, on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

"This day we the peoples of the world commemorate the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People and at the same time their esteem in the history of mankind. This day a most obnoxious decision was taken by the United Nations, in implementation of the will of the imperialist circles, to partition Palestine, establish the racist Zionist entity and disperse the Palestinian people. This day took place 36 years ago. The Palestinian people has been and continues to be exposed to a collective bloodbath, dispersal and death by American weapons in the hands of Nazi forces. In spite of innumerable resolutions adopted by the General Assembly and all regional organizations, and in spite of the wide support of the peoples and peace-loving forces of the world and the political victories won by the struggle of the Palestinian people, under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), there have been no practical results towards the Palestinian people exercising their rights to self-determination, to return to their homeland and to establish a national State on their own soil.

"The Zionist aggression has extended beyond Palestine, occupying more Arab territories and pursuing the Palestinian people in their refugee camps and in other neighbouring Arab countries. Responsibility falls, first of all, on those forces which have hindered and continue to hinder implementation of United Nations resolutions and have supplied and continue to supply the Zionist aggressor with weapons in order to create additional settlements, kill more people and occupy more Arab territory. The United States of America continues to encourage aggression, to supply the aggressor with the most sophisticated weaponry, thereby enabling and encouraging it to occupy Arab territories and to flout all international resolutions, and to refuse to recognize the national rights of the Palestinian people. That is the central question that should be discussed and considered on this Day.

"The time has come for the Palestinian people and the Arab nation to evaluate the previous period, which has shown that political action, in spite of its importance, will always remain marginal if not accompanied by serious military action on the battle field. The question of Palestine will not be solved by indecisive initiatives or distorted contacts that only divide the Palestinians further and weaken their revolution only through struggle and clear vision, in accordance with revolutionary objectives, will success be achieved. To continue with a policy of indecisiveness will deprive the Palestinian people of their strength and turn them into an instrument for recognizing the aggressor and liquidating the Palestinian revolution – hence eliminating the PLO itself.

"The international community represented in the United Nations must evaluate this situation with the same seriousness, since it is clear that United Nations resolutions remain without effect if they are not backed by coercive measures. The time has come to adopt practical measures under Chapter VII of the Charter. The international community is today invited to provide full support to the Palestinian people, under the leadership of the PLO, to recover their usurped rights.

"I am convinced that the Palestinian people, with the assistance of all peace-loving forces, will soon enjoy their rights and objectives in freedom and independence. The people of the Jamahiriya, which is doing all it can in defence of the Palestinian revolution, confirms anew its determination to continue providing every support and to stand on the side of the Palestinian people until the complete liberation of Palestine is achieved and all the rights of the Palestinian people have been recovered.

"The aggression to which our people in the Jamahiriya are exposed and continue to be exposed because of our principled position will not deter us but strengthen our resolve to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Palestinian people in their revolution.

"Finally, I wish to express to the Committee our appreciation for its efforts on behalf of the cause of the Palestinian people. On such efforts depend the rights of all peoples struggling against imperialism, Zionism and racism in all parts of the world. May these efforts be crowned with success."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I call on the representative of Qatar.

Mr. JAMAL (Qatar) (interpretation from Arabic): I have the honour to read out a message addressed to this Committee by His Excellency Sheikh Khalifa bin Hamad Al-Thani, Emir of Qatar, on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, as follows:

"For the past 36 years the world has witnessed a series of conflicts between the Palestinian people and Israel. That people has continued to struggle heroically, demanding its legitimate and inalienable rights, and the support it enjoys from the whole international community has been confirmed by the Declaration of the International Conference on the Question of Palestine, held last August under the auspices and supervision of the United Nations. The most basic of these rights are; the right to recover their usurped land, the right to self-determination in full freedom and the right to establish an independent State in their homeland.

"Having committed the most abhorrent aggression against the Palestinian people and expelled them from their land, usurping their territory and their legitimate rights, and having pursued that aggression beyond those borders into other Arab territories, committing crimes the world has unanimously agreed exceed all earlier forms and manifestations of barbarism and are against all divine tenets of religion, the rule of law and international morality and ideals, Israel has flouted the international community and United Nations resolutions and undermined the status and respect of this world body.

"These are facts that are unanimously recognized by world public opinion, which views the question of Palestine as the crux of the crisis in the Middle East and the focal point of the problems in that region and considers it a matter for international concern. The comprehensive solution of that problem entails the return to the Palestinian people of their full, legitimate rights – the key to peace in the region and the only way to settle this question. The international community is fully convinced that unless such a solution is brought about Israel will feel free to continue implementing its expansionist policy against its Arab neighbours and to threaten peace and security in this region and throughout the world.

"This has been proved by the actions taken by Israel last year in its invasion of Lebanon and the heinous bloodbath and slaughter it committed and is continuing to commit in that country against innocent and unarmed Lebanese and Palestinians, as well as by its refusal to implement the Security Council resolution calling for its unconditional withdrawal from that country. Nevertheless, the international community has failed to take any effective steps to deter Israel and refuses to apply the provisions of the United Nations Charter stipulating the deterrent action to be taken and setting forth the means to implement it. The Arab nation has made every possible effort to achieve a durable and lasting peace in the region and proposed to that effect a peace plan agreed upon at the Conference held in November last year. That plan was welcomed internationally because it was based on international law and the provisions of the United Nations Charter and pertinent resolutions. Israel, however, has blatantly continued its aggression, placing obstacles in the way of the implementation of that plan.

"The Security Council, first and foremost its five permanent members, bears the primary responsibility for this ongoing and historically unprecedented international tragedy, since it has been entrusted with defending international legitimacy and seeing to it that the rule of law prevails in international relations. The Arab nation calls upon the peoples and leaders of the world to intensify their efforts to force those countries to shoulder their responsibilities and to meet the hopes of the international community for peace rather than continue the present confrontation which destabilizes the region and hinders all efforts towards development and prosperity. It is incumbent upon the Council to adopt a new method to face the aggressive intentions of Israel and to take effective steps to bring about a just and comprehensive solution to the question of Palestine guaranteeing the establishment of peace in the whole of the Middle East, a region so important for international peace and security.

"On this International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, the Committee, which is meeting under the auspices of the United Nations, the guarantor of world security, is called upon to continue its efforts aimed at making such solidarity a reality. Qatar is at one with the question of Palestine, since it is a question of the Arab nation of which we are a part. We should like to pay a tribute to the Committee for the very valuable efforts it is undertaking in support of the heroic people of Palestine in their struggle to recover their full rights and dignity."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I now call upon the representative of the United Arab Emirates.

Mr. Al-QASIMI (United Arab Emirates) (interpretation from Arabic): I have the honour to read out to the Committee the message from His Excellency Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahyan, Chief of State of the United Arab Emirates, on the occasion of the commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, as follows:

"Mr. Chairman,

"I should like to address to you personally and to the members of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People our thanks for your efforts in support of the Palestinian people, who are struggling for the attainment of their national aspirations. I should like to express our appreciation for the lofty task you have undertaken in spite of the difficulties and obstacles Israel has placed in the path of its accomplishment.

"The choice of 29 November of each year as an International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People reflects the determination of the United Nations to render justice to that people, who have seen their land usurped through the implementation of the imperialist plans that resulted in the establishment of Israel and the dispersal of the Palestinian people. From 29 November 1947 to this day the Palestinian people have continued to suffer while new immigrants settle daily on their land to usurp whatever is left of it.

"The sufferings of the Palestinians are not confined to the usurpation of half their land in 1947 and the dispersal of the majority outside of Palestine, or to the confiscation of their homes and property, or to the confiscation of the remainder of Palestine in 1967 and the expulsion of another part of that people, or to other violations of human rights, including murder, imprisonment and torture, the taking over of water resources and the establishment of Israeli settlements on lands belonging to the Palestinian people. All this has not been enough for Israel it continues to oppress the refugees in their camps in southern Lebanon and to bombard them in Beirut in order to bring about their total extermination also, the bloodbaths Israel and its agents have committed in Sabra and Shatila are only another in the vicious series of Israeli terrorist acts that the Palestinian People have suffered since 1948.

"We regret in this regard that certain States still object to the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and continue to support Israel militarily and economically, financially and politically. Without such support this aggressive State could not have continued its expansionist and aggressive policies, thus flouting the United Nations resolutions concerning the Palestinian question.

"We urge the international community to continue supporting the struggle of the Palestinian people, under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation organization (PLO), its sole and legitimate representative, until it recovers all of its usurped rights and achieves its national aspirations.

"The United Arab Emirates expresses its deep regret with regard to the very trying phase the Palestinian revolution is now experiencing. This revolution was and continues to be cherished by all Arabs and all peace-loving countries of the world. Therefore, we call on all Palestinian parties to refrain from resorting to force in solving problems and to become more responsible. All should rally round the PLO before these differences affect the Palestinian cause. We call upon the Palestinian leadership to work towards settling its problems through open democratic dialogue in order to put the Palestinian cause on the right path to the achievement of its objective in recovering all the rights of the Palestinian people and establishing an independent Palestinian State in Palestine.

"in conclusion, I wish to reaffirm that we in the United Arab Emirates will do everything possible in support of the Palestinian people and provide it with all assistance for the recovery of its rights."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I call on the next speaker, the representative of Romania.

Mr. NSRINESCU (Romania) (interpretation from French): it is my honour to read out the message addressed by the President of the Socialist Republic of Romania, Nicolae Ceausescu, to the President of the thirty-eighth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, Mr. Jorge Illueca, and to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Javier Perez de Cuellar, on the occasion of the international Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, as follows:

"The holding on 29 November of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People affords me the opportunity to reaffirm, on behalf of the Socialist Republic of Romania and on my own behalf, the sentiments of heartfelt friendship which the Romanian people feel towards the Palestinian people and our solid and consistent support for their just cause and for the efforts towards the realization of their legitimate and inalienable national rights to self-determination and to the establishment of their own independent State.

"This year the manifestation of solidarity with the Palestinian people is taking place under extremely complex and contradictory circumstances of tension amongst States and deterioration in the international climate.

The situation continues tense in the Middle East because of the fact that no strides have been made towards settling the question of the Palestinian people and because it has not proven possible to set in train a broad-based and viable process of negotiations likely to lead to a comprehensive settlement of the conflict in that area and to bringing about a Just and lasting peace in that strife-torn part of the world. This has in large measure contributed to the worsening of the international political climate. At the same time, the serious situation in Lebanon resulting first and foremost from military intervention, the retention of troops by Israel on that country's territory and the escalation of confrontation in Lebanon has brought a powerfully negative influence to bear.

"One may quite rightly assert that the turn of events for the worse in the Middle East once again shows very clearly that the only path towards resolving the problems afflicting that region is that of a political solutions dialogue and direct negotiations, however difficult they may be.

"The situation as it has evolved has driven home still more forcefully the reality that it is the question of the Palestinian people which constitutes the central issue and that failing its settlement a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the area cannot be brought about. This requires Israel's withdrawal from the Arab territories occupied as a result of the 1967 war, the settlement of the question of the Palestinian people, while ensuring their right to self-determination and to the establishment of their own independent State in order to bring peace to the region and throughout the world.

"By the same token, I feel that, in the interest of bringing about a comprehensive settlement of the situation in the Middle East, it is necessary to bring about urgently the unconditional withdrawal of Israeli troops from Lebanon and to implement a broad-based reconciliation amongst the political and social forces in Lebanon in order to ensure the independence, sovereignty, national unity and territorial integrity of that country.

"On the occasion of the commemoration this year of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, I should like to stress that the Socialist Republic of Romania and the Romanian people will continue to make the fullest contribution to efforts aimed at lasting and just solutions of the Middle East question, bringing about a comprehensive peace in that part of the world, making a reality of the legitimate national rights of the friendly Palestinian people, under the leadership of the PLO, to self-determination and the establishment of their own State.

"At the same time, I express the conviction that, just as the United Nations can and must play an ever-more active role in efforts to resolve the middle East conflict, the question of the Palestinian people and, in general or by political means to defuse and resolve all situations of tension and conflict between States in order to halt the worsening of the international situation, which has been aggravated over the last several days by the start of delivery and deployment in Europe of new intermediate-range missiles, it can and must also act more forcefully to achieve the triumph of the overall policy of peace, security, disarmament, co-operation and respect for the  national independence of all peoples the world over."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I call on the representative of Pakistan.

Mr. SHAH (Pakistan): It is indeed a privilege for me to read out the following message from His Excellency General Mohammad Zia-Ul-Hag President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, 29 November 1983:

"The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people is being observed today against the backdrop of continuing atrocities by the Zionist authorities against the Palestinian people. At no time in the past has the plight of the Palestinians been as grave as it is today and the need for the solidarity of all right-thinking people in the world with the oppressed people of Palestine was never greater.

"Israel is pursuing an openly expansionist policy in the region. In pursuance of its infamous aims, it is engaged in relentless oppression of the Palestinian people in an attempt to usurp their inalienable rights and to destroy their spiritual and cultural heritage. Repeated attempts have also been made to desecrate the Holy Places of Islam in the occupied Al-Quds Al-Sharif. Pakistan has voiced its strong protest and expressed its deep concern over such desecration of our Holy Places, as well as the excavations being conducted adjacent to the Dome of the Rock, which threaten the Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque.

"Israel by its policy of repeated provocations and unceasing acts of aggression continues to defy world public opinion and flouts the principles of international law and the United Nations Charter. The international community, through the United Nations and other bodies, has already condemned the Zionist attempts to alter the physical character, demographic composition and institutional structure, as well as the status, of the occupied territories, including Al-Quds Al-Sharif. The Zionist authorities must be made to realize that they can never succeed in suppressing the indomitable will of the Palestinian people through such wanton acts.

"On this Day, the Government and the people of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan renew their resolute solidarity with the Palestinian brethren and reiterate their pledge to support the Palestinians in their Just struggle to regain their inalienable rights. Pakistan calls upon the world community to assume its international obligations and compel Israel to restore the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, without which a lasting peace in the Middle East will not be possible."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I call on the representative Of Democratic Yemen.

Mr. AL-ASHTAL (Democratic Yemen) (interpretation from Arabic): I have the Pleasure of reading out the following message from President Ali Nasser Mohammed, Secretary-General of the Central Committee and Prime Minister, on the Occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian Peoples

"On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, I wish to extend to you our thanks and to wish success for the efforts undertaken by the United Nations and world opinion to find a solution to the question of Palestine and the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.

"Israel's flouting of United Nations resolutions pertaining to the question of Palestine and its disregard of the rights of the Palestinian people in practicing its aggressive, expansionist policy against the Arab countries resulting in continuous tension in the Middle East have adversely affected peace in the region and in the world.

"It is very clear now that peace cannot be maintained without the complete withdrawal of Israel from the occupied Arab territories and without finding a solution to the Palestinian question, which is considered the core of the problem of the Middle East, and recognizing the rights of the Palestinian people to return to their homeland, to self-determination and the establishment of an independent States under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), their sole legitimate representative.

"Undoubtedly, the continuation of that arrogant Israeli position, supported by the United States of America and its allies, against the rights of the Palestinian people and Israel's determination to pursue its occupation of Arab territories are conducive to further dangers in the Middle East and widely threaten peace there and in neighbouring regions, especially since Israel has been linked to a series of maneuvers in the region, examples of which are Israel's invasion of Lebanon, the oppression of the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples by United States and French military forces as part of multinational forces in Lebanon and other aggressive actions carried out against the innocent Lebanese and Palestinian peoples and the neighbouring Arab States.

"In its highly important task at this very critical juncture in the Middle East it is incumbent upon the United Nations to continue all efforts to compel Israel to implement United Nations resolutions calling for withdrawal from the occupied Arab territories and recognizing the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, since this is a prerequisite for the establishment of security and stability in the Middle East, enabling all the States and peoples of that region to live in peace, including the independent Palestinian State.

"The Government of Democratic Yemen commends your lofty efforts in this direction and on this International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People reconfirms its intention to maintain its principled position at the side of the Palestinian people, under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), to oppose all plans and designs aimed at depriving them of their legitimate rights to return to their homeland and to establish their own independent State."

The Chairman (interpretation from French): I now call on the representative of Mauritania to make his statement.

Mr. OULD SIDI AHMED VALL (Mauritania) (interpretation from Arabic): should like to read out the message from His Excellency Lieutenant-Colonel Mohamed Khouna Ould Haidalla, President of the Military Committee for National Salvation and read of State of Mauritania:

"On behalf of the Mauritanian people, on behalf of the Military Committee for National Salvation and on my own behalf, I am particularly pleased to renew our profound gratitude and congratulations on the effective work accomplished by your lofty Committee in favour of right and justice in the Holy Land of Palestine.

"On the occasion of this International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, it is worth recalling that the struggle of this people against the usurpation of its homeland and the genocidal action against its inhabitants is indeed the cause of all the peoples of the world.

"In spite of numerous obstacles and of all its hardships and sufferings, the admirable Palestinian people has succeeded in preserving its national identity, thanks to enormous sacrifice and because of the growing solidarity of all the other peoples of the world.

"At the level of this world-wide Organization, your Committee is Indeed the concrete expression of the near unanimous support for the just resistance of the Arab people of Palestine.

"The proliferation and complexity of present difficulties has never dissuaded the Islamic Republic of Mauritania from remaining convinced, as always that, under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and owing to the determination of its heroic people, the sister Arab Palestine will survive and win its freedom.

"We are also convinced that the unity of the Palestinian national movement, led by the PLO, will be preserved through brotherly and democratic dialogues, thereby preserving the resolute resistance to the Zionist usurper.

"More than ever before, the international community should spare no effort in assisting the Palestinian people to secure its inalienable national rights."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): The next speaker is the representative of Tunisia, on whom I now call.

Mr. LESSIR (Tunisia) (interpretation from Arabic): I should like to read out a message addressed to you by His Excellency Mr. Bourguiba, President of the Tunisian Republic, on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People:

"As is my wont each year, I am addressing you a message on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

"I had hoped that the situation in the Middle East might by now have progressed to a stage of greater détente, since the peace overtures we have been witnessing during the past few years seemed to justify such hopes. The present-day situation, however, is by no means what we had expected. In spite of a determined desire for peace, as expressed by the Arabs and Palestinians in the First Plan, we observe further complexities and ramifications in the Middle East conflict.

"The Palestinian revolution, which has time and again confirmed the readiness of the Palestinian people for a peaceful settlement, is now going through a critical period which might be conducive to changing its approach. Unfortunately the international community has not been directly involved in the events and has not expressed any real interest in the core of the problem.

"These serious and painful changes at this very time are the natural result of the intransigent and inflexible position of Israel vis-à-vis the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and the will for peace in the region. This has been clearly demonstrated by Israel's perpetuation of its settlements policy in occupied Arab territories, on the one hand, and its continued occupation of southern Lebanon and undermining of Lebanese unity, On the other.

"Following the painful events in Lebanon in 1982, we expected the world to take a firm position – since it is responsible for the Palestinian tragedy – with regard to these Israeli policies and continue assisting the Palestinian people to achieving its legitimate rights.

"However, the world has refrained from saying anything with regard to the Zionists, who since 1948 have continued to foment wars to divert the world's attention from the core of the problem and the dispute. Therefore the Palestinian cause, even though its solution was at hand, returned to the shadows and the Palestinian people found themselves the victim of further repression by Israel and continued lack of interest on the part of the international community.

"The time has come for the international community to take cognizance of the fact that the Palestinian generations brought up in refugee camps have lost patience in this tragic situation and will be compelled to defend themselves by resorting to force since peaceful means have been of no avail.

"We must recognize that peace in the Middle East would foster the achievement of peace throughout the world and, therefore, peace in that region is our responsibility. This awareness requires that we put aside any circumstantial approach and tackle the problem at its roots. I hope that the Special Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People will intensify its efforts towards achieving this goal, so as to put an end to the Palestinian tragedy and close off all avenues that might lead to the recurrence of such a tragedy in future.

I wish in conclusion to express to you, Mr. Chairman, Tunisia's thanks and appreciation for the continuous and effective efforts you and the other members of the Committee have undertaken to achieve the legitimate rights of the Palestinian People and to put an end to the most glaring injustice in the twentieth century. Tunisia appreciates your personal contribution and that of the people and Government of your country, Senegal, convinced as we are of the righteousness of the cause and struggle waged by the Palestinian people, under its sole legitimate representative, the Palestine Liberation organization.

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I call next on the representative of the Syrian Arab Republic.

Mr. EL-FATTAL (Syrian Arab Republic) (interpretation from Arabic): On this occasion I have the honor to transmit to the Committee the text of a message from President Hafez Assad of the Syrian Arab Republic, as follows:

"I have the pleasure, on behalf of the Syrian Arab people and on my own behalf, to extend our congratulations to the Special Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People on Its commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

"The Palestinian question has a long record in this international Organization. This record proves that since its inception Israel has been linked with usurpation, aggression and expansion with regard to the Arab territories, has been characterized by its challenge of international public opinion, the flouting of United Nations resolutions and the unleashing of a lengthy series of barbaric acts of aggression against the Arab States and has bluntly stated Its expansionist designs. The most recent examples of Israel's Policy were its declarations of annexation of Jerusalem and the Golan Heights and Its invasion of Lebanon, which was accompanied by death and destruction and other attempts to undermine Lebanon's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity through an agreement which the United States of America and Israel sought to impose on Lebanon.

"Israel bears full responsibility for the plight of the Arab Palestinian people and for the expulsion of millions of Arabs from their homes in Palestine, the Golan Heights and Lebanon. In addition, it practices a racist Policy, in all its forms, against the Arab citizens in the occupied Arab territories. By the sum total of its practices it has thus created an explosive situation in the region with serious repercussions for peace and security in the world. Israel would not be able to continue its aggressive and expansionist policies and to flout international public opinion, violating resolutions of the international organization, without the support of world imperialism, led by the United States of America, which has encouraged Israel and supported it in various ways.

"It is recognized that the Palestinian question is at the core of the conflict in our regions it is the cause of the whole Arab nation and, hence, our cause in Syria and the focal point of our struggle. Therefore, our relationship with the Palestinian cause goes deeper than that of mere solidarity, for it is a relationship with a common cause and destiny owing to the national links that bind us to the Arab Palestinian people and because Israel's ambitions are not limited to the borders of Palestine but extend beyond to other parts of the Arab nation on which Israel envisages creating a Greater Israel extending from the Nile to the Euphrates, as was proclaimed by the Zionist leaders.

"We in Syria are determined to continue our struggle in support of the Palestinian cause, since it is based on principle and justice and is the central cause of the Arab nation.

"I wish to reiterate our congratulations to your Committee and to wish you all success in your endeavours, in the hope that your Committee's meetings will add to the support for the rights of the Palestinian people and contribute to achieving the just peace to which we all aspire and work towards.

We shall not reply to the statement of the representative of Iraq on this occasion on which we are commemorating solidarity with the Palestinian people, although we would have liked to listen to a defence of the Palestinian people rather than to allegations against the Syrian Arab Republic.

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I call next on the representative of Senegal.

Mr. BADJI (Senegal) (interpretation from French): I have the great honour and privilege to read out a message addressed to the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People by His Excellency President Abdou Diouf on the occasion of the observance on 29 November of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. It reads as follows:

"As it has in previous years on 29 November the international community is observing the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. For 35 years that brother people have known exile, persecution and oppression and their inalienable rights to return to their homeland, to self-determination and independence, continue to be denied them. Senegal, which has always supported the legitimate cause of the Palestinian people, remains firmly convinced that so long as justice does not prevail for that martyred people, it will be impossible to find a lasting and just solution to the Middle East crisis.

"Justice means, first of all, recognition of the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), and recognition of its right to participate fully in all negotiations and talks aimed at finding a solution to the Palestinian question. It also presupposes that the international community will embark without delay upon the implementation of the relevant conclusions adopted at the International Conference on the Question of Palestine held recently at Geneva.

"The recent events in Lebanon make it incumbent upon all of us urgently to commit ourselves to intensifying our efforts in the search for a settlement in accordance with the relevant principles of the United Nations. For our part, we remain determined to spare no effort in contributing to the realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people as formulated by this Committee, to which we should like to pay a tribute for the serious and useful work it has performed since its creation. The Government and people of Senegal, and I personally, urge you to persevere in your efforts and assure you of our full co-operation.

"To the brother people of Palestine and to their legitimate representative, the Palestine Liberation organization (PLO), we wish full success in their struggle for independence and freedom."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I now call upon the representative of Afghanistan.

Mr. KAZEM (Afghanistan): I have the honour to read out the text of the message from His Excellency Babrak Karmal, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan and President of the Revolutionary Council, addressed to His Excellency Javier Perez de Cuellar on the occasion of the observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The message reads as follows:

"I should like to take this opportunity to express the strongest support and deep feeling of the people and Government of Afghanistan, and my own, on the occasion of the commemoration of 29 November, the international Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, in their just and noble struggle for self-determination and for the establishment of an independent State of their own.

"The Palestine question, as one of the most challenging and continuing problems of this century, is the product of collusion between the forces of imperialism and international Zionism spearheaded against the Arab national liberation movements. It is quite obvious that the developments now taking place in the region clearly confirm the strategic dimension planned out by the imperialist Powers since the establishment of the Zionist State of Israel at the expense of the Palestinian people.

"Israel is granted total support in the economic, political and military fields by the imperialist Powers, led by United States imperialism, with the aim of turning Israel into the gendarme for the region to safeguard the inhuman interests of imperialism and into an instrument of suppression in dealing with the Arab national liberation movements.

"Zionist Israel, with the full support of United States imperialism, occupied Arab territories and, despite the call of the international community to withdraw from those occupied territories, it continues its occupation of Arab lands. The invasion of Lebanon for the purpose of physically liquidating the Palestine Liberation organization (PLO), the genocidal acts in the Sabra and Shatila camps and other similar barbaric actions in the occupied territories, as well as the inhuman and aggressive activities of United States imperialism under the umbrella of the so-called multinational peace-keeping forces directed against the patriotic forces of Lebanon and defenceless Palestinian refugees, constitute flagrant violations of the generally accepted norms governing international relations.

"The Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, while fully supporting the just cause of the Palestinian people, believes that the key to the solution of the Middle East problem is the complete, unconditional and immediate withdrawal of Israeli occupationist forces from all occupied territories and total restoration of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people. Rejecting any design to isolate the question of Palestine from the rest of the Middle East, such as partial agreements, including the Camp David deals, we believe that the only realistic way to work out a political settlement of the Palestinian problem is through the holding of an international conference with full-scale participation of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. The implementation of relevant United Nations resolutions, including the resolutions and recommendations of the International Conference on the Question of Palestine, held from 29 August to 7 September 1983 at Geneva, will serve as effective steps towards the solution of the Middle East problem.

"In their struggle against Zionism and imperialism and for independence, freedom, Peace and progress in the Middle East, the unity and solidarity of all peace-loving Arab peoples, especially the unity of the Palestinian people, in spite of United States imperialism attempts to destroy it, is heading towards final and complete victory.

"I should like to reiterate once again the firm and all round support of the people and Government of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan for the Just struggle of the Arab people of Palestine. We are confident that the just cause of the Palestinians will triumph and that soon they will achieve their rightful goals."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I now call upon the representative of Bangladesh.

Mr. WASIUDDIN (Bangladesh): I have the honour and pleasure to read out a message from Lieutenant-General H. M. Ershad, President of the Council of Ministers of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, on the occasion of the observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the people of Palestine on 29 November 1983, as follows:

"Today, as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people is being observed all over the world under the auspices of the United Nations, the Government and the people of Bangladesh once again join with the international community in reiterating full and unswerving support to our Palestinian brethren in their just struggle for independence and the realization of their inalienable-and legitimate rights to establish a State of their own in their homeland, under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation organization, their sole and legitimate representative, with Jerusalem as the capital.

"The question of Palestine continues to be the crux of the problem in West Asia. It is a major challenge to the credibility of the international community in its efforts to uphold the principles and objectives enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations. No other problem has evoked so much thought, unleashed such a high degree of indignation in recent times as this issue, the tragedy of a dispossessed nation.

"The political entity of the Palestinian people and their rights to establish a State of their own in their homeland is an established fact under international law and jurisprudence. Ignoring this factor would be to discount a reality recognized by an overwhelming majority of the world's nation-states. The recognition of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination and the establishment of a State of their own must be the fundamental element of any durable, permanent and lasting peace in West Asia.

"Bangladesh has always taken keen interest in and endeavoured to uphold the just cause of the Palestinian people in all international forums, especially the United Nations. From the very outset, Bangladesh has actively advocated the establishment of the rights of the Palestinian people as a nation.

"I should like to take this opportunity to convey the deep appreciation of the Government and the people of Bangladesh to the Committee on the Exercise of the inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People in projecting their just cause.

"Before concluding, on behalf of the delegation of Bangladesh and on my own behalf, I wish to congratulate your Sir, and the other members of the Committee for Your dedicated and selfless endeavours in the cause of the Palestinian people.

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I call on the next speaker, the representative of Guinea.

Mr. TOURE (Guinea) (interpretation from French): I have the honour to read out the message which Mr. Ahmed Sekou Toure, President of the People's Revolutionary Republic of Guinea, has addressed to Mr. Javier Perez de Cuellar, the United Nations Secretary-General, on the occasion of the International Day of solidarity with the Palestinian People.

"The observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People affords us the opportunity, on behalf of the people and Government of Guinea and on our own behalf, to address to you our sincere and heartfelt congratulations. We closely follow the commendable efforts the United Nations, through this Committee, constantly exerts for the restoration of the inalienable rights of the martyred Palestinian people. We are convinced that the bold machinations of certain foreign circles and interests and their dilatory tactics aimed at the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people are doomed to failure. We are moreover deeply concerned at the current fratricidal conflict among various Palestinian factions within the Palestine Liberation organization (PLO)). We issue a fraternal call on those factions to demonstrate a spirit of patriotism in order to resolve that conflict and safeguard the unity of the Palestinian people in regaining their inalienable rights. We reaffirm the unconditional support of the people and the Government of Guinea in this just task. Please be assured of our highest esteem."

The Chairman (interpretation from French): I call on the next speaker, the representative of the Maldives.

Mr. SALEEM (Maldives): I have the honour to read out to this Committee a message addressed to you, Sir, from the President of Maldives, HIS Excellency Mr. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

"Today we not only proclaim our solidarity with our Palestinian brothers and sisters and reconfirm our commitment to them, but remind ourselves of the courage they display in their heroic and historic battle to regain their homeland.

"It is a nature and quality of courage that cannot fail to inspire every single one of us. It is a nature and quality of courage that commands our loyalty, our concern and our active allegiance, not just on this Day of international solidarity with them, but at all times.

"Indeed, on this special Day and in the name of the Republic of Maldives, I proclaim to the people of Palestine our abiding faith and confidence in then and their ultimate victory.

For the irrefutable truth remains, as it has done since the occupation by the use of armed aggression by Israel of their homeland, that the battle they wage is the battle of all those, whoever and wherever they may be, who respect justice and self-determinations that, in effect, the battle being waged by the Palestinians is the cause of humanity that until they are restored to the land God gave them and are thus truly free, none of us are.

"It is an evident truth, a reality that the continued use of armed terror, intimidation and propaganda by the occupying force in Palestine the Zionists, will not, Indeed cannot, dilute and it is a truth and a reality the international community will ignore at its very own peril.

"For the aggression inherent in the alienation of the Palestinians from their homeland and its continued, military occupation constitutes a challenge to the international community that, if not recognized and met, can only have the gravest of implications.

"Indeed, if the aggression and intransigence of Israel are condoned by the big nations of the world they can only be devalued and diminished in the eyes of those who look to them for an example in international affairs. And if such a circumstance continues to exist, on that tolerates the gross and inhuman injustice visited upon the Palestinian people, what, ultimately, is the value of the principles of non-aggression and respect for national sovereignty and territorial integrity, which so many in positions of high influence so often proclaim? What can be the integrity of any of us if we continue to deny the Palestinians that which we so covet for ourselves?

"Israel and those who through the forces of international imperialism aided its illegitimate birth and who continue to equip it with the tools of oppression and aggression, can no longer evade responsibility for that which they make possible or indeed be immune from the consequences of their own action. The inexorable tide of history, together with the sustained courage of the people of Palestine, will not only, ultimately, defeat them, but relegate them to an enduring condemnation.

"For it is plain and it is simple.

"To create one State out of another is an evil and an act of high immorality and the truth remains that what is immoral can never be politically acceptable, just as it cannot even endure or be at peace with itself. Such is the lesson of history and it is a lesson which none can deny.

"It is, of course, tragedy that the forces of division are currently engaged in an attempt to distract and dissipate the Palestinian cause and its essential purpose.

"On this special Day, with particular earnest the Government of Maldives asks that those in the international community, especially those in the Islamic world who are so able to prevent division, do so and that they approach such a duty with all possible despatch, that they bring their influence to bear and in so doing bring honour to themselves and be of service to the Palestinian people.

"And on this Day too, in the name of the Government and the people of this Republic# I commit our support and our prayers to the people of Palestine, and, in solidarity with them, look forward to the time which will herald their emancipation.

"The courage and resolve of the Palestinian nation will be sung to future, generations around the world and their memory will live in the hearts of the human race as long as it respects the past."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I now call upon the representative of Zambia to make his statement.

Mr. M'TESA (Zambia): Mr. Chairman, it is an honour and a privilege for me to read out a message addressed to you by my Head of State, His Excellency Dr. Kenneth D. Kaundar President of the Republic of Zambia, on the occasion of the commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, as follows:

"On behalf of the people of Zambia, the Party and its Government and on my own behalf, I extend to you and, through you, to the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, our warmest felicitations on this International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

"We recognize that the service you are rendering to promote the cause of the Palestinian people-is as selfless as it is priceless. We commend you must highly and we have no doubt that your efforts will sooner or later be crowned with success.

"Your solemn meeting to commemorate the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People is taking place at a critical time in the history of the Middle East. The situation in the Middle East is more polarized than over before and its solution remains as elusive as ever. The Middle East remains one of the most explosive areas of the world, precisely due to Israel's Intransigence and its policies of aggression, occupation and destabilization against its neighbours and, above all, because of Its denial to the Palestinian people of their inalienable right to the principle of self-determination.

"The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People evokes a special feeling of camaraderie in Zambia with the Palestinian people, because of the existence of racist South Africa, whose policies of apartheid, aggression, occupation and destabilization of its neighbours can be equalled only to that of Israel. We therefore salute the gallant people of Palestine for waging an indomitable struggle against Israeli policies and practices. We commend them highly for their undaunted bravery in facing the ruthless Israeli military machine, which is committed to the extermination of the Palestinian people. The determination of the people of Palestine to struggle to the bitter end for their inalienable rights has always been a source of admiration and support from the people of Zambia. Consequently, our support for the people of Palestine is an integral part of Zambia's foreign policy.

"Zambia attaches great importance to this commemorative occasion, whose import it is to reawaken the international conscience to the ominous plight in Diaspora of the people of Palestine. It I also the import of this occasion to provide a focal point for the meeting o: like-minded people to address a common problem so that together they can rally their Invaluable support to the tormented people of Palestine. It also serves as a timely reminder of the responsibilities the United Nations has vis-à-vis the resolution of this protracted problem, which has been on the agenda of the United Nations since its inception nearly 40 years ago.

"Zambia reiterates its well-known view that the question of Palestine is the core of the Middle East problem and that Israel's policies and practices are the source of the problem. In order to resolve the Palestinian issue conclusively, Israel must recognize the inalienable rights of the Palestinians and withdraw from all Arab territories occupied since 1967. Any other actions short of recognition of the rights of the Palestinian people and the Unconditional withdrawal from Arab territories are no more than diversionary manoeuvres by Israel and will not bring about lasting peace in the region.

"I reaffirm Zambia's commitment to the Palestinian cause and wish to express our unflinching solidarity with the people of Palestine. We share their aspiration to regain their homeland."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I now call upon the representative of the Central African Republic.

Mr. GRESENGUET (Central African Republic) (interpretation from French): Mr. Chairman, I have the honor of conveying to you and to the other members of the Committee, a message addressed to you by His Excellency, General Andre Kolingha, President of the Military Committee for National Recovery, Head of the Central African Republic, on the occasion of the observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The message reads as follows:

"At a time when the Committee on the Exercise of the inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People is holding this special gathering to observe international solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian People, I should like to avail myself of this opportunity to reaffirm the solidarity of the people of the Central African Republic with the Palestinian people in the resolute struggle it is waging, under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), to recover its national rights.

"While the final conclusion of this struggle must proceed from the efforts of the international community, it is none the less true that the unity of the Palestinian people is indispensable for waging this struggle. That is why on this same occasion I invite all factions within the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to set aside their differences and focus their efforts on a single goal, namely, bringing about an independent Palestinian State in keeping with the relevant United Nations resolutions.

"In wishing all success for the commemoration of this Day, please accept Sir, my highest esteem."

The Chairman I call on the representative of Nigeria.

Mr. KAZAURE (Nigeria) : Mr. Chairman, on behalf of my delegation, I should like to extend to you our gratitude for giving me this honour and privilege to read out to the Committee on the Exercise of the inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People a message sent by my President, Alhaji Shehu Shagari, to His Excellency the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Perez de Cuellar on the occasion of the commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People – 29 November 1983. The message reads as follows:

Mr. Secretary-General, on this important day, 29 November 1983, and on this important occasion, the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, I wish, on behalf of the Government and people of Nigeria, and on my own behalf, to express and reiterate Nigeria's total and unflagging support for the just struggle of the Palestinians.

“I am proud to say that Nigeria has been and will continue to be actively associated with the Palestinian cause until the ultimate objective of self-determination for the Palestinians is achieved. Nigeria will also continue to make its own contribution, under the auspices of the United Nations and through contacts with the Palestine Liberation organization (PLO) which we recognize as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.

"I note with regret, however, the recent outbreak of intense fighting among Palestinian brothers in Lebanon. Such clashes, with the attendant long of lives, can only serve one purposes to divert attention from the real problem and dissipate energy and resources which should be properly harnessed for the liberation struggle and the achievement of national self-determination. I therefore call on all Palestinian brothers to settle their internal differences in a peaceful and democratic way.

"I also note the important work being done by the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People.

"I have noted with interest and hope the conclusions of the recent International Conference on the Question of Palestine, held in Geneva. it is Nigeria's hope that the call contained in the report of the Conference for convening an international conference on the question of Palestine, which will include the Palestinians, the other interested parties and the two super-Powers, will materialize soon.

"Finally, I reiterate once again Nigeria's total support for the Palestinian cause. Nigeria totally rejects the evil of racial discrimination, whether in the occupied territories or in southern Africa. We reject the acquisition of territory by force and call upon Israel to withdraw its forces, totally, from all the occupied territories in order to pave the way for the Palestinians to exercise their inalienable right of self-determination."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): The next speaker is the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran, on whom I now call.

Mr. RAJAIE-Khorassani (Islamic Republic of Iran): Mohammed, the Prophet Of God and his followers, and those who are with him, are firm and strong against the Infidels, and kind and friendly amongst themselves.

Mr. Chairman, it is a pleasure for me to read out to you the message of His Excellency Hojjatol Eslam Seyyed Ali Khamenei, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which we received today on the occasion of the commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The message reads as follows:

"For almost 40 years, the brave people of Palestine have spearheaded the anti-Zionist and anti-imperialist struggle in the Moslem world. The Palestinians have sacrificed tremendously for their causes, and many of them have lived for decades in refugee camps, under austere living conditions, in order to keep this struggle alive. But while the Palestinian people have struggled and sacrificed, Moslems all over the world have been mostly distant, spectators of this holy war. The time has come for Moslems to wake up to their duties and obligations and join the struggle to free the lands of Palestine, in which are located some of the most holy shrines and sanctuaries of Islam.

"Mankind's bitter experience of almost four decades of illegitimate Zionist control over Palestine has demonstrated that aggression is an inherent characteristic of the base called Israel and that compromise with such an element does not conform with any logic. There is no doubt that the long-term policy of the imperialist base called Israel in the region is the destruction of the cause of Palestine and the strengthening of the presence of American imperialism in the Middle East. The latest attempts to strengthen strategic ties between Israel and the United States stands witness to this policy.

"We believe that the basic solution to the question of Palestine and to the whole Middle East crisis can be found in a sincere effort towards a unified Islamic position and a united Islamic front against world arrogance, Zionism and imperialism. We consider the struggle against such oppressors and aggressors as the Zionist regime and Its imperialist supporter, the United States to be an Islamic duty of all Moslems of the world and a human duty Of all honourable human beings, and we expect all those who advocate Justice and are concerned about international peace and security to take practical steps in support of the oppressed people of Palestine.

"The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in conformity with the above position of principle and on the basis of its commitment emanating from the divine teachings of the Holy Koran, declares once again that it extends its unreserved solidarity with and support for the rightful and legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people to recapture their occupied homeland and thereby to free the lands of Islam from the Zionist usurpers.

"It is the earnest hope of the Islamic Republic of Iran that the Internal differences between the Palestinian freedom fighters are immediately resolved so that their unified potentials can be once again directed towards their noble cause of struggling against the enemy."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I now call upon the representative of Viet Nam.

Mr. HA HUY TAM (Viet Nam): I have the honour to read out a message addressed to His Excellency, Mr. Javier Perez de Cuellar, Secretary-General of the United Nations, and to you, Sir, as Chairman of the Committee on the Exercise of the inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, from His Excellency Mr. Pham Van Dong, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, on the occasion of this solemn international Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The message reads as follows:

"On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People I wish to convey to you and the Committee on the Exercise of the inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People our warm greetings.

"Together with progressive mankind the Vietnamese people warmly welcome the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People and consider it a great source of encouragement for and support to the people who have suffered numerous hardships and sacrifices but are staunchly and valiantly struggling against the occupation of the Zionist Israeli aggressors. I avail myself of the opportunity to reaffirm the consistent and resolute support of the people and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam to the Palestinian people and their sole and legitimate representative, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), in their just and unfailingly victorious struggle for their sacred and inalienable national rights, including the right to self-determination and the right to return home and to establish an independent and sovereign Palestinian State.

"At present while the American imperialists and Israeli aggressors are seeking every means to divide, isolate and weaken the resistance of the Palestinian people, denying the role of the PLO and imposing a solution which runs counter to the interests of the Palestinian and Arab peoples, we consider more than ever before that peace- and justice-loving forces throughout the world should strengthen their solidarity, support and assistance for the struggle of the Palestinian and Arab peoples against the interference and aggression of the American imperialists in the Middle East, for the peace, independence and security of nations in the region and in the world.

"Please accept my wishes of good health and the assurances of my high consideration."

The Chairman (interpretation from French): I now call upon the representative of Togo.

Mr. AMEGA (Togo) (interpretation from French): Mr. Chairman, the Committee on the Exercise of the inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People over which you preside with such dedication and effectiveness has again this year, under your brilliant and far-sighted leadership, organized this International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People to evince the profound concern the International community feels in the face of the question of Palestine, which remains the linchpin of the situation in the Middle East. The Government and the people of Togo, who have always upheld the just cause of the Palestinian people, under the dynamic leadership of the Palestine Liberation organization (PLO), would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm their devotion to that cause. For that reason, the Founder of the Rally of the Togolese People and President of the Republic of Togo, General Gnassingbe Eyadema, has on this occasion, as in the past, sent a message, which it is my signal honour to read out to the Committee:

"At the time when the Committee on the Exercise of the inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People is holding this important and solemn meeting to mark the International Day of Solidarity with the martyr Palestinian People, on behalf of the people of Togo and of its vanguard party, the Rally of the Togolese People and on our own personal behalf we should like to address to the heroic Palestinian people and to their courageous leaders and valiant fighters our best wishes for health and success and to declare our unswerving support for the just cause they are defending. The defence of that cause must continue steadfastly and with a united front. More than ever before, recent events in the region as a whole, and in Lebanon in particular call for unity of action on a grand scale, so that with all the parties concerned the search for a just and lasting peace, which presupposes the settlement of the Palestinian problem, can lead to a positive outcome satisfactory to all. We remain absolutely convinced that there can be no lasting peace in the Middle East so long as all the true parties to the conflict are not involved in negotiations on the basis of mutual recognition and a guarantee of peaceful coexistence as neighbouring peoples fated to live together. The Palestinian people too have the right to life and to existence on a territory of its own having freely chosen its destiny." I should like to take this opportunity once again to express to the Committee my delegation's full satisfaction at the great task it is accomplishing to see justice triumph so that the Palestinian people, in regaining its rights, may finally live in peace.

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I now call upon the representative of Ghana.

Mr. GBEHO (Ghana): On the occasion of the observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, I am privileged to Convey to you, Mr. Chairman, and the other members of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People the following message of Solidarity from my Head of State, Flight-Lieutenant J.J. Rawlings, in his capacity go Chairman of the Provisional National Defense Council of Ghana’s:

"On behalf of the Government and people of Ghana, and on my own behalf, I welcome this opportunity to convey to the United Nations and especially to the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People Our nation's sincere solidarity with all Palestinians.

"May I also extend my profound felicitations and best wishes to all those who are struggling for Palestinian freedom for the successful execution of an onerous responsibility.

"It is for us in Ghana a solemn day for reflection and rededication to the worthy cause of the Palestinian people. It is also a day on which we ponder the plight of the millions of oppressed people everywhere who are no less engaged in the wider and relentless struggle for justice and human dignity.

"This Day of Solidarity calls for sober reflection by the international community on the struggle for the attainment by the Palestinian people of their inalienable rights. Such an evaluation is especially called for at this time, because the occasion this year unfortunately has coincided with a renewed outbreak of fighting among rival Palestinian combatants. It in a matter of great regret and anguish for us in Ghana to see Palestinian guns turned against Palestinians while the enemy is spared. We therefore address an urgent and sincere appeal to the Palestinian people to put an end to the internecine conflict which does nothing but undermine the unity of their cause and struggle for freedom and justice. Such internal squabbles can only advance the aims of Israel, which is bent on destroying Palestinian nationalism by acts of war and terror.

"For more than 36 years now and since they were uprooted from their homeland by brute force and other insidious measures, the Palestinian people have suffered every kind of indignity and injustice. They have been subjected to the most atrocious acts of oppression, torture, indiscriminate massacre and systematic genocide by the Israelis, who have seized vast areas of their territories and installed themselves in permanent occupation, as well an in defiance of the United Nations and the international community as a whole. Incessant acts of aggression, repression and molestation by Israeli forces over the years have not only taken a heavy toll in Palestinian lives but have also condemned the Palestinian people to a life of homelessness and insecurity.

"We recall in particular hundreds of defenceless civilian victims of-the Sabra and Shatila massacre conducted under Israeli military supervision. The cruel irony of that savage act was that the erstwhile victims of Nazi persecution should even indirectly permit an act of genocide against the Palestinian people. The cruelty in that massacre and other acts directed at the military and political liquidation of the Palestinian people is again being condemned as we commemorate those who were killed.

"We rededicate ourselves, therefore, to the continued support of the Palestinian cause. We reaffirm once again our total solidarity with the Palestinian people in their heroic struggle to recover their homeland. We stand by them and endorse once again the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination and the establishment of an independent and sovereign State of their own in Palestine. To that end and in the interest of a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East, we call on Israel to put an end to its illegal annexation of occupied Arab territories and to withdraw from them and all other Palestinian territories."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I call on the representative of Nicaragua.

Mr. ICAZA GALLARD (Nicaragua) (interpretation from Spanish): It is an honour for me on this solemn occasion to read out the following message from the Governing Junta of National Reconstruction in observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian Peoples.

"On behalf of the people and the Government of Nicaragua, the Governing Junta of National Reconstruction, on the occasion of the observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the heroic Palestinian People, would like to address to the Palestinian people and its sole, legitimate representatives the Palestine Liberation Organization, its most fraternal salute and to reaffirm its resolute support during a time when the common enemy of all peoples and its unconditional ally, Zionism, are relentlessly waging war against the Arab nation and the Palestinian people, striving at all costs to prevent the establishment of an independent, non-aligned Palestinian State on its own national Palestinian territory.

"The international community views with grave alarm the constant worsening of the situation in the Middle East. In this regard, what becomes urgent and indeed a matter of the utmost priority is to step up efforts for the speedy achievement of a just, comprehensive and lasting solution of this problem, in consonance with relevant United Nations resolutions, thus making it possible for the Palestinian people fully to exercise its inalienable national rights and to live peacefully in fellowship with all States in that part of the world.

"The intransigent stance of the United States and Israel has been the Major obstacle on the path towards peace in the Middle East, inasmuch as the question of Palestine is the crux of 'the essential element of the crisis in that region. It in not by denying to the Palestinian people its inalienable right that peace will be won. It is not by denying to that people the right to return to its homeland, to self-determination and the establishment of an independent Palestinian State that a contribution can be made to a just, comprehensive and lasting settlement of this question.

"The Nicaraguan people's solidarity with the Arab nation has always been at the forefront of the policies of the Sandinista Revolution ever since December 1979.

"We reiterate our unconditional support for the Palestinian people and for their sole, legitimate representative, the Palestine Liberation Organization, to which we should like to express our most profound recognition for its tireless efforts towards restoring to itself the exercise of the inalienable rights of its people.

"In conclusion, I wish, on behalf of the delegation of Nicaragua, to express to you, Sir, our most sincere congratulations on the way you have been conducting the work of this Committee and to encourage you to pursue your efforts with the same dedication to our Organization that you have already demonstrated and thus advance our common struggle for the Palestinian people and its just cause.

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I now call on the next speaker, the representative of Bulgaria.

Mr. TSVETKOV (Bulgaria) (interpretation from French): On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, I have the great pleasure and privilege of reading out the message sent by the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party and Chairman of the Council of State of the People's Republic of Bulgaria, Todor Zhivkov, to the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Comrade Yasser Arafat.

"On behalf of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party and of the Council of State of the People's Republic of Bulgaria, the Bulgarian people and on my own personal behalf, I very sincerely congratulate you and all the fighters of the Palestinian resistance movement and the whole Palestinian people on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

"This year the world progressive and democratic community will observe this Day of Solidarity with the just cause of the fighting people of Palestine at a time of great international tension and complexity, caused by the adventurist and militaristic policy of the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The situation in the Middle East has also worsened as a result of the aggressive militaristic policy of the United States after it had become Israel's accomplice in its aggression against the Arab States. The United States has become a direct and active participant in that aggression and is already preparing new operations on a wider scale against the progressive national forces in Lebanon, against the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the Syrian Arab Republic and other Arab countries. The United States is making major efforts to extend its military countries. presence with the aim of imposing its will upon the Arab peoples, including the Arab people of Palestine.

"In this serious political and military situation in the Middle East, the primary necessity is to strengthen the unity of all the elements of the Arab liberation movement and effectively to check the designs of imperialism and Zionism. An important role in this respect can be played by the Palestinian resistance movement and its political vanguard, the PLO, the sole, legitimate representative of the Arab people of Palestine, whose international prestige has considerably increased in recent years.

"We are convinced that in this situation the necessary efforts will be made by all parties concerned with a view to solving the differences that have emerged in recent months within the PLO and that have developed, unfortunately, into fratricidal confrontation, in order to restore unity among all the elements of the Palestinian revolution within the framework of the PLO and to strengthen the latter's unity of action with those Arab States that are firmly opposed to Israeli aggression and with all progressive and anti-imperialist forces in the Arab countries and throughout the world.

"We hold in high esteem the valiant struggle of the Arab people of Palestine, together with the other patriotic and progressive forces in the Arab world against the policy of separate deals and the American-Israeli accords directed against the Arab peoples. Our position of principle on the achievement of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East remains unchanged. We wholly support the just cause of the Arab peoples and the legitimate aspiration of the Arab people of Palestine for their own State.

"I take this occasion to express our full solidarity with the friendly Arab people of Palestine and to wish their fighting vanguard – the Palestine Liberation Organization – ever greater success in the struggle against imperialism, Zionism and reaction for the creation of an independent and democratic free State of Palestine and for the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): We have heard the last of the series of messages from Heads of State and Government on the occasion of the international Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. We are again facing a crisis of conscience here, namely, that we must suspend our work due to the lateness of the hour. However, we have representatives of non-governmental organizations on our list of speakers, some of whom have come from afar to participate in our commemoration today. Unfortunately we shall not be able to hear them tonight. I should like to express my own regret and that of the Committee to them and assure them that we deeply appreciate their willingness to remain here today. In any event, the messages they wished to read out here will be fully and faithfully reproduced in the records of today's meetings. I am thinking particularly of the African National Congress of South Africa (ANC), the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC), the Soviet Afro-Asian solidarity Committee, headed by Mr. Alexander Kislov, the Arab American University Graduates, the National Arab-American Association, the Argentina-Arab Foundation, the Association of Democratic Lawyers and the International Progress Organization. I apologize most profoundly to them because, even if they were to speak, it would be without the benefit of simultaneous interpretation. It is an unavoidable situation and I appeal to them to show understanding in this connection. I now call on the representative of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Mr. Farouk Kaddoumi, Director of the Political Department of the PLO.

Mr. KADDOUMI (Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)) (interpretation from Arabic): Mr. Chairman, it is an honour for me to be among you today, on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, to extend to you the congratulations and appreciation of our people on your constant efforts in support of the Palestinian cause and our common aspiration to promote the inalienable rights of our people, including the right of return, self-determination and the establishment of an independent State on Palestinian soil.

The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People crowns the intense efforts that culminated in the International Conference on the Question of Palestine, which took place in Geneva from 29 August to 7 September this year under the auspices of the United Nations.

On this occasion, I can only express our deep gratitude to all those who contributed to the success of that Conference, notably the members of the Committee on the Exercise of the inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People and its Chairman and friend of our people, Massamba Sartre, Permanent Representative of Senegal.

Our people will long appreciate the contribution made by Mr. S. Lucille hair, Secretary of the Conference, and her assistants in the Secretariat.

We extend our thanks to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, whose counsel and co-operation greatly facilitated our efforts to prevent certain forces from torpedoing the Conference.

Our thanks go also to the Presidents of the General Assembly and of the Security Council for their participation in commemorating this Day with us.

I do not wish to repeat what I stated yesterday before the General Assembly. Today, however, we have received another message from Yasser Arafat, President of the PLO, describing the plight of our people and their aspirations. Suffice it to Say that the sum total of all that has been said and heard in the United Nations on the Question of Palestine for more than 30 years is irrefutable proof of the steadfast determination of the Palestinians to resist every maneuver to bring About their material and political demise.

In spite of such maneuvers, and irrespective of their source – the United States of America – the lesson to be learned by the enemy in that no force can Annihilate the Palestinian people, let alone weaken its determination to continue the struggle until final victory.

Far from dampening the resolve of Palestinian prisoners, the years of Struggle, suffering, killing and torture have increased their determinations only a few days ago the Ansar concentration camp was closed for good upon the release of All its prisoners who exuberantly proclaimed the victory of the Palestinian  People. That is further proof of their determination which will eventually compel the enemy to recognize their Palestine nationality.

Ever since its inception, Israel has been a willing tool of imperialism. however, it has become a veritable base for the United States of America, sowing, strife, threatening peace and waging war. In return, Israel takes it share of profits, usurping land that does not belong to it and riches which are not its own.

In following its racist convictions and its ancient ideology, Israel recognizes no law but the law of force, the logic of force and the superiority of force, which it uses to impose its imperialist and colonialist expansionist Policy under the pretext of protecting its security and borders.

We are proud to be at the opposite pole of all that is represented by Israelite ideals and practice. In spite of all its sufferings, our people is still determined to continue its just struggle, in accordance with the most lofty political objectives, to achieve a just and genuine peace. It is significant that the international community as represented at the Geneva Conference adopted a Declaration condemning the designs of Israel and the United States and the attempt to impose their policies on us.

Those policies have complicated the problem, heightened tensions, increased the involvement of a number of forces in the Arab region, and made confrontation between the two major Powers more likely.

In the face of this serious situation, we must intensify our international efforts to avert any confrontation and to restore the rights of the Palestinian people. By fulfilling this duty we will have served not only the cause of justice, in Palestine and in the Arab countries, but also the cause of world peace.

Politically, the.Geneva Declaration represents a comprehensive international appraisal of the ongoing confrontation between the parties involved whether directly or indirectly. International norms notably the United Nations Charter and United Nations resolutions can be considered a sound basis for an honourable political solution. Hence we call upon the General Assembly to adopt appropriate resolutions in that direction.

Mr. Chairman, the messages we have heard today from many eminent personalities, including Heads of State or Government of friendly countries confirming their steadfast solidarity with our just cause, are a source of encouragement to us and make us even more confident of victory. In the name of the Palestine Liberation organization and the Palestinian people, I wish, through you to express our deep appreciation for the firm positions of principle they have taken and for their solidarity with us in our struggle.

I conclude by quoting Yasser Arafat:

"As long as you support by the cause of justice and are determined to undertake your international responsibility, our people will continue, fully confident that victory is soon to be achieved, no matter how long the road ahead."

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): That concludes our commemoration of this International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, a day on which our chambers have resounded with the statements of Heads of State or Government, and of Foreign Ministers from the world over, all of whom have voiced concern over an issue which continues to be before the General Assembly – one which has been before the United Nations ever since its inceptions the question of Palestine.

It will have been noted that throughout this day two key words have crossed the lips of the various speakers namely, peace and justice. Peace – the basic goal of the United Nations. In the wake of the horrors of the Second World War nations the world over realized that the future of this world required, first and foremost, a solid basis of peace. That was the very rationale for. The founding of this organization. Nations realized as well that only with justice could peace Could be lasting. In this connection we think immediately of the Palestinian people, a people stripped of justice for some 40 years now.

This gathering today has proved once again that it is indeed high time for justice to be done to the Palestinian people. In doing so, we would be rendering that people its due, thus making a valuable contribution to the cause of peace upon which the United Nations is predicated.

Hence, I wish on behalf of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, and on my own behalf, to thank all participants in this commemoration for their positive contribution to a fuller understanding of the problem and to the efforts to advance the cause of the Palestinian people.

The exchange of views in which we have been engaging throughout this Day demonstrates that now, more than ever, if peace is to be restored, all peace-loving Peoples must march together on the path of justice.

In this connection, I am reminded of the major proposal adopted at the International Conference on the Question of Palestine – a key proposal on which I think all of us see eye to eye, as the messages read out today have indeed emphasized – for the convening of an international conference devoted to Middle East peace and to the question of Palestine. I am convinced that your Governments ladies and gentlemen, are solemnly committed to an early convening of that long awaited conference as a means of rendering justice to the Palestinian people so that peace – which is one and indivisible – may one day be restored to the Middle East and, eventually, to the entire world.

We talk about fraternity we talk about co-operation) we talk about understanding among peoples. But this question has a prime prerequisite, namely, justice. Justice must first prevail among us all. And when we speak of justice w think first and foremost of the Palestinian people. This is something in which we have been greatly encouraged and reassured as we have read and listened to the messages delivered here today addressed and devoted to the Palestinian people.

We leave this meeting today more determined and more resolved than ever to ensure that the Palestinian people regains its rights, wins justice for itself and at last gains United Nations membership when peace has returned to its world.

Once again, on behalf of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, I say to you all: "Thank you."

I hereby declare closed this International Day of solidarity with the Palestinian People.

The meeting rose at 7.40 p.m.


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