Lebanon: UNRWA – Protection Monitoring Report – Q4 2022


13 February 2023


This report on the situation of Palestinian refugees is drawn from qualitative data gathered on key indicators in regular focus group discussions among focal points in five Palestinian refugee camps: Beddawi in North Lebanon Area (NLA), Bourj el Barajneh in Central Lebanon Area (CLA), Wavel in Beqaa, Ein el Hilweh in Saida and Rashidieh in Tyre.

Focal points are staff of UNRWA and local organisations, selected on the basis of their knowledge of and ongoing exposure to protection trends and dynamics in their communities. This report summarises protection trends across 2022, as well as highlighting new developments between October and November 2022.


• In 2022, deepening poverty and the reduction of services provided by the Lebanese state placed increasing limitations on many Palestinian refugees’ access to livelihoods, healthcare and education

• Economic hardship manifested in a range of social problems including family breakdown, serious child protection issues, and mental health and psychosocial issues

• Violent incidents remained at high levels, alongside growing petty crime and reduced feelings of safety in some camps and surrounding areas

• PRS in particular experienced restrictions on mobility and access to services due to barriers to obtaining identity documents and renewing residency. Reports of anxiety among PRS grew, especially in the Beqaa, as rhetoric around the return of Syrian refugees sharpened


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