Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Regular Press Conference (with reference to Jerusalem)

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Regular Press Conference (with reference to Jerusalem)


Q: A US senior official said that President Trump may declare formal recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on December 6 and would delay relocating the US Embassy in Israel for another 6 months. What is your comment?

A: We have noted the report and are paying close attention to the relevant development. What we worry about is any potential flare-up of regional tensions. The status of Jerusalem is a complicated and sensitive issue. All parties shall bear in mind regional peace and tranquility, proceed with caution, and avoid impacting on the long-standing basis for the settlement of the Palestinian issue or triggering new rivalry in the region.

China firmly supports and advances the Middle East peace process. We support the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights and stand behind Palestine in building an independent, full sovereignty state along the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. We call on all parties to remain committed to resolving disputes through negotiations and promoting regional peace and stability in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions.



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