CSW – Forty-Second Session – Press release

Commission on the Status of Women
Forty-second Session
7th Meeting (AM)


  The  need for a systematic approach to gender  mainstreaming and an active
education  process  on  its  meaning  was  stressed  this  morning,  as  the
Commission  on the  Status of  Women  reviewed  gender mainstreaming  in the
United Nations system and emerging issues  affecting the situation of women,
particularly matters relating to older women.

  The representative  of  the United  Kingdom,  speaking  on behalf  of  the
European Union and associated  States, welcomed the fact that some parts  of
the United  Nations system were  taking active steps to  address the problem
of mainstreaming and urged  others to do  likewise.  Senior managers  should
be made  fully accountable for that  process, and the  necessary training in
that regard arranged, where appropriate.

  On the emerging issue of older women, a representative of the American
Association  of  Retired  Persons,  also  speaking  on  behalf  of  HELP-AGE
International and  the  Older  Women's Network  Europe, said  the  life-span
approach to dealing with  the  problems  of  older  persons, based on gender

and  age,  offered  an  innovative  policy  framework, which  permitted  the

identification and targetting of specific areas for action.   The observance

of the  International Year  of Older Persons in  1999 would offer  a further

incentive for the  application of such a  policy  framework and  integration

of gender  perspective fully in  the work  of the Commission, she added.

  Statements were  also made by the  representatives of  Israel, Republic of
Korea, Canada,  Dominican Republic, Greece and  China.   A representative of
the European Community also spoke.

  Also this  morning, the Commission  Chairperson, Patricia Flor  (Germany),
announced that  the following members of  the Commission  had been appointed
to serve on  the Working Group  on Communications  on the  Status of  Women:
Dienebou  Kaba Camara  (Cote d'Ivoire),  Sissel Salomon  (Norway),  Krystyna
Zurek (Poland),  and Fidel Coloma  (Chile).  A  representative of  the Asian
Group of States  would be  announced at  a later  date.   The Working  Group
considers  confidential  and   non-confidential  information  sent  to   the

  The  Commission will meet again at  3 p.m today to hold a panel discussion
on another  critical area of concern  in the Beijing  Platform for Action  –
violence against women.

  Commission Work Programme

  The Commission on the  Status of Women met  this morning to  review gender
mainstreaming in the United  Nations system and to  take up emerging  issues
affecting the situation of women.   It has before it  three reports and  two
notes  by the  Secretary-General on issues  related to the  review of gender

  The Secretary-General's report  on mainstreaming a gender perspective  and
other  follow-up  activities  by  organizations of the United Nations system
(documents E/CN.6/1998/2 and  Adds.1 and 2) emphasizes efforts undertaken by
the   Secretariat  to achieve that objective.  It states that the Secretary-

General  conveyed agreed conclusions 1997/2 on gender mainstreaming, adopted

by the  Economic  and Social  Council,  to all  heads of departments, funds,

programmes and regional commissions and to the heads of specialized agencies

and international trade and financial institutions,  stressing  that  gender
mainstreaming  was  the  responsibility  of  all staff  and emphasizing  the

accountability of senior managers for implementing those conclusions.

  According to the report,  senior managers were invited to take a number of
steps to  ensure  that gender  issues were  brought into  the mainstream  of
activities of each senior manager's  area of responsibility;  the systematic
use of  gender analysis  in the  preparation  of reports  or in  operational
activities; and the  preparation of medium-term plans and programme  budgets
in a  manner that made gender  perspective apparent.   The Secretary-General
also invited  the convenors  of the  four executive  committees to  consider
gender issues as  part of  their responsibilities.   The Special Adviser  on
Gender Issues  and  the Advancement  of  Women  is cooperating  with  senior
managers as they take steps to implement gender mainstreaming.

  The  report  notes  that  the  responsibility  of  the  new  Department of
Economic and Social Affairs  — of which the Division for the Advancement of
Women is a part  — for gender  mainstreaming has been clearly  established.
An account of the various conferences  and workshops on gender mainstreaming
organized  by  specialized  agencies   and  non-governmental   organizations
(NGOs), including  the second  session of  the  Administrative Committee  on
Coordination (ACC) Inter-Agency Committee on Women and Gender Equality,  are
included in the report.   The replies  of six governments — Azerbaijan,  El
Salvador, Nicaragua, Oman, Panama and  the Philippines — to  a note verbale
on  the release  of women  and children  taken  hostage in  armed conflicts,
including those subsequently imprisoned,  are also included  in the  report,
as  are similar  ones received  from  four entities  of the  United  Nations

  Addendum 1  to the report  reviews the joint work plan of the Division for
the Advancement  of  Women  and  the  Office  of  the  United  Nations  High
Commissioner  for Human Rights providing an assessment of its implementation
and  of plans for 1998.  It states that  the exchange of information between
the Division and  the High Commissioner's  Office regarding the work  of the
human rights treaty bodies  serviced by them  continued on a regular  basis.

The  technical cooperation  programme of the Office of the High Commissioner

has prepared a project  on the integration  of  a  gender  perspective  into

technical cooperation practices and procedures, currently being implemented.

  Cooperation  between  the  two  on  the  work  of  treaty  bodies and  the
preparation of  the various  optional protocols  will be  enhanced in  1998,
according to the report.   The Division, in  cooperation with the  Office of
the High  Commissioner, will  continue the  targeted approach  in all  human
rights  activities  of  the  United Nations.    The Office  has  developed a
tentative programme  of  activities for  the commemoration  of the  fiftieth
anniversary  of  the Universal  Declaration of  Human  Rights.   One  of the
themes being  considered is "Women's rights  — the  responsibility of all".
The contributions of the  Division  will include close collaboration in  the

organization  of  an  expert  panel,  the preparation  of a  booklet and the

development of  a page  on  its  website on  how  the  Declaration might  be

interpreted in  relation to  the rights of women.

  Addendum  2 to the report  examines the situation of Palestinian women and
assistance  provided by  organizations of  the  United  Nations system.   It
states that their condition has not improved in  the  period  under  review.
Considerable efforts were being made by the Palestinian authorities and civil

society  to  improve  their  economic   and   social  conditions,  including

legislative  revisions.   In the  follow-up to  the Beijing Conference,  the

international community, including the  United Nations system,  has provided

assistance at various levels  to implement the  recommendations contained in

the Platform for Action,  the  report  states.    It adds  that  the  status

and  living  conditions  of  Palestinian  women  are closely linked with the

progress of the peace process.   The  report  indicates  that  women  in the

occupied territories  continue to be directly affected  in injurious ways by

security measures and the overall effects of occupation.

  Information   provided  by  the   United  Nations  system  shows  that  an
increasing  number  of  programmes  and agencies  paid  attention  to gender
aspects  in  development and  continued  to  provide support  to Palestinian
women,   in  particular  in  the  field  of   conference  follow-up,  income
generation, health, education and training.

  The  report  of  the  Secretary-General  on   a  mid-term  review  of  the
systemwide  medium-term  plan  for  the  advancement  of  women,   1996-2001
(document E/CN.6/1998/3) outlines efforts of United Nations system  entities
in  1996 and  1997  to carry  out the  plan.   The  report  was  prepared in
response to Economic and Social Council  resolution  1996/34,  in  which  it

endorsed the plan  and called for a mid-term  review to be undertaken by the

Commission at its session  in 1998.  The plan  is structured  around the  12

critical areas  of concern  contained in  the  Beijing Platform  for Action.

It largely addresses activities targeted to women, but also included gender-

responsive activities that  were planned as part of mainstreaming programmes

and projects.

  The information is based on a survey of 33 entities in  the United Nations
system.  Some  of the bodies  noted that most of their  activities are still
in the  implementation  stage.   However, despite  considerable  progress, a

number of obstacles have been encountered, including lack of  data, and   of
methodologies and  indicators for monitoring progress;  a lack  of tools for
tracking   expenditures for cross-sectoral  activities at both  headquarters
and field levels;  inadequate  human and financial  resources; low levels of

commitment, both  politically,  in  some  countries,  and  at  the level  of

management in some agencies  of the United  Nations; and cultural and  other

constraints  and  delays in  the delivery of technical assistance.

  The recommendations  suggest action that would  further a coordinated  and
cohesive approach to the  work of the United  Nations system in  relation to
the  system-wide  medium-term  plan  and  the  Platform  for  Action.   They
include:   support  for   the   coordination,  collection,   packaging   and
dissemination  of data  disaggregated by  sex, as  well as  gender-sensitive
studies,  and the development and testing of women's empowerment indicators;
encouraging efforts for  a workable methodology for quantifying and tracking
budget  allocations made  towards achieving  gender equality;  and  ensuring
that staffing policies throughout  the United Nations  system fully  reflect
the needs for gender competence and gender equality.

  A report of  the Secretary-General on improvement  of the status  of women
in  the Secretariat  (document E/CN.6/1998/8) updates  information contained
in his reports on  the same subject (document A/52/408) and the  composition
of  the  Secretariat  (document  A/52/580).   The  present  report  includes
statistical data and follow-up on measures  taken to achieve gender balance,
and sets forth forecasts and alternative actions.

  The statistics  on the status of  women in the  Secretariat show slow  but
steady  improvement, the report  states.  In the  overall workforce over the
last year,  the  percentage  of women  at the  Professional  level on  posts
subject to geographical representation has increased  from 35.5 per cent  to
36.8  per cent, as  of 1  January 1998.  Although  progress in achieving the
50/50 goal  has  been modest,  gains  have been  made  at  a time  when  the
Organization  is undergoing  significant restructuring  and downsizing,  the
report  stresses,  adding  that it  was a  small  but positive  step towards

reaching the  mandated targets  set by  the Assembly.   Over  the same  time
period, the  percentage of  women staff  in higherlevel  positions (D-1  and
above),  where  their   representation  has  traditionally  been  low,   has
increased  from 18.5  per cent in  December 1996  to 22.6  per cent  as at 1
January 1998.

  The  Secretary-General's commitment  to  bringing gender  balance  to  the
United Nations  has  been  unequivocal,  as  recently  demonstrated  by  his
appointment  of  a  woman  as  the  first  Deputy  Secretary-General  of the
Organization,  the  report  further  states.   While  the  median  (fiftieth
percentile) grade  of men was that  of P-4 between  December 1987 and  April
1997,  over the  same period the  median grade of  women was  P-3.   As of 1
January 1998, there was one woman  Under-Secretary-General as compared to 17
men, and three women Assistant Secretaries-General as compared to nine.

  The report also gives  an update on measures  taken for the achievement of
gender  equality, including measures  for the  improvement of  the status of
women in  the  Secretariat.   It states that  training incorporating  gender
mainstreaming has now been completed in the Division for  the Advancement of

Women.  It was intended to  expand the  training  to  other departments  and

overseas offices.

   Also   before  the  Commission   is  a   note  by  the  Secretary-General
transmitting information  provided by  the United  Nations Development  Fund
for Women (UNIFEM) on the  implementation  of  General  Assembly  resolution

50/166  on the Fund's role  in  eliminating violence against women (document E/CN.6/1998/9).  The UNIFEM report states that it has  worked  to  implement

activities towards the elimination of violence against women  through gender

training  for  legal  administrative,  governmental   and   non-governmental

personnel;   assistance to women's organizations  to   analyse  and   change

legislation; production and dissemination of information on violence against

women directed at change of social and policy attitudes towards the problem;

and other innovative  strategies being piloted by  NGOs and governments.

  In 1997,  the Fund's  agenda in  the area  of violence  against women  was
implemented to a large extent through the Trust  Fund in Support of  Actions
to Eliminate Violence against Women.   During 1997, funds were allocated to
36 projects selected from almost 200  proposals submitted for consideration.
An  additional  19  projects,  also  approved  for  funding,  are   awaiting
additional  contributions to the  Trust Fund.   Over 20 of  the projects are
already being implemented,  while the rest were slated  to begin by the  end
of January 1998. Those projects reflect  the recommendations of the  Beijing
Platform  for Action and represent  a wide range of strategies undertaken by
national and regional groups to eliminate gender-based violence.

  The note by the  Secretariat on the high-level  plenary review in the year
2000  (document E/CN.6/1998/10)  requests  the Commission  to  consider  the
report of  the Secretary-General  presented to  the Assembly's  fifty-second
session (document A/52/789) on the convening  of a high-level plenary review
in the year  2000.  The review is  expected to assess  the progress achieved
in  the implementation  of the  Nairobi  Forward-looking Strategies  for the
Advancement of Women and  the Beijing Platform for  Action, and to  consider
further actions and initiatives.

  The Secretary-General's  report on older women  and support  systems:  new
challenges (document  E/CN.6/1998/4) provides a  substantive basis on  which
the  Commission  can  discuss  the  status  of older women and make relevant
recommendations.    The  discussion  on  the   issue  is  also  expected  to
contribute to the ongoing preparations for the International Year  of  Older

Persons (1999).  The report focuses on support  systems  for older  persons,

which  include both financial support  for those who do  not earn a  regular

income and psycho-social support and assistance for dependent older persons.

It also gives an overview of the new challenges those  support systems face,

highlights  the situation of   older  women  and  suggests  gender-sensitive

policies  and  programmes  to  address  the situation.   The report proposes recommendations in the areas of research; economic  security; education  and

empowerment; and the well-being of caregivers.


  PAULINE  BARRETT (United Kingdom)  spoke on  behalf of  the European Union
and Bulgaria, Czech  Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania,  Poland,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Cyprus, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.  The

Union stressed the need  for  systematic  approach to  gender  mainstreaming

and  agreed  that  the process of education on  the meaning of gender  main-

streaming  needed to be  pursued more actively.   It also welcomed  the fact

that  some  parts  of  the  system  were  taking  active  steps  to  address

the problem  and urged others to do  likewise.   Senior  managers should  be

made fully accountable for that process and the necessary training arranged,

where appropriate.

  The  Union welcomed the  progress made  since the  Beijing Conference, but
was  concerned that  the gender  focal points  had,  in  some cases,  been a
victim of  the financial constraints facing  the United  Nations system, and
that their  role and responsibilities were  not always  fully understood and
supported, she said.   The  Union was  disturbed to  learn that  significant
problems remained in the area of  political and cultural obstacles,  despite
the commitment  by all  governments to the  policies and  principles in  the
Platform for  Action.  It would welcome a fuller analysis  on the problem in
future.   She stressed the need  for inter-agency  coordination, adding that
the  executive  committees should  integrate  gender  equality  and  women's
empowerment goals in their work.

  ZIVIA COHEN (Israel), addressing the review of gender mainstreaming, said
she welcomed the  Secretary-General's emphasis on the urgent  implementation
of the  plan  for  improving  the status  of  women  in the  Secretariat  by
appointing more women to high-level positions. However, there should be more

appointments  of  women  from  countries  that  were underrepresented in the

Secretariat.   In  her  country, a  law  had  been  passed  to  promote  the

representation of  women  on  all  boards  and  commissions.   It was  being

implemented and had  resulted in an increase in  the number of women on such

bodies.  The numbers were expected to increase  gradually  until  there  was

50/50 per cent participation of men and women.

  She went  on to say that  the incorporation of NGOs  into the work of  the
United Nations  should be enhanced.   Non-governmental organizations  should
be  considered   the  "third  power"   (to  governments  and   international
organizations),  and could  offer assistance  to governments  by working  on
projects  in  a  less  formal way  than  governments  did.   Such  increased

cooperation would ensure that, through the  NGOs,  governments  reached  the

people.    By working together, they could ensure a  better understanding of

the  status of women throughout  the world.

  JAE HONG YUH (Republic of  Korea) welcomed the progress  made in improving
the status of women in the Secretariat.  However, the goals so far had been
modest, and he wished to see more progress.   In particular, there should be
more appointments  of women from countries  that were  underrepresented.  He
welcomed the  appointment of  the new  High Commissioner  for Human  Rights.

The format, timing and duration of the high-level plenary review in the year

2000 should  be agreed  on during  the  session  so   that  the   Commission

could  make recommendations to the  next  session of the Economic and Social

Council, he concluded.

  SOLEDAD  BLANCO,  Head  of  the Equal  Opportunities Unit  at the European
Commission, speaking  on  behalf of  the  European  Community, said  it  was
firmly committed  to  gender mainstreaming,  which  had  been formalized  in
February 1996 through the adoption of  a communication called "Integrating a
gender  and  equal opportunities  dimension in  all  Community policies  and
activities".    Since  then,  significant  progress  had been  achieved  and
shortcomings identified.  She introduced to  the session the first  progress
report of the European Commission on the implementation of its mainstreaming

strategy at European  Community  level.  A  working  group of  mainstreaming

officials had  been set  up as  a  support  structure in  the  mainstreaming

process.  A  guide to  gender impact  assessment  of  Community policies and

measures was now being widely used.

  She said the European Commission had  yesterday adopted a progress  report
which  noted  the  progress  made  since  1996  in  employment  policy,  the
Community's  internal  cohesion   policy,   external   relations,  including

development cooperation,  and  women's  human  rights,  education,  training

and youth policies.  Main barriers  to  further progress identified  in  the

report included the lack of awareness of  gender  issues  at decision-making

levels, the need for further allocation of human and budgetary  resources to

that  task  and  the  lack  of gender expertise.  The report looked at steps

to be taken to overcome the  barriers  and  improve  the organizational  and

methodological framework  for gender  mainstreaming.  It  also  looked  at a

number  of policies for specific  attention in 1998  in accordance with  the

political priorities set  by the European  Commission's  work  programme for

the year.

  SHEILA REGEHR (Canada) welcomed the  Secretary-General's  report  and said
she was  pleased with its analysis.   For Canada, the  issue of unpaid  work
was of particular interest.  Canada  supported   the   life-cycle  approach,
particularly the  caregiving  relations.   It  had  taken steps  to  improve
child-support systems  following divorce.   It was engaged in  helping women

learn  about financial issues and financial  planning,  as they  very  often

left household  planning to husbands and were unable to  handle it when they

were on their own.   Canada  supported continued support for  all aspects of

needs  of older women.   She  stressed  the  need  for  greater  sharing  of

responsibilities between women and men.

  JULIA TAVARES  DE ALVAREZ (Dominican  Republic), addressing  the issue  of
population ageing,  she said the social,  economic and psychological  impact
of caregiving  would be enormous, especially  in developing  countries.  She
noted that women would  make up more than half of those being cared for, and
they  would likely  bear an  inordinate amount  of the  task  of caregiving.
Gender, as well as  geography, was again likely  to colour the  picture when
one looked  at who the caregivers for old people were likely to be — mostly
adult daughters and daughters-in-law.   The issue of  caregiving — from the
point of view both of  the person  being  cared,  as  well as  that  of  the

caregiver  —  had far-reaching  socio-psychological, as  well  as  economic

implications.  It challenged the way people perceived themselves within  the

nexus  of   social  relationships,   particularly  with  issues  related  to

dependence and independence.

  ANASTASIA   SOTIRIADOV   (Greece)  said   there  was   a  need   for  full
implementation  of gender mainstreaming  in the  United Nations  system.  In
that  process, it was important to  follow democratic  values and  political

will to achieve the goals of mainstreaming.  Education and management issues

should  be addressed in implementing mainstreaming at all levels.  Different

types of  mechanisms  were  needed  to fulfil  those goals.    Relevant data

collection was also essential.  A conference held in Greece  last  week  had

focused  on  the mainstreaming  issue throughout  the  country.   It  was an

example that decentralization of the approach to mainstreaming was important.

  SONG WENYAN (China) said  that in the economic and environmental areas  in
the United  Nations system, there  should be further attention  to the issue
of gender mainstreaming.  The issue should also  be addressed more fully  in
developing countries.

  Ms. BARRETT  (United Kingdom), speaking on  behalf of  the European Union,
Bulgaria,  Czech  Republic,  Estonia,  Hungary,  Latvia, Lithuania,  Poland,
Romania, Slovakia,  Slovenia, Cyprus, Iceland,  Liechtenstein and Norway  on
the  status of older women,  said the report  on the  matter could have been
more widely focused,  putting  its  recommendations more  in the  context of

preparations for the International Year of Older Persons in 1999.  While the

focus on women  as  caregivers was  important, it was only part of the wider

issue of the status  of  older  women across the board, on  which the report

should focus.  Older  women  must  be  seen as active and competent resource

persons.  They were one pillar to forming the bridge between the generations.

  At the same time,  however, the report should have had a more  substantive
analysis of  caregiving issues, she  said.  It  was based  on the assumption
that  traditional  social  support  systems  were  breaking  down,  but  the
evidence for  that was  not fully  developed in  the report.   The  European
Union,  therefore, considered  that  a  more  detailed analysis  was  needed
before the  Commission could endorse  particular recommendations for  future
policy.   Research and  development should  be improved  by governments  and
organizations concerned  with older  people.   There was a  lack of  gender-
sensitive expertise and research  on support systems for  older persons.  An
analysis of  pension  and  health-care  provisions  should  focus  on  wider
questions of  affordability and  sustainability of pension  schemes.   Where
disaggregated data  was available,  it should  be fed  effectively into  the
policy-making process.

   Discrimination against older women, including in pension schemes,  should
be  eliminated,  she  said.    Special  attention  should  be  given  to the
different needs and  problems that older men and  women had to face, so that
the autonomy of older women  was ensured.  Men and women  should be involved

on an equal basis when designing and implementing  those policies.   The key

aim of recommendations on caregiving must be to promote an equal sharing  of
caregiving   responsibilities  between   men   and  women   and   a   better
reconciliation of working and caregiving responsibilities. National policies

in support  of caregivers needed to be based on careful analyses of specific

local conditions.

  MICHAL CAFREY-YARDENI  (Israel), speaking on  emerging issues, trends  and
new approaches to women's issues, said the feminist revolution  had been one
of the  twentieth century's  major success stories.   Women had succeeded in

changing the political, economic and social structure of societies  of which

they were a significant  part.  With  the first  stage of  elementary rights

and recognition  behind them, women should now realize  society's commitment

and achieve political, economic and social equality.  The status of  women's
rights was  dealt with  in Israel  in an  outstanding way  in the  country's
political  arena, and she  believed it  could serve as a  model to feminists

  A  number  of  significant  bills  were to be passed in the Knesset on the
occasion of  International Women's  Day, which  would be  celebrated in  the
Knesset on  10  March,  she  said.    Among  those bills  were  one  on  the

establishment of an authority  for the equality  and advancement  of women's

rights and another dealing with sexual  abuse of  women  in  the  workplace.

She expressed  certainty that those steps  would bring about a revolution in

the  treatment of one of Israel's most  painful  social  phenomena — sexual

harassment.  Affirmative action had been implemented  in governmental boards

of  directors and there  had been a rise  from 3 per cent to 30  per cent of

women on  those  bodies.  The progress  was  not  achieved  easily  and  had

necessitated  an appeal  to the  high court  of  justice.  Legal  procedures

should  be  made   use  of  to  achieve   equal opportunity for women.

  IRENE HOSKINS, of the  American Association of  Retired Persons,  speaking
on behalf of HELP-AGE International, and  the Older Women's Network  Europe,
all NGOs,  said the care of  older persons was too  often viewed  as a cause
for  alarm  due to  rising health  costs.   Examining  the important  gender
dimensions  of  both care  recipient  and  caregiver  provided an  important
policy perspective.  Their  organizations  were  encouraged  to see that the

Commission on the  Status of  Women  was applying such a  perspective in its

ongoing  deliberations on the girl child.

  That was particularly important as the  discrimination of girls and  women
experienced throughout  their lives led  to an accumulation of disadvantages
in their later years.  A life-span approach based  on gender and age offered
an  innovative policy  framework, permitting  identification  and targetting
specific areas for action.

  She said the observance of the International Year of Older Persons in 1999

would offer a further incentive for the application of such  a policy frame-

work and integration of gender perspective fully in the work of the Commission.

* *** *

Document symbol: WOM/1038
Document Type: Press Release
Document Sources: Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)
Subject: Women
Publication Date: 05/03/1998

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