SecGen activities in Jordan 20-21 June – Press release


The Secretary-General flew to Amman from Beirut in the morning of Tuesday, 20 June. He first met the Jordanian Foreign Minister, Abdul Ilah El-Khatib. He and the Foreign Minister took questions from the press.

Following that meeting, the Secretary-General had an audience with King Abdullah II, after which the King hosted a luncheon in his honour.

Later, at a press encounter at his hotel, the Secretary-General praised Jordanian peacekeepers' performance in United Nations service around the world, and added that other United Nations Member States could use Jordan as a model.

The Secretary-General then travelled by helicopter to Petra, to tour an archaeological site.

On Tuesday evening he was the guest of Foreign Minister El-Khatib at an official dinner.

The Secretary-General travelled overland from Amman, Jordan, to Israel on Wednesday morning, 21 June.

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Document symbol: SG/T/2238
Document Type: Multimedia, Press Release
Document Sources: Secretary-General
Country: Jordan
Subject: Middle East situation, Peacekeeping
Publication Date: 21/06/2000

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