Stage reached in discussion of the refugee issue – UNCCP General Cttee – Secretariat note






(Note prepared by the Secretariat)

1. Blocked Accounts

The Committee awaits the Egyptian reply to the Israeli proposal for the reciprocal unfreezing of accounts belonging to Palestine Arabs and blocked by these two countries. On this point the other Arab delegations have stated that they would accept a general release of accounts but not an unfreezing of funds at the ratio of one for one proposed by the Israeli delegation. The Israelis in support of their proposal have raised the question of a possible exchange of Arab funds blocked by them for the value of Arab-Israeli merchandise held in the Arab States or accounts in Arab banks physically unavailable to their owners.

There remains also the proposal regarding Palestinian assets blocked by the British Treasury re-submitted in the letter from Mr. Bulos dated 30 June (ORG/24) to which the Commission has not replied.

2. Reunion of Separated Families

The Committee awaits from the Arab delegations the confirmation of the appointment of special representatives of their respective governments who would cooperate in the execution of the plan for the reunion of separated refugee families. On the other hand, the Committee has undertaken to press the Israeli delegation for acceptance of the wider concept of the family. The question of whether the Technical Committee or any other organ of the Commission is to cooperate in the execution of this operation is still undecided.

3. Orange Groves

The Committee has to study the full report of the Technical Committee on the state of Arab orange groves in Israel. The question of the establishment of mixed Arab-Israeli working group under the auspices of the Commission to study the condition of these groves (and possibly other Arab property in Israel) is still pending. The Committee has hot yet taken a final decision on the character of the Arab representation on this mixed group.

The Israeli delegation at the meeting with the Committee held on 26 July requested that discussion of this proposal be deferred for a brief period pending commencement of negotiations on the refugee problem in general.

4. Mosques and Churches

The Committee has taken no further action on the request of the Arab delegations that it investigate the actual state of churches and mosques in Israeli territory. (The Arab delegations have indicated that they would supply the Committee with a list of such religious buildings).

5. Wakf Property

The Committee awaits a reply from the Committee on Jerusalem in regard to this question. Further information was also to be supplied by the Israeli delegation regarding the administration of Wakf property under the British Mandate.

6. International. Guarantees

The Committee has not yet expressed any opinion regarding the question of further action on the Arab request for international supervision of the guarantees necessary to the security, peace and liberty of refugees recreating their homes.

7. Repatriation of Refugees from Areas Outside Israeli Occupation

The Committee after replying to Mr. Bulos’ letter of 15 June (document ORG/19), has not discussed his further request for Commission assistance in the immediate repatriation of refugees from areas outside Israeli occupation (letter of 30 June, document ORG/24).


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