GA plenary meeting on report of 12th Special session of Human Rights Council – GA President spokesperson – Note

Note attributable to the Spokesperson of the President of the General Assembly: The Goldstone Report

United Nations, New York 

The President of the General Assembly, HE Dr Ali Abdusalam Treki, intends to convene a plenary meeting of the General Assembly on 4 November 2009 to consider the report the Human Rights Council on its twelfth special session.

The President of the General Assembly received a letter from the President of the Human Rights Council, transmitting the report of the twelfth special session of the Council, recommending that the General Assembly considers the report during the main part of its sixty-fourth session.

The Arab Group in New York, supported by the 118 members Non-Aligned Movement, requested the President of the General Assembly to consider the report in the General Assembly plenary during its first week of November.

Document Type: Note
Document Sources: General Assembly, Human Rights Council
Subject: Gaza Strip, Human rights and international humanitarian law, Incursions, Legal issues
Publication Date: 28/10/2009

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