Report on transfer of funds to PA employees’ accounts – EC Tech. Assistance Office press release/Non-UN document


It was reported in this morning's edition of Al Quds newspaper "that a senior source in the European Union had confirmed that the EU would start transferring funds to PNA employees' accounts in Palestinian banks as of this month".

The European Commission would like to confirm that in accordance with the mandate given to it by the Quartet during its meeting in New York on 9th of May, it is currently working on the development of a temporary international mechanism that is limited in scope and duration, operates with full transparency and accountability, and ensures direct delivery of assistance to the Palestinian people. The European Commission is working to develop such a proposal in co-ordination with Quartet members and International donors and no decision has been taken yet.

It is therefore premature to indicate the content or implementation of such a mechanism.

Jerusalem 7th June 2006


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