OPT: Protection of civilians – OCHA Weekly report (6-12 June 2007)

Protection of Civilians Weekly Report

6 – 12 June 2007

Of note this week

Gaza Strip:

According to the Ministry of Health, 52 Palestinians were killed, including at least three women and one child, and a minimum of 187 were injured throughout the Gaza Strip between 9 and 12 June. These deaths have been due to factional fighting involving Fatah forces, Hamas members, and the Hamas affiliated Executive Support Force (hereinafter ESF). These incidents followed a cease fire agreement brokered on 19 May.


West Bank:

• 9 June: Palestinian and international peace activists held a demonstration at Damascus Gate (Jerusalem) to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the beginning of occupation.

• 12 June: More than one thousand Israelis marched towards the evacuated settlement of Khomesh (Nablus) where they gathered and erected tents. There were reports of a heavy IDF presence to protect the march.




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