Israeli nuclear capabilities and threat – General Conference decision

International Atomic Energy Agency

General Conference

Forty-fourth regular session

Agenda item 23



On 22 September 2000 during the 10th plenary meeting, the General Conference endorsed the following statement made by the President:

"The General Conference recalls the statement by the President of the 36th session in 1992 concerning the agenda item "Israeli Nuclear Capabilities and Threat". That statement considered it desirable not to consider that agenda item at the 37th session. The General Conference also recalls the statement by the President of the 43rd session in 1999 concerning the same agenda item.  At the 44th session, this item was, at the request of certain Member States, reinscribed on the agenda.  The item was discussed.  The President notes that certain Member States intend to include this item on the provisional agenda of the 45th regular session of the General Conference".

Document symbol: GC(44)/DEC/13
Document Type: Decision
Document Sources: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Subject: Arms control and regional security issues
Publication Date: 22/09/2000

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