UN Programming in East Jerusalem – UNSCO document


This document outlines the plan of the United Nations (UN) to enhance its programming in East Jerusalem. Based on existing strategic analyses, as well as agency expertise, it outlines a range of programming that has been developed in accordance with the following four principles:

  • adherence to the relevant legal and political framework on East Jerusalem;
  • responsiveness to, and focus on needs and rights;
  • adherence to key humanitarian principles of impartiality and operational independence, as well as the principle commonly referred to as ‘do no harm’ and related development imperatives; and
  • partnership with INGOs and Palestinian counterparts.

The programmatic goal of the UN in East Jerusalem is to address the needs of Palestinian East Jerusalemites, including the refugee population, and ensure a sustained and vibrant social, economic and cultural Palestinian presence. This will be pursued through three inter-related strategies:

i. providing humanitarian assistance to, and protection for vulnerable populations;

ii. supporting the socio-economic and cultural well-being of Palestinians; and

iii. undertaking advocacy within the framework of the relevant legal and political framework.

The UN’s programmatic interventions in the occupied Palestinian territory are outlined in two key documents: (1) the Consolidated Appeal Process (for humanitarian programming) and (2) the UN’s Medium Term Response Plan (for early recovery and recovery/development programming). The programmes outlined in this document derive from both of these processes. The 2011-2013 MTRP will include a specific emphasis on the UN’s programming in East Jerusalem and a robust monitoring and evaluation framework to ensure accountability.


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