Support for Palestinian people – FM Plassnik chairs ministerial meting of EU and GCC in Brussels – EU Presidency press release/Non-UN document (excerpts)

Plassnik: “Gulf Cooperation Council – much more than an economic partnership”

Foreign Minister chairs ministerial meeting of the EU and the Gulf Cooperation Council in Brussels
On the fringe of the General Affairs and External Relations Council, Foreign Minister Plassnik chaired the ministerial meeting between the EU and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) on 15 May. The GCC comprises the United Arab Emirates (currently presiding), Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and Oman.

“In the Middle East, too, the EU has taken the initiative in order to be able to continue providing support to the Palestinian people by setting up an international payment mechanism. We have also offered the Arab countries the opportunity to use this mechanism as soon as it has been set up. Furthermore, we hope the Gulf States will influence the new Palestinian government so that they accept the principles which represent the basis for a peaceful solution to the Middle East conflict”, said the Minister. 

Document symbol: ECPres_EU-GCCmeeting
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Document Type: French text, Press Release
Document Sources: European Union (EU), Gulf Cooperation Council
Subject: Assistance, Peace process
Publication Date: 15/05/2006

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