Madrid+15 Conference – Proeedings and conclusions – Report/Non-UN document

10 – 12 January 2007


Towards Peace in the Middle East:

Addressing Concerns and Expectations

A special report on the proceedings and conclusions of the conference “Madrid +15”.

The conference was organized by the Madrid + 15 team, comprised of the Toledo International Center for Peace (CITpax), Search for Common Ground, Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo, Fafo-AIS and International Crisis Group (ICG).

Madrid + 15 took place at the Intercontinental Hotel in Madrid (Spain) from 10-12 January 2007. It was made possible by contributions from the Foreign Ministries of Spain, Norway, Denmark and Sweden.


Document symbol: Madrid+15_Proceedings-Conclusions
Document Type: Conclusions, Report, Statement
Document Sources: Fafo, International Crisis Group (ICG), Search for Common Ground
Subject: NGOs/Civil Society, Peace process
Publication Date: 12/01/2007

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