UN envoy concerned at repeated violations of “Blue Line” in southern Lebanon -Press Release

UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process

Press Release

Statement Attributable to Mr. Terje Roed-Larsen, United Nations Special Co-ordinator for the Middle East Peace Process.

Jerusalem, 22 January 2003- The UN Special Co-ordinator, Mr. Terje Roed-Larsen has expressed great concern for Hizbullah' s totally unacceptable attack on an Israeli position across the Blue Line on 21 January. This attack is part of an unacceptable pattern of serious Blue Line violations.

He added, that the Government of Lebanon sh9uld make every effort, consistent with UN Security Council resolutions 1337 (2001) and 1365 (2001), to take more steps to ensure the return of its effective authority and presence throughout southern Lebanon and to ensure a calm environment throughout the south.

Mr. Larsen said that Israel's response to the unprovoked attack also constitutes a violation of the Blue Line, with the tragic consequence of one Lebanese civilian fatality and injury to another

The Special Co-ordinator urged all parties to exercise maximum restraint in order to avoid a dangerous cycle of attacks and counter-attacks, particularly at this difficult and unpredictable time in the region

For more information, please contact:

Mr. Marwan Ali, Media Officer

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