Evacuation and demolition of permanent structures in “Amona” outpost completed – IDF announcement/Non-UN document

Evacuation and demolition of permanent structures in the illegal outpost of "Amona" completed

Wednesday 01/02/2006 09:29

In following with the order given to the Israeli law enforcement authorities to evacuate the illegal outpost of "Amona", Israeli Police, IDF and Border Police forces completed the evacuation and demolition of the nine illegal permanent structures in the outpost this afternoon, February 1st 2006.

Throughout the course of the evacuation the Israeli security forces were met with numerous acts of extreme violence from the thousands of rioters who had barricaded themselves in the aforementioned structures. These acts included both verbal and physical violence and the hurling of rocks, eggs and paint at the forces. 86 police officers, Border Police officers and IDF soldiers and 140 Israeli civilians were wounded in the confrontation.

IDF helicopters assisted in evacuating the wounded to various hospitals.

Security forces arrested 32 rioters who were using extreme violence against the forces in the evacuated area and dozens of other rioters were arrested in various locations around the evacuated area and along the access routes leading to it.

The IDF and Israeli Police will continue to enforce law and order and carry out the decisions of the political echelon and condemn any acts of violence towards security personnel.

Document Type: Communication, Press Release
Country: Israel
Subject: Settlements
Publication Date: 29/01/2006

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