UN Special Coordinator Mladenov welcomes electricity deal between Israeli and Palestinian authorities – UNSCO statement

Statement by the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process,
Mr. Nickolay Mladenov, on
the electricity deal reached by Israeli and Palestinian authorities

Jerusalem, 14 September 2016

“I welcome the agreement reached by Israeli and Palestinian authorities to resolve the issue of the outstanding electricity debts and to create a new energy market. The agreement includes the transfer of authority to the Palestinian government for collecting payments for electricity distributed to Palestinian territory and will provide an important increase to the Palestinian revenue base.

Such a significant step is in line with the Quartet’s recommendations calling on both sides to take steps to strengthen Palestinian institutions and develop a sustainable economy, consistent with the transition to greater Palestinian civil authority as contemplated by prior agreements.

I congratulate and commend both sides for their efforts and encourage them to carry on in that positive path. Such steps, echoing the intentions of Oslo, are critical to the viability of a future Palestinian state.”



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