Air violations across the Blue Line – PRSG statement – Press release

Press Release

The United Nations Personal Representative for Southern Lebanon

Calls on Israel to Cease the Air Violations

Beirut, 13 August 2003 (UN Information Centre) – The following statement is attributable to Staffan de Mistura, Personal Representative of the Secretary-General for Southern Lebanon:

There have been a large number of Israeli air incursions into Lebanese airspace today.  These have been very visible, loud and appear to have taken place over large parts of Lebanese territory. As has been stated on numerous occasions by the United Nations, these aerial violations of the Blue Line are not conducive to helping restore peace and security to this area. We reiterate the calls made by various UN officials, most notably the Secretary-General himself, and a number of other concerned Member States that Israel cease these violations.

We also remind all parties concerned of their obligations to fully respect the Blue Line and call for their ensuring utmost restraint.


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