Mideast situation/Assassination of PLO leader al-Wazir – Letter from Tunisia



I have the honour to transmit to you in the annex to this letter the text of a statement issued by the Tunisian Government subsequent to a meeting of the Council of Ministers on 26 April 1988 concerning the Security Council debates on Tunisia's complaint against Israel, which followed the act of aggression perpetrated by the latter country against the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Tunisia.

I should be grateful if you would arrange to have the text of this letter and its annex distributed as a document of the Security Council.

(Signed) Ahmed GHEZAL


Permanent Representative


Statement issued by the Tunisian Government following the meeting

of the Council of Ministers on 26 April 1988

At the invitation of the Head of State, the Council of Ministers held an extraordinary meeting for the purpose of evaluating positions and drawing conclusions, on the political and diplomatic levels, from the debates of the United Nations Security Council concerning the complaint lodged by Tunisia as a result of the cowardly act of aggression perpetrated by Israel against our national sovereignty, the violation of our territorial integrity and the assassination of the Palestinian leader, Khalil al-Wazir.

The Council of Ministers reviewed the positions expressed by the various delegations which addressed the Security Council.  It was deeply satisfied to note those countries' firm and unanimous support for the Tunisia of 7 November, which enjoys great international esteem by virtue of its serious and level-headed attitudes, wise policies, consistent positions, undisputed determination to serve the cause of peace and justice and devotion to the Charter of the United Nations and customary international practices.

The Head of State expressed Tunisia's sympathy for the Palestinian people, which has just lost one of the symbols of the Revolution – the martyr Khalil al-Wazir – and for the families of those who fell victim to this cowardly act of aggression.  He reaffirmed our country's position with regard to the Palestinian cause and our unwavering support for the struggle of the Palestinian people under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization, its sole legitimate representative, for the attainment of self-determination and the establishment of an independent State in its own national territory.

The President of the Republic emphasized that Tunisia, which would continue to pursue a policy of openness and moderation, was determined to confront any act of aggression against its territorial integrity and national dignity with all necessary vigour.

He took note with pleasure of the firm and resolute attitude of the Tunisian people in support of its leaders, an attitude which provided eloquent evidence of that people's devotion to the republican system, to the spirit of 7 November and to national unity.

The President of the Republic expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the Heads of State of those fraternal and friendly countries which had supported Tunisia and paid tribute to its constant efforts to support just causes and noble ideals.

He reaffirmed the belief that the just resolution adopted by the Security Council would restore the reputation of the United Nations and strengthen the confidence of peace-loving peoples in the international Organization's capacity to ensure the victory of just causes and to fulfill the international community's aspirations for peace, security and co-operation.


Document symbol: S/19880
Document Type: Letter
Document Sources: Security Council
Country: Tunisia
Subject: Incidents
Publication Date: 12/05/1988

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