Attack on Al-Aqsa mosque – Statement by FM of Qatar – Letter from Qatar

Letter dated 1O October 1990 from the Permanent Representative of

Qatar to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General

I have the honour to transmit herewith the text of a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar on the tragic developments in the Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem (see annex).

I should be grateful if you would arrange to have this letter and its annex circulated as an official document of the General Assembly, under agenda item 35, and of the Security Council.

(Signed) Dr. Hassan Ali Hussain AL-NI'MAH


Permanent Representative


Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar

The State of Qatar has condemned the odious crime committed by Israel near the Al-Aqsa mosque, which has caused dozens of deaths and wounded among the Palestine people from the bullets of the army of occupation. The State of Qatar has described this crime as a massacre which has no other justification but the blood thirst of the Israelis, who do not hesitate to kill unarmed civilians and innocent worshippers.

An authorized source of the Qatar Ministry of Foreign Affairs has denounced the profanation of the Al-Aqsa mosque by the Israeli occupation authorities and the crime committed on its sacred soil, which constitutes a clear challenge to the Islamic world and a flagrant violation of international conventions, customs and moral principles.

The same source has recalled the constant position of the State of Qatar as regards the Palestinian question and the heroic uprising of the Palestinian people and has expressed its support for this people's struggle to return to its land and to recover all its legitimate rights.


Document symbol: A/45/619|S/21864
Document Type: Letter, Statement
Document Sources: General Assembly, Security Council
Country: Qatar
Subject: Agenda Item, Casualties, Incidents, Jerusalem
Publication Date: 10/10/1990

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