Women – Third Cttee debate – Summary record (excerpts)

Third Committee

Summary record of the 15th meeting

Held at Headquarters, New York, on Thursday, 10 October 2002, at 3 p.m. 

Chairman:   Mr. Wenawesar  …………………………………… (Liechtenstein)



Agenda item 102: Advancement of women (continued)

Agenda item 103: Implementation of the outcome of the Fourth World Conference on Women and of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly entitled “Women 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century” (continued)



The meeting was called to order at 3.10 p.m.


Agenda item 102: Advancement of women (continued ) (A/57/3, A/57/38 (Part I), A/57/125, A/57/129-E/2002/77, A/57/169, 170, 171, 330 and Add.1, 406, 432 and 447)

Agenda item 103: Implementation of the outcome of the Fourth World Conference on Women and of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly entitled “Women 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century” (continued) (A/57/3 and A/57/286) 


50.  Miss Al-Sabah (Kuwait) …


54.   Women everywhere still suffered from discrimination, violence and persecution as a result of wars and political disputes. In that regard, there were still Kuwaiti women prisoners unaccounted for, and Palestinian women were still suffering under the Israeli occupation of Arab lands.


Statements in exercise of the right of reply

77.  Mr. Tamir (Israel) said that he wished to respond to the statement made by Lebanon at the 13th meeting on the items before the Committee, in particular to the accusation that Israel was occupying Lebanese territory. Israel had made a full withdrawal from Lebanon on 24 May 2000 in compliance with Security Council resolution 425 (1978), as had been confirmed by the Secretary-General and the Security Council. Lebanon had yet to fulfil its obligations under the resolution by ensuring the return of its effective authority in the areas. If indeed Lebanon was occupied, it was not by Israel. Lebanon was ruled by another neighbouring country.

78.   With regard to the Lebanese delegation’s affirmation that the activist Leila Khaled continued to play a constructive role in the Middle East peace process, it should be noted that she had joined the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in 1968 and had hijacked a plane on its way to Tel Aviv in 1969. In 1970, she had attempted to hijack a plane heading for London and had been captured by United Kingdom authorities, only to be released three days later in a prisoner exchange. In an appearance on Al-Jazeera Television on 4 February 2002, she had insisted that women were entitled to participate in suicide bombings in Israel. It was sad that such figures continued to be held up as models of good citizenship.

79.  Mr. Malouf (Lebanon) said that he could only reiterate that the Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon had not been completed. It had taken Israel 22 years to comply only partially with Security Council resolution 425 (1978), with parts of Lebanon still under Israeli occupation. Many terrorist acts were also being committed in Lebanese territory at the hands of Israel, and Lebanese air space was violated on a daily basis. It was enough to watch television or read the newspapers to appreciate the extent of the occupation. His delegation took exception to Israel’s claim that Lebanon was being occupied by another country. Lebanon was free to choose its friends. Special relations with a particular country did not constitute an occupation.

80.   Mr. Tamir (Israel) said that Hizbullah — one of the cruellest international terrorist organizations — had been operating freely in southern Lebanon for over 15 years and had continued to do so following Israel’s withdrawal. In a particularly conspicuous incident on 7 October 2000, it had crossed the border and kidnapped three Israeli soldiers and one civilian, all of whom continued to be held hostage.

81.  Mr. Malouf (Lebanon) said he wished to recall that Hizbullah was considered a freedom movement for resistance against the occupation. Hizbullah had representatives in Parliament and participated actively in the political life of the country. The three soldiers in question had been taken prisoner on the Shaba farms, which were in Lebanese territory; therefore, Hizbullah had not crossed the border.

The meeting rose at 5.15 p.m. 

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Corrections will be issued after the end of the session, in a separate corrigendum for each Committee.

Document symbol: A/C.3/57/SR.15
Document Type: Summary record
Document Sources: General Assembly
Subject: Agenda Item, Women
Publication Date: 10/10/2002

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