Middle East situation/Palestine question/Intensification of the Israeli military campaign – Letter from Palestine

Letter dated 29 March 2002 from the Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council

Today, the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, has gravely deteriorated to crisis proportions as a result of the intensification of the Israeli military campaign being waged against the Palestinian people and the Palestinian leadership. In the early hours of the morning (Palestine time), Israeli occupying forces invaded Ramallah and launched heavy attacks against the official compound of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat in the city. Using tanks, bulldozers and armoured personnel carriers, Israeli soldiers stormed the President’s compound, destroying several buildings. This assault has thus far killed 5 Palestinians and wounded at least 25 others. In addition, Israeli occupying forces abducted at least 60 Palestinians during the assault on the compound.
This latest escalation of the bloody Israeli onslaught against the Palestinian people comes after President Arafat’s clear declaration regarding Palestinian readiness to implement an immediate ceasefire. In complete disregard of this declaration and of ongoing efforts to secure a ceasefire, in addition to the invasion of Ramallah, Israeli occupying forces have invaded other Palestinian cities throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Israeli officials have stated that this reoccupation by the Israeli occupying forces is intended to last for at least several weeks. In this regard, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has specifically stated that “the military operation under way will last weeks and we are going to launch operations on a large scale without precedent”. Moreover, with regard to the direct attacks against the compound of President Yasser Arafat in Ramallah, Mr. Sharon has made clear his malicious intentions by stating: “He is the enemy and at this stage he will be isolated.” These statements follow a series of other dangerous and indeed insane statements by the Prime Minister, revealing his criminal intent and his determination to continue the vicious military aggression being perpetrated against both the Palestinian people and the Palestinian Authority since 28 September 2000.
It is starkly obvious that the Israeli Government of Mr. Sharon has neither the intention nor the will to take the necessary steps towards peace. This latest escalation of the bloody Israeli military campaign will lead only to even more death and destruction and suffering and loss for the Palestinian people under Israel’s occupation and the graver deterioration of this already critical situation. The military aggression being waged by the Israeli occupying forces threatens not only the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, but also, clearly, the stability of the region as a whole.
The international community cannot continue to stand idly by while Israel, the occupying Power, continues to wage its military campaign against Palestinian people under its occupation. The international community cannot continue to stand idly by while the Israeli occupying forces under the direct orders of Mr. Sharon, continue to commit even more war crimes, State terrorism and human rights violations against the Palestinian people. The Israeli Government must be held accountable for all of the crimes and violations it is committing. The international community, particularly the Security Council, must uphold its responsibilities for the maintenance of peace and security and is thus duty-bound to stand up to such Israeli policies and practices and take the necessary measures to bring them to an immediate end. We call upon the Council to immediately convene with the aim of taking the necessary action to stop the rising bloodshed and destruction being wrought in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
In follow-up to my previous 110 letters to you regarding the crisis situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, dated from 29 September 2000 to 27 March 2002 (A/55/432-S/2000/921; A/55/437-S/2000/930; A/55/450-S/2000/957; A/55/466-S/2000/971; A/55/474-S/2000/984; A/55/490-S/2000/993; A/ES-10/39-S/2000/1015; A/ES-10/40-S/2000/1025; A/ES-10/42-S/2000/1068; A/ES-10/43-S/2000/1078; A/ES-10/44-S/2000/1093; A/ES-10/45-S/2000/1104; A/ES-10/46-S/2000/1107; A/ES-10/47-S/2000/1116; A/ES-10/48-S/2000/1129; A/ES-10/49-S/2000/1154; A/ES-10/50-S/2000/1173; A/ES-10/51-S/2000/1185; A/ES-10/52-S/2000/1206; A/ES-10/53-S/2000/1247; A/ES-10/54-S/2001/7; A/ES-10/55-S/2001/33; A/ES-10/56-S/2001/50; A/ES-10/57-S/2001/101; A/ES-10/58-S/2001/131; A/ES-10/59-S/2001/156; A/ES-10/60-S/2001/175; A/ES-10/61-S/2001/189; A/ES-10/64-S/2001/209; A/ES-10/65-S/2001/226; A/ES-10/66-S/2001/239; A/ES-10/67-S/2001/255; A/ES-10/68-S/2001/284; A/ES-10/69-S/2001/295; A/ES-10/70-S/2001/304; A/ES-10/71-S/2001/314; A/ES-10/72-S/2001/332; A/ES-10/75-S/2001/352; A/ES-10/76-S/2001/372; A/ES-10/79-S/2001/418; A/ES-10/80-S/2001/432; A/ES-10/81-S/2001/447; A/ES-10/82-S/2001/463; A/ES-10/83-S/2001/471; A/ES-10/84-S/2001/479; A/ES-10/85-S/2001/486; A/ES-10/86-S/2001/496; A/ES-10/87-S/2001/504; A/ES-10/88-S/2001/508; A/ES-10/89-S/2001/544; A/ES-10/90-S/2001/586; A/ES-10/91-S/2001/605; A/ES-10/92-S/2001/629; A/ES-10/93-S/2001/657; A/ES-10/94-S/2001/669; A/ES-10/95-S/2001/686; A/ES-10/96-S/2001/697; A/ES-10/97-S/2001/708; A/ES-10/98-S/2001/717; A/ES-10/99-S/2001/742; A/ES-10/100-S/2001/754; A/ES-10/101-S/2001/783; A/ES-10/102-S/2001/785; A/ES-10/103-S/2001/798; A/ES-10/104-S/2001/812; A/ES-10/105-S/2001/814; A/ES-10/107-S/2001/821; A/ES-10/108-S/2001/826; A/ES-10/111-S/2001/880; A/ES-10/112-S/2001/918; A/ES-10/114-S/2001/928; A/ES-10/115-S/2001/932; A/ES-10/116-S/2001/941; A/ES-10/117-S/2001/971; A/ES-10/118-S/2001/989; A/ES-10/119-S/2001/991; A/ES-10/121-S/2001/1007; A/ES-10/122-S/2001/1024; A/ES-10/123-S/2001/1036; A/ES-10/124-S/2001/1084; A/ES-10/125-S/2001/1092; A/ES-10/126-S/2001/1118; A/ES-10/128-S/2001/1149; A/ES-10/129-S/2001/1166; A/ES-10/133-S/2001/1239; A/ES-10/134-S/2001/1261; A/ES-10/136-S/2002/18; A/ES-10/137-S/2002/39; A/ES-10/138-S/2002/48; A/ES-10/139-S/2002/58; A/ES-10/140-S/2002/89; A/ES-10/141-S/2002/95; A/ES-10/142-S/2002/102; A/ES-10/143-S/2002/121; A/ES-10/144-S/2002/142; A/ES-10/145-S/2002/146; A/ES-10/146-S/2002/165; A/ES-10/147-S/2002/175; A/ES-10/148-S/2002/182; A/ES-10/149-S/2002/186; A/ES-10/150-S/2002/214; A/ES-10/151-S/2002/223; A/ES-10/152-S/2002/232; A/ES-10/154-S/2002/242; A/ES-10/155-S/2002/248; A/ES-10/156-S/2002/249; A/ES-10/157-S/2002/253, A/ES-10/158-S/2002/258; A/ES-10/159-S/2002/281; A/ES-10/160-S/2002/307; and A/ES-10/161-S/2002/319), I regret to inform you that, since my last letter, 5 Palestinians were killed by the Israeli occupying forces, raising the total number of Palestinian martyrs since 28 September 2000 to 1,178 people.
I would be grateful if you would arrange to have the text of the present letter distributed as a document of the Security Council.
(Signed) Dr. Nasser Al-Kidwa
Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations

Document symbol: S/2002/330
Document Type: Letter
Document Sources: Security Council
Subject: Armed conflict, Casualties, Human rights and international humanitarian law, Incidents, Occupation
Publication Date: 29/03/2002

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