Commission on Human Settlements – Resolution






9/11.  Activities for the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless in the occupied Palestinian territories*

The Commission on Human Settlements,

Recalling General Assembly resolution 40/170 of 17 December 1985 on assistance to the Palestinian people,

Recalling also if resolutions 7/8 of 10 May 1984 and 8/9 of 8 May 1985 on activities for the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless in the occupied Palestinian territories,

Taking note with appreciation of the report of the Executive Director of the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) on activities for the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless in the occupied Palestinian territories, a/

Recalling Security Council resolution 465 (1980) in which the Israeli settlement policies were considered illegal and a serious obstacle to peace,

Noting with grave concern the continuation of the Israeli settlement policies in the occupied Paleatinian territories,

1. Strongly deplores the settlement policies of the Israeli occupation authorities in the occupied Palestinian territories;

2. Calls for an immediate halt to the establishment of new Israeli settlements in the occupied Paleatinian territories and for the dismantling of existing ones;

3. Strongly opposes the demolition and sealing off of Palestinian houses by the Israeli occupation authorities;

4. Requests the Executive Director of the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) to take the necessary actions for implementing the proposals contained in his report; a/

5. Invites the Executive Director to seek the aasistance of the international community and relevant United Nations bodies and organizations in the implementation of the proposals contained in his report; a/

6. Requests the Executive Director to continue his efforts for the provision of assistance to the Palestinian people in co-operation with the Palestine Liberation Organization;

7. Also requests the Executive Director to prepare a comprehensive study on the institutions and instruments needed for financing and implementing a housing programme in the occupied Palestinian territories and to submit it to the Commission on Human Settlements at its tenth session;

8. Further requests the Executive Director to report to the Commission on Human Settlements at its tenth session on the progress made in the implementation of this resolution.

9th plenary session

16 May 1986


* Adopted by 38 votes to 1, with 4 abstention.


a/ HS/C/9/6/Add.4.


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