Nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Mideast – GA resolution

34/77.  Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East

The General Assembly,

Recalling its resolution 3263 (XXIX) of 9 December 1974, in which it overwhelmingly commended the idea of the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East,

Recalling also its resolution 3474 (XXX) of 11 December 1915, in which it realized that the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East enjoyed wide support in the region,

Bearing in mind its resolution 31/71 of 10 December 1976, in which it expressed the conviction that progress towards the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East would greatly enhance the cause of peace in the region and in the world,

Considering its resolution 32/82 of 12 December 1977, in which it expressed the conviction that the development of nuclear capability would further complicate the situation and immensely damage the efforts to create an atmosphere of confidence in the Middle East,

Guided by the relevant recommendations in the Final Document of the Tenth Special Session of the General Assembly, dealing with the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East, 1/

Recalling also its resolution 33/64 of 14 December 1978,

Recognizing that the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East would greatly enhance international peace and security,

1. Urges all parties directly concerned seriously to consider taking the practical and urgent steps required for the implementation of the proposal to establish a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly and, as a means of promoting this objective, invites the countries concerned to adhere to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons; 2/

2. Invites those countries, pending the establishment of such a zone in the Middle East and during the process of its establishment, to declare solemnly that they will refrain on a reciprocal basis from producing, acquiring or in any other way possessing nuclear weapons and nuclear explosive devices;

3. Calls upon those countries to refrain, on a reciprocal basis, from permitting the stationing of nuclear weapons on their territory by any third party and to agree to place all their nuclear activities under International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards;

4. Further invites those countries, pending the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East and during the process of its establishment, to declare their support for establishing such a zone in the region consistent with paragraphs 60 to 63, in particular paragraph 63 (d), of the Final Document of the Tenth Special Session and to deposit those declarations with the Security Council for consideration as appropriate;

5. Reaffirms again its recommendation to the nuclear-weapon States to refrain from any action contrary to the Spirit and purpose of the present resolution and the objective of establishing in the region of the Middle East a nuclear-weapon-free zone under an effective system of safeguards and to extend their co-operation to the States of the region in their efforts to promote these objectives;

6. Renews its invitation to the Secretary-General to continue to explore the possibilities of making progress towards the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in tho region of the Middle East;

7. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its thirty-fifth session the item entitled "Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East".

97th plenary meeting

11 December 1979


1/ Resolution S-10/2, para. 63 (d).

2/ Resolution 2373 (XXII), annex.

Document symbol: A/RES/34/77
Document Type: Resolution
Document Sources: General Assembly
Subject: Arms control and regional security issues
Publication Date: 11/12/1979

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