Mideast situation/Lebanon – Letter from Lebanon

Letter dated 7 March 2000 from the Permanent

Representative of Lebanon to the United

Nations addressed to the Secretary-General

On instructions from my Government and further to our earlier letters concerning Israel's attacks on southern Lebanon and the Western Bekaa and the arbitrary practices against the civilian inhabitants in which it engages on a daily basis, I have the honour to notify you of the series of such incidents that took place in February 2000.

1 February 2000

On the night of 31 January-1 February in Khiyam the Lahad militia collaborating with Israel arrested resident Husayn Ali Awwadah, and took him to their position there.

Between 0910 and 1030 hours Israeli warplanes overflew the South and the Shuf at various altitudes, breaking the sound barrier over Tyre and Nabatiyah, and at 0935 hours attacked outlying areas of Jibal al-Butm, firing an air-to-surface missile.

Between 1020 and 1120 hours Israeli occupation forces fired 16 155-mm artillery shells at outlying areas of Jibal al-Butm, Zibqin and Yatar from the Tall Ya`qub position.

At 1010 and 1050 hours in Khiyam the collaborators' militia arrested residents Hasan Muhammad al-Amin and Ali Husayn Atwi and took them to their office in the town.  They also arrested Imad Hasan al-Amin, the son of Hasan Muhammad al-Amin.  The militia released them on the same date.

Between 1130 and 1200 hours occupation forces and the proxy militia fired several direct-fire rounds and 120-mm mortar rounds at areas along the Tasah spring and the area around the Sujud hill from the Rayhan and Ghizlan hill positions.

At 1200 hours occupying Israeli forces fired 21 155-mm artillery shells at outlying areas of Zibqin, Jibal al-Butm and Siddiqin from the Tall Ya`qub position.

At 1230 hours the proxy militia at Tallusah fired four 81-mm mortar rounds at outlying areas of the above-mentioned town.

At 1300 hours Israeli warplanes attacked outlying areas of Zibqin, Shu`aytiyah and Jibal al-Butmin two waves, firing four air-to-surface missiles.

Between 1555 and 1635 hours the proxy militia fired several 81-mm and 120-mm mortar rounds and several direct-fire rounds and directed a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire at outlying areas of Qusayr, Majdal Zun and Mansuri from the Shama` and Hardun positions.

At 1845 hours occupation forces fired several 120-mm mortar rounds at outlying areas of Jba` and Wadi Kafra from the Rayhan position.

Between 2010 and 2015 hours the proxy militia directed a number of bursts of fire at Jabal Shwayya from the Shwayya position and a number of bursts of fire to the east of Zimriya hill from the Ayn Qinya position.

Between 2225 and 2240 hours the Lahad proxy militia fired several 120-mm mortar rounds at outlying areas of Jba` from the Rayhan position and fired several 155-mm artillery shells and directed a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire at areas along the Tasah spring from Zafatah and Suwaydah hill.

2 February 2000

At 0000 hours the Lahad proxy militia fired several 155-mm artillery shells and 120-mm mortar rounds at areas along the Zahrani River in the direction of Habbush from the Zafatah position.

Between 0245 and 0640 occupation forces fired 14 155-mm artillery shells at outlying areas of Majdal Zun, Mansuri, Yatar, Tibnin and Wadi al-Qaysiyah from the Tall Ya`qub and Mays al-Jabal positions, and the collaborators' militia fired several 60-mm mortar rounds and directed a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire at outlying areas of Qusayr and the area around Ali al-Tahir hill from the Qusayr and Ali al-Tahir hill positions.

Between 0635 and 0700 hours the proxy militia fired several 155-mm artillery shells at Murabba`ah from the Zafatah position.

At 0715 hours the proxy militia fired three 155-mm artillery shells at outlying areas of Mayfadun from the Zafatah position, and occupation forces fired four 155-mm artillery shells at Wadi al-Qaysiyah from the Mays-al-Jabal checkpoint position.

At 0725 hours occupation forces fired two 155-mm artillery shells at outlying areas of Majdal Silm from the Mays al-Jabal checkpoint position.

Between 0900 and 1200 hours Israeli warplanes overflew the North, Mount Lebanon and the South at various altitudes and between 0920 and 1155 attacked outlying areas of Shu'aytiyah, Zibqin and Jwayya, firing three air-to-surface missiles.

At 0950 hours Israeli warplanes attacked the western part of Jabal Jabbur, firing an air-to-surface missile.

At 1145 hours the proxy militia fired several 155-mm artillery shells at outlying areas of Habbush from the Zafatah position.

At 1505 hours the collaborators' militia fired several 120-mm mortar rounds at Mazra'at al-Hamra, the Yuhmur lowland and areas along the Litani River from the Zafatah position.

Between 1550 and 1650 hours occupation forces fired 23 155-mm artillery shells at outlying areas of Majdal Silm, Qantarah, Wadi al-Hujayr and Qaysiyah from the Dahr al-Maydan and Muhaybib positions.

At 1700 hours Israeli warplanes attacked Wadi al-Hujayr, firing an air-to-surface missile.

At 1930 hours on the route to the proxy militia's Ba`lul hill position a blasting charge exploded in the path of a vehicle, killing the resident Ghassan Butrus Farid Rizq.

3 February 2000

Between 0725 and 0800 hours occupation forces and the Lahad militia collaborating with them fired six 120-mm mortar rounds, four direct-fire rounds and three 155-mm artillery shells and directed a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire at outlying areas of Majdal Zun and Mansuri from the Tall Ya`qub, Shama` and Hardun positions.

At 0800 hours the proxy Lahad militia fired three 81-mm mortar rounds to the west of Jabal Jabbur from the Ahmadiyah hill position.

At 0840 hours Israeli warplanes attacked outlying areas of Mansuri, firing an air-to-surface missile.

At 1115 hours the proxy militia fired six 120-mm mortar rounds at outlying areas of Rshaf from the Ruwaysat al-Jamus position.

At 1150 hours the collaborators' militia and occupation forces fired several 155-mm artillery shells and 122-mm mortar rounds at outlying areas of Qa`qa`iyat al-Jisr, Wadi al-Kafur and Nabatiyah al-Fawqa, areas along the Habbush River and the Litani River and Jabal al-Rafi` from the Zafatah and Razlan hill positions.

At 1235 hours Israeli warplanes attacked areas along the Zahrani River and outlying areas of Shukin in two waves, firing two air-to-surface missiles.

Between 2000 and 2135 hours occupation forces and the collaborators' militia fired several 155-mm artillery shells and 81-mm and 120-mm mortar rounds and direct-fire rounds at areas along the Tasah spring and Wadi Kafra, Mlita hill, outlying areas of Jarju`, Luwayzah and Mazra`at Uqmata and the area around Sujud hill from the Zafatah, Shurayfah hill and Sujud and Razlan hill positions and fired five 155-mm artillery shells and four 120-mm mortar rounds at Wadi al-Qaysiyah and outlying areas of Majdal Silm from the Mays al-Jabal checkpoint and Hula.

4 February 2000

At 0035 hours Israeli warplanes attacked the area around Sujud hill, firing an air-to-surface missile.

At 0645 hours the collaborators' militia and occupation forces fired several 155-mm artillery shells and direct-fire rounds at the area around Izziyah hill and Beaufort Castle and outlying areas of Yuhmur from the Zafatah, Beaufort Castle and Izziyah hill positions.

At 0819 and 0845 Israeli warplanes attacked Hafur hill (in the outlying area of Shukin), firing an air-to-surface missile.

At 0000 and 0130 hours the collaborators' militia fired 26 120-mm shells to the west of Jabal Jabbur from Ahmadiyah hill.

At 1035 Israeli helicopters attacked the Barish highway, firing three air-to-surface missiles at a vehicle.  This caused medium and slight injuries to Lamia Hamud, her daughter Nur Izz al-Din, her brother Hasan, Ahmad Qasim Abbas and Muhammad al-Sayyid and damage to three houses belonging to Isma`il Musa Mazih, Abd al-Muhsin Yasin Izz al-Din, Muhsin Abdu Muhsin, Hani Yusuf Mazih, Salman Yusuf Mazih, Muhammad Ali Yusuf Mazih, Abd al-Mun`im Yasin Izz al-Din, Hasan Muhammad Isa, Muhammad Ni`mat Isa, Abbas Ahmad Makki, Talib Abdullah Makki, Hasan Abdullah Makki and Isa Abdu Mazih.

At 1118 Israeli warplanes attacked Mazra`at Uqmata, firing an air-to-surface missile.

At 1145 occupation forces and the proxy militia fired several 155-mm artillery shells at Wadi al-Qaysiyah and Murabba` (in the outlying area of Mayfadun) and outlying areas of Mansuri from the Tall Ya`qub and Zafatah positions.

At 1130 hours in the new town of Marj Uyun in the occupied strip the collaborators' militia arrested resident Antoine Abu Dahir from Qulay`ah and his son Louis, after firing at the latter, and took them to the Marj Uyun barracks.

Between 1710 and 1850 hours the collaborators' militia and occupation forces fired several 155-mm artillery shells and 120-mm mortar rounds at areas along the Tasah spring, Murabba`ah and outlying areas of Shukin, Yatar, Mansuri, Majdal Zun and Wadi al-Qaysiyah from the Zafatah, Ksarat al-Urush, Mays al-Jabal checkpoint and Tall Ya`qub positions.

At 1800 hours Israeli warplanes attacked Mazra`at Uqmata, firing an air-to-surface missile.

At 1845 the collaborators' militia directed bursts of medium-machine-gun fire and fired 155-mm artillery shells and 120-mm mortar rounds at the easternmost neighbourhood of Kafr Tibnit, areas along the Zahrani River on the Habbush side and Murabba`ah in outlying areas of Mayfadun from the Burj, Ali al-Tahir and Zafatah positions.

Between 1600 and 2050 hours an Israeli gunboat offshore between Qulaylah and Ra's al-Ayn directed a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire in all directions.

Between 1915 and 2050 hours occupation forces and the collaborators' militia fired several 155-mm artillery shells and 60-mm mortar rounds at Wadi al-Qaysiyah and outlying areas of Qusayr from the Mays al-Jabal checkpoint and Qusayr positions.

5 February 2000

At 0030 and 0550 hours Israeli occupation forces and the proxy militia fired several 81-mm mortar rounds and directed a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire at outlying areas of Kafr Rumman and the area around Beaufort Castle from the Dabshah hill and Beaufort Castle positions.

Between 1400 and 1600 hours the collaborators' militia fired several 120-mm and 81-mm mortar rounds at the area around Jabbur pool and the old Kafr Hunah crossing from the Rayhan and Shir Adur hill positions, killing Resistance member Ahmad al-Ashhab.

At 1630 hours an Israeli warplane flying at high altitude attacked Mazra`at Uqmata with an air-to-surface missile.

At 1430 and 1455 hours the collaborators' militia fired seven 155-mm artillery shells at the area around Jabal Jabbur from the Abu Qamhah position.

Between 1810 and 1830 hours the Lahad militia collaborating with Israel fired five 120-mm mortar rounds and 12 direct-fire rounds at outlying areas of Majdal Zun and Mansuri from the Bayyadah and Shama` positions.

6 February 2000

At 0500 hours the Lahad proxy militia fired six 120-mm mortar rounds at areas along the Litani River from the Ahmadiyah hill position.

At 1400 hours occupation forces fired several 155-mm artillery shells at outlying areas of Yatar, Siddiqin, Jibal al-Butm and Zibqin from Jabal Balat and Tall Ya`qub.

At 1415 and 1430 hours Israeli warplanes attacked outlying areas of Jibal al-Butm and Siddiqin, firing seven air-to-surface missiles.

Between 1215 and 2150 occupation forces and the collaborators' militia fired several 81-mm and 120-mm mortar rounds and 155-mm artillery shells and directed a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire at areas along the Tasah spring, Jabal al-Rafi`, Mazra`at al-Hamra, outlying areas of Kafr Rumman, Yuhmur and Arabsalim and the area around the abandoned Lebanese Army barracks in Nabatiyah from the Shurayfah, Zafatah, Razlan hill and Suwayda, Dabshah and Tuhrah hills positions.

At 1920 hours the proxy militia fired six 81-mm mortar rounds at Wadi al-Saluqi from the Hula position.

At 2230 hours occupying forces fired five 155-mm artillery shells at Wadi al-Saluqi from the Mays al-Jabal checkpoint position, and the collaborators' militia fired several 155-mm artillery shells at areas along the Zahrani River from the Zafatah position.

7 February 2000

Between 0000 and 0225 hours Israeli warplanes overflew the Nabatiyah area at very high altitudes, breaking the sound barrier.

At 1125 the collaborators' militia directed a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire at the above-mentioned area from the Qusayrah position.

At 1310 hours the Lahad militia collaborating with Israel fired two 81-mm mortar rounds at outlying areas of Bra`shit from the Ba`lul hill position.

At 1425 hours the collaborators' militia fired four direct-fire rounds and two 81-mm mortar rounds at outlying areas of Mansuri and Majdal Zun from the Shama` and Hardun positions.

Between 1430 and 1445 hours occupying Israeli forces fired 11 155-mm artillery shells at outlying areas of Kafra and Yatar from the Tall Ya`qub position.

Between 1450 and 1540 hours Israeli warplanes attacked the outlying areas of Kafra and Yatar in six waves, firing nine air-to-surface missiles.  Material damage was caused to houses in Kafra belonging to Ghalib Mahmud Hamdan, Ali Muhammad Izz al-Din, Hasan Ali Izz al-Din, Mahmud Abd al-Khaliq Izz al-Din, Muhammad Amin Hijazi, Ahmad Abd al-Karim Hamdan, Usamah Ibrahim Isma`il Nahhad, Muhammad Atiyah, Ali Abd al-Karim Izz al-Din, Ali Amin Yahya and Ahmad Sa`id Yahya, as well as to a vehicle and three stores belonging to resident Nizar Abdullah Izz al-Din.

Between 1530 and 1630 hours the proxy militia fired 21 120-mm mortar rounds at the area around Jabal Jabbur from the Ahmadiyah hill position.

At 1700 hours occupying Israeli forces and the militia collaborating with them fired several 155-mm artillery shells and 81-mm and 120-mm mortar rounds and directed a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire at areas along the Tasah spring and outlying areas of Kafr Rumman, Frun amd Ghanduriyah from the Ibad hill and the Razlan, Suwayda and Tuhrah hills positions.

At 1740 hours occupation forces fired 14 155-mm artillery shells at outlying areas of Shaqra, Srifa and Wadi al-Saluqi from the Mays al-Jabal checkpoint position.

At 1735 hours the proxy militia fired a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire at the easternmost neighbourhood of Kafr Tibnit and the area around the Ali Tahir hill from the Ali Tahir hill position.

Between 2210 and 2330 occupation forces fired 20 155-mm artillery shells at outlying areas of Kafr Dunin and Dayr Kifa from the Mays al-Jabal checkpoint position.

At 2330 hours Israeli occupation forces fired three 155-mm artillery shells at outlying areas of Mansuri and Majdal Zun from the Tall Ya`qub position.

8 February 2000

Between 0000 and 0030 hours the proxy militia fired several 155-mm artillery shells at outlying areas of Mayfadun from the Zafatah position.

Between 0030 and 0100 hours Israeli helicopters overflew the coast off Tyre and Burghliyah and departed in a southerly direction.

At 0025 hours Israeli warplanes attacked Ba`labakk, firing an air-to-surface missile at an electrical transformer station.  Fire broke out inside the station.

At 0030 hours an Israeli warplane attacked Hursh al-Asirah (north-east of Ba`labakk) with an air-to-surface missile.  In the first raid Muhammad Shu`ayb, Karim Husayn Ja`far, his sisters Catherine and Caroline and Ibrahim Nun were injured.  Civil defence elements were still trying to extinguish the blaze at 0200 hours.

At 0035 hours Israeli warplanes attacked the Dayr Nbuh-Dinah electrical transformer station, firing several air-to-surface missiles.  Fire broke out inside the station, destroying a large part of it and injuring resident Husayn al-Misri.  Civil defence elements and Lebanese Army fire engines were still trying to extinguish the blaze at approximately 0700 hours.

At 0045 and 0100 hours Israeli warplanes twice attacked the Republic's power plant, destroying 11 out of 12 transformers and setting it on fire.  Electrical current was cut off, and the following were injured:  Elias Najm, Mike Ramuz, Ruhiyah Fakhuri and Ali Hijazi.  Lebanese Army and civil defence elements and the fire department were still trying to extinguish the blaze and transporting the casualties at 0430 hours.

At 0100 hours occupation forces fired several 155-mm artillery shells at outlying areas of Kafr Dunin, Dayr Kifa and Wadi al-Saluqi from the Tall Ya`qub and Mays al-Jabal positions.

Between 0130 and 0230 Israeli helicopters overflew Dayr Qanun and Ra's al-Ayn and occupation forces fired several 155-mm artillery shells at Wadi al-Qaysiyah and outlying areas of Haniyah, Zibqin, Izziyah and Jibal al-Butm from the Tall Ya`qub and Mays al-Jabal positions.

Between 0240 and 0305 hours Israeli warplanes attacked outlying areas of Jibal al-Butm and Wadi al-Qaysiyah, firing three air-to-surface missiles.

At 0310 hours occupation forces fired 10 155-mm artillery shells at Wadi al-Qaysiyah, Wadi al-Saluqi and outlying areas of Haniyah, Majdal Zun, Jibal al-Butm, Shu`aytiyah, Zibqin, Mansuri and Yatar from the Mays al-Jabal checkpoint and Tall Ya`qub positions.

Between 0300 and 0410 hours Israeli warplanes overflew the South and Beirut at medium altitude, breaking the sound barrier.

Between 0600 and 0700 hours occupying Israeli forces and the proxy militia fired several 155-mm artillery shells at Wadi al-Qaysiyah and outlying areas of Kafra, Yatar, Shukin, Kafr Dunin and Dayr Kifa from the Tall Ya`qub, Mays al-Jabal checkpoint and Zafatah positions.

Between 0930 and 1200 hours Israeli warplanes overflew the Western Bekaa, the South, the Bekaa and Mount Lebanon at various altitudes, breaking the sound barrier.

At 0945 occupying Israeli forces fired several 155-mm shells at outlying areas of Zibqin, Jibal al-Butm and Shu`aytiyah from the Tall Ya`qub position.

At 1230 hours the Lahad militia collaborating with Israel fired several 155-mm artillery shells at Sujud hill from the Zafatah position.

At 1455 hours the proxy militia and occupation forces fired several 155-mm artillery shells and directed a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire at the abandoned Lebanese Army barracks and the outskirts of the Maslakh neighbourhood in Nabatiyah from Zafatah and the Dabshah hill.

At 1550 hours occupying Israeli forces fired several 120-mm mortar rounds at the outlying areas of Luwayzah, Mazra`at Uqmata and the Sujud hill from the Rayhan position.

At 1620 hours Israeli warplanes attacked Mazra`at Uqmata, firing an air-to-surface missile.  At 1655 and 1700 hours they attacked again, firing two air-to-surface missiles at Mazra`at Uqmata and the Sujud hill.

Between 1650 and 1725 hours occupying Israeli forces and the militia collaborating with them fired several 155-mm artillery shells and 120-mm mortar rounds at outlying areas of Mansuri, Majdal Zun, Zibqin, Jibal al-Butm, Shu`aytiyah, Yatar and Wadi al-Qaysiyah and Hujayr, the area between Kafr Dunin and Dayr Kifa, Mazra`at Uqmata, Jabal al-Rafi`, the area around Sujud hill and Siwan al-Jawhariyah (between Qa`qa`iyat al-Jisr and Zawtar al-Gharbiyah) and the area around the abandoned Lebanese Army barracks in Nabatiyah from the Tall Ya`qub, Mays al-Jabal checkpoint and Zafatah positions.  Electrical current was cut off from Kafr Tibnit, Nabatiyah al-Fawqa and Yuhmur.

Between 1955 and 2055 hours the proxy militia fired 15 81-mm mortar rounds at Wadi al-Hujayr and Saluqi from the Hula and Markaba positions.

Between 2000 and 2330 hours Israeli warplanes overflew the South at various altitudes and at 2300 hours attacked the outskirts of Ayn Bu Siwar, firing an air-to-surface missile.

At 2055 hours the collaborators' militia and occupation forces fired several 81-mm mortar rounds and directed a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire at the area around the abandoned Lebanese Army barracks in Nabatiyah, the outskirts of Kafr Rumman, areas along the Zahrani River in the direction of outlying areas of Habbush and the area around the Tuhrah, Suwayda and Dabshah hills from those hill positions.

Between 2125 and 2200 hours the collaborators' militia directed 12.7-mm bursts of fire at Wadi al-Fatir, Jabal Bir al-Dahr and the Mimis ridge and fired an illumination flare over Jabal Bir al-Dahr from the Zaghlah, Ayn Qinya and Zimriya positions.  Israeli warplanes overflew Jabal Bir al-Dahr, Jabal Ayn al-Tinah, Qilya, Jabal Abu Rashid and Jabal Jabbur at low altitudes.  A large-scale movement of residents from Kafra, Yatar and Jibal al-Butm in the direction of the Central Bekaa was registered.

  Between 2225 and 2315 hours Israeli warplanes overflew Iqlim al-Tuffah and Nabatiyah and the positions of occupation forces and the collaborators' militia at Beaufort Castle, the Dabshah, Tuhrah and Suwayda hills and Jabal al-Rafi` and at 2340 hours attacked the outskirts of Jarju` and Ayn Bu Siwar, firing six air-to-surface missiles.

At 2240 hours they attacked Jarju` and Ayn Bu Siwar, firing six air-to-surface missiles.

At 2300 hours two Israeli helicopters attacked an 11-storey building belonging to the resident Husayn Qashur in Tyre in the vicinity of the Municipal Building, hitting the top storey with an air-to-surface missile.  The top storey was destroyed, residents Isa Ali Ahmad from Nabatiyah and Wa'il Muhammad Najm from Tyre, were hit in the legs by shrapnel, and five civilian vehicles were also hit.

The walls of two houses and two stores in Ayn Bu Siwar were hit by several pieces of shrapnel, causing material damage to Husayn Kamil Kirki.  The electricity grid in Iqlim al-Tuffah was damaged and the current cut off.  In Tyre the bombardment of the building belonging to resident Husayn Qashur destroyed part of the building, in particular the eleventh and tenth floors (belonging to resident Ali Husayn Fujayr) and caused material damage to the homes of Kamil Muhammad Ali Marwah, Shahhadah Hasan Sa`id, Afaf Ibrahim al-Ziyad, Maryam Hasan Sahyun, Ali Ahmad Uqayl Abu Khalil, Dib Ahmad Mudayhili, Hasan Mustafa Bazi`, Hasan Taha Sabrawi and Khallal Musa Talib and the office of the Union, Labour and Trade Company on the tenth floor.

The Israeli warplanes' attack on Ayn Bu Siwar and Jarju` caused material damage to several dwellings belonging to Husayn Muhammad Darwish, Ahmad Husayn Kirki, Muhammad Husayn Kirki, Hind Adil Kirki, Hasan Muhammad Kirki, Ahmad Muhammad Kirki, Sami Hasan Jazzini, Muhammad Abdullah Jazzini and Adil Hasan Husayn, all residents of Ayn Bu Siwar, and also to the Husayni Club, two stores belonging to residents Ahmad Husayn Kirki and Husayn Ali Kirki and three vehicles.

9 February 2000

At 0000 hours occupation forces fired four 155-mm artillery shells at outlying areas of Rshaf and Haddatha from the Tall Ya`qub position.

Between 0040 and 0630 hours Israeli warplanes and an Israeli reconnaissance aircraft overflew the South at very high altitudes.

Between 0620 and 0650 occupation forces and the proxy militia fired several 155-mm artillery shells and direct-fire rounds at Siwan al-Jawhariyah, Wadi al-Qaysiyah, the outskirts of the Maslakh neighbourhood of Nabatiyah and the area between Wabr Kifa and Kafr Dunin from the Mays al-Jabal checkpoint, Zafatah, Tall Ya`qub and Tall al-Dabshah positions.

Between 0245 and 0630 hours the proxy militia fired nine 120-mm shells to the west of Jabal Jabbur from Abu Qamhah.

At 0705 hours Israeli warplanes fired two air-to-surface missiles at Jabal Bir al-Dahr, and the collaborators' militia fired eight tank shells at the Mimis ridge and Jabal Bir al-Dahr from Ayn Qinya and directed a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire at Wadi al-Fatir, the Mimis ridge and Jabal Bir al-Dahr from the Zimriya and Zaghlah position.

At 0720 Israeli warplanes attacked Wadi al-Hijarah, firing four air-to-surface missiles.

Between 0720 and 0810 the collaborators' militia fired 19 120-mm mortar rounds and six direct-fire rounds at Jabal Bir al-Dahr and Yuhmur from the Abu Qamhah and Ayn Qinya positions, smashing the window panes of a number of homes in Zawtar al-Sharqiyah belonging to residents Musa Hasan Izz al-Din, his two children Hasan and Abbas, Ali Kamil Muhanna and his brother Muhammad, Muhammad Hamad Muhanna and his brother Yasir, Yusuf Ali Abbud and his brother Husayn, Yahya Abd al-Karim Isma`il, Muhammad Yusuf Dawi, Muhammad Hammud Dawi, Husayn Dawi and Raja Muhammad Shu`aytani.

At 1000 hours occupying forces fired a 155-mm artillery shell from the Tall Ya`qub position that impacted in the vicinity of the Mansurayn-Hamra Lebanese Army crossing.

At 1200 hours the collaborators' militia fired several 155-mm artillery shells, 120-mm mortar rounds and direct-fire rounds at outlying areas of Jba`, the Sujud hill and the area around Ksarat al-Urush from the Zafatah and Razlan hill positions.

Between 1200 and 1425 hours the Lahad militia collaborating with Israel fired five 120-mm mortar rounds and two 155-mm artillery shells at Jabal Bir al-Dahr from the Abu Qamhah and Shurayfah hill positions.

Between 1625 and 1650 hours the proxy militia fired six 120-mm mortar rounds and a 155-mm artillery shell at Jabal Bir al-Dahr from the Abu Qamhah position.

At 1850 and 1910 hours Israeli warplanes attacked Wadi al-Qaysiyah, firing three air-to-surface missiles.

At 1910 hours the proxy militia fired several 155-mm artillery shells at the area around Ksarat al-Urush from the Safatah position.

Between 1805 and 2000 hours the collaborators' militia fired 25 120-mm mortar rounds at Jabal Bir al-Dahr from the Abu Qamhah position.

At 1900 hours occupation forces and the collaborators' militia fired several 155-mm artillery shells and 120-mm mortar rounds at the area around Jabbur pool and outlying areas of Aramta from the Rayhan and Shurayfah hill positions.

Between 2000 and 2240 hours the Lahad militia collaborating with Israel fired 11 120-mm mortar rounds at Jabal Bir al-Dahr from the Abu Qamhah position.

10 February 2000

Between 0205 and 0505 hours the collaborators' militia fired 118 120-mm mortar rounds, five 155-mm and five 130-mm artillery shells at Jabal Bir al-Dahr from their Abu Qamhah and Ayn Qinya positions.

At 0650 hours enemy warplanes attacked Jabal Bir al-Dahr, firing an air-to-surface missile.

At 0725 hours enemy warplanes overflew the Zimriya hill and Mimis at very high altitudes, and at 0730 hours enemy warplanes overflew Jabal Bir al-Dahr, firing four air-to-surface missiles.

Between 1125 and 1240 hours Israeli warplanes overflew the Western Bekaa, the South and Mount Lebanon.

Between 1220 and 1240 hours Israeli occupation forces fired nine 155-mm artillery shells at outlying areas of Mansuri, Izziyah and Majdal Zun from their Tall Ya`qub position.

Between 1450 and 1545 hours Israeli warplanes overflew the South and Mount Lebanon at various altitudes and at 1455 and 1525 attacked Mazra`at al-Hamra and areas along the Tasah spring, firing three air-to-surface missiles.  Two Israeli helicopters overflew Beaufort Castle, and an Israeli reconnaissance aircraft overflew Nabatiyah.

At 1525 hours an Israeli warplane overflew the Frun area.

At 1555 Israeli warplanes attacked Mayfadun and Zawtar, injuring a number of persons.  The Israeli warplanes overflew Nabatiyah at low altitude and attacked Samahiyah, targeting a vineyard in Nabatiyah.

At 1550 Israeli warplanes attacked areas along the Tasah spring and Uqmata.

At 1600 Israeli warplanes overflew the Western Bekaa at medium altitude and Tyre at low altitude.

At 1830 the Lahad collaborators' militia fired several 155-mm artillery shells and 120-mm mortar rounds at Mazra`at Uqmata from their Zafatah and Rayhan positions.

At 1950 hours Israeli forces fired a 105-mm direct-fire round at the main road of Shukin (Nabatiyah) from their Dabshah hill position.  It did not impact but struck a civilian vehicle.

Between 2000 and 2035 hours Israeli occupation forces and the militia collaborating with them fired several 155-mm artillery shells and five direct-fire rounds at the abandoned Lebanese Army barracks in Nabatiyah and Wadi al-Kafur and Karm al-Zaytun in the Nabatiyah area.

At 2030 hours an Israeli helicopter fired an air-to-surface missile at the abandoned Lebanese Army barracks in Nabatiyah.

At 2040 hours Israeli occupation artillery fired three shells at Wadi al-Kafur.  Artillery fire was directed at the abandoned Lebanese Army barracks and the Fawarinah quarter in Nabatiyah from the occupation forces' Dabshah positions, and there was a heavy concentration of Israeli helicopters over Nabatiyah.

11 February 2000

Between 0100 and 0200 hours the Lahad collaborators' militia fired several 155-mm artillery shells at areas along the Litani River in the direction of outlying areas of Zawtar al-Gharbiyah from its Zafatah position.

Between 0100 and 0300 hours an Israeli reconnaissance aircraft overflew the South and the Bekaa at high altitude.

Between 0100 and 0500 hours the collaborators' militia fired eight 120-mm mortar rounds at Jabal Jabbur from its Qal`at al-Ahmadiyah position.

Between 0230 and 0240 hours two Israeli helicopters overflew the Beaufort Castle and Dabshah positions.

At 0730 the Lahad collaborators' militia directed copious bursts of fire at the outskirts of Bra`shit, contesting a position of the Irish contingent there.

At 1015 hours the area between Haddatha and Rshaf was hit by a number of Israeli shells from neighbouring positions.

At 1040 hours Israeli occupation forces fired artillery shells at Haddatha and Ayta al-Jabal, and some of the shells fell in the vicinity of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon's position at Haddatha hill.

At 1105 hours enemy warplanes overflew Nabatiyah and Iqlim al-Tuffah at medium altitude, and at 1130 hours Israeli warplanes carried out mock attacks over Nabatiyah and Iqlim al-Tuffah.

At 1135 hours Israeli aircraft overflew Tyre at low altitude.

At 1230 hours Israeli aircraft overflew Nabatiyah and Iqlim al-Tuffah at medium altitude.

At 1230 hours Jabal al-Rafi` came under Israeli artillery shelling from occupation positions inside the occupied strip.

At 1240 hours Sawwan came under Israeli artillery bombardment from the facing occupation positions.

At 1245 hours Israeli warplanes attacked Ayn al-Samahiyah near Zawtar.

At 1300 hours Israeli occupation forces bombarded the southernmost quarter of Kafr Tibnit, hitting a house belonging to Qasim Muhammad Idris.

At 1325 hours, Israeli warplanes attacked Murabba`ah between Shukin and Zawtar al-Gharbiyah, firing air-to-surface missiles, and at 1330 hours Israeli warplanes attacked Masha` in Wadi al-Kafur, with accompanying artillery shelling in the same area.

At 1335 hours Israeli warplanes overflew Iqlim al-Kharrub, carrying out mock raids over Jabal al-Zahr in the Bekaa and Iqlim al-Tuffah.

At 1340 hours the Luwayzah, Mlita and Uqmata heights came under artillery shelling from the Israeli occupation positions in Zafatah.

At 1345 hours Israeli enemy warplanes attacked the area between Habbush and Arabsalim (near Jisr al-Sitt Zubaydah).

Between 1445 and 1530 hours Israeli warplanes overflew the Shuf and Kasrawan at very high altitudes.

At 1810 hours Israeli occupation forces bombarded Hima Arnun, Mazra`at al-Hamra and areas along the Litani River with artillery shells and at 1815 hours bombarded Wadi al-Hujayr and outlying areas of Frun and Ghanduriyah with artillery shells.

At 1815 hours Israeli warplanes overflew Wadi al-Akhdar, Ayshiyah and Jabal al-Rafi`.

At 1830 hours Israeli helicopters attacked outlying areas of Yuhmur in two waves.

At 1850 hours a heavy concentration of Israeli warplanes overflew the South at low altitude.

At 1855 hours the area around Wadi al-Akhdar and areas along the Zahrani River came under Israeli artillery shelling from the occupation positions in Zafatah.

At 1900 hours enemy warplanes and helicopters overflew Kafr Rumman, Jarmaq, Wadi al-Akhdar and areas along the Zahrani River at low altitudes.

At 1903 hours Israeli warplanes attacked Arnin.

At 1907 Israeli warplanes attacked Jabal al-Zahr, firing three air-to-surface missiles.

At 2030 hours and 2300 hours Israeli warplanes and reconnaissance aircraft overflew the South and the Shuf at high altitude.

Between 2045 and 2305 hours Israeli occupation forces and the Lahad collaborators' militia fired 81-mm and 120-mm mortar rounds and two direct-fire rounds and directed a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire at outlying areas of Haddatha, Shaqra, areas along the Zahrani River (outlying areas of Zawtar al-Gharbiyah) and outlying areas of Nabatiyah al-Fawqa from their Dabshah, Saff al-Hawa, Hula, Alman and Sala`ah positions.

At 2045 hours outlying areas of Haddatha came under artillery shelling from the neighbouring occupation positions, and the siren of the Irish contingent's position in the area sounded the alarm.

Between 2100 and 2200 hours Israeli helicopters overflew Bayt Yahun and Rshaf.

Between 1745 and 2250 Israeli reconnaissance aircraft overflew Na`imah and Sur Ali at high altitude.

At 2325 hours the outskirts of Kafr Rumman and Habbush came under shelling from the neighbouring positions at Tuhrah and Suwayda.

12 February 2000

Between 0945 and 1000 hours the Lahad militia collaborating with Israel fired four 130-mm artillery shells and five 120-mm mortar rounds at Jabal Bir al-Dahr and to the west of Jabal Jabbur from their Ayn Qinya and Ahmadiyah hill positions.

At 1345 hours Israeli occupation forces and the Lahad militia cooperating with them fired 61 155-mm artillery shells, 61 81-mm and 120-mm mortar rounds and three direct-fire rounds and directed bursts of medium-weapons fire at outlying areas of Buyut al-Siyad, Majdal Zun and Mansuri from their Tall Ya`qub, Bustan checkpoint, Bayyadah, Shama` and Hardun positions, hitting a two-storey house in Mansuri belonging to Ahmad Hasan Khassab.

Between 2115 and 2130 hours the Lahad collaborators' militia fired five 120-mm shells at the area around the Jabbur pool from the Ahmadiyah hill and fired several 120-mm mortar rounds at outlying areas of Jba` and Wadi Kafra from its Zafatah position.

14 February 2000

Between 1440 and 1500 hours the Lahad collaborators' militia fired several 155-mm artillery shells at the Yuhmur lowland from its Zafatah position.

Between 1440 and 1535 hours Israeli warplanes overflew Mount Lebanon and the South at various altitudes, and at 1505 hours they attacked outlying areas of Ayn Bu Siwar, firing an air-to-surface missile.

At 1505 hours Israeli warplanes attacked areas along the Tasah spring and Jabal Safi in Iqlim al-Tuffah.

Between 1745 and 2250 hours an Israeli reconnaissance aircraft overflew Na`imah and Tyre at high altitude.

At 2325 hours the outskirts of Kafr Rumman and Habbush came under shelling from the neighbouring positions in Tuhrah and Suwayda.

15 February 2000

At 0625 hours the outskirts of Habbush came under artillery shelling from the occupation forces' positions inside the security zone.

Between 1135 and 1145 hours the Lahad militia fired 18 120-mm mortar rounds at Jabal Bir al-Dahr from its Abu Qamhah position.

Between 1245 and 1440 hours Israeli warplanes overflew the Shuf and the South at high altitude.

Between 1535 and 1730 hours occupation forces fired 36 155-mm artillery shells at areas at Wadi al-Qaysiyah, Saluqi and outlying areas of Shaqra, Majdal Silm and Wadi al-Hujayr from their Mays al-Jabal checkpoint position.

Between 1930 and 2155 hours the Lahad collaborators' militia fired 10 12-mm mortar rounds at Jabal Bir al-Dahr from its Abu Qamhah position.

During the evening Israeli forces re-erected an aerial transmission pole at the Dabshah position overlooking Nabatiyah, having removed it a few days earlier.

16 February 2000

Between 0620 and 0630 hours the Lahad militia collaborating with Israel fired several 155-mm artillery shells at the Yuhmur lowland and areas along the Zahrani River from its Zafatah position.

Between 0550 and 0655 hours the Lahad collaborators' militia fired 32 120-mm mortar rounds and five 155-mm artillery shells at the area around Jabal Bir al-Dahr and Tilal al-Sarirah from its Abu Qamhah and Ahmadiyah hill positions.

During the morning the Lahad militia collaborating with Israel closed its Kafr Tibnit crossing to vehicles and pedestrians in both directions, giving no reason.

At 1700 hours the Lahad collaborators' militia fired several 81-mm mortar rounds at the area around Alman and Sala`ah from its Alman and Sala`ah positions.

17 February 2000

Between 0025 and 0710 hours the Lahad collaborators' militia fired 20 120-mm and three 130-mm mortar rounds at Jabal Bir al-Dahr from its Abu Qamhah position.

Between 1105 and 1140 hours the Lahad militia collaborating with Israel and Israeli occupation forces fired several 155-mm artillery shells and directed a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire at Kafr Tibnit and areas along the Zahrani River in the direction of Habbush from their Zafatah, Shurayfah, Tuhrah, Dabshah and Ali al-Tahir positions.

At 2125 hours areas along the Zahrani River were hit by several artillery shells fired from the neighbouring occupation forces' positions.

At 2125 and 2140 hours Israeli occupation forces and the Lahad collaborators' militia fired several 155-mm artillery shells and 120-mm mortar rounds at areas along the Zahrani River in the direction of outlying areas of Habbush from their Shurayfah and Zafatah positions.

18 February 2000

Between 0230 and 0430 hours an Israeli gunboat patrolled offshore from Qasimiyah to Tyre.

Between 2345 and 0710 hours Israeli occupation forces and the Lahad militia collaborating with them fired several 155-mm artillery shells and 120-mm mortar rounds and directed bursts of medium-weapons fire at outlying areas of Kafr Rumman and Habbush along the Zahrani River from their Zafatah and Dabshah and Tuhrah hill positions.

Between 0705 and 0740 hours an Israeli reconnaissance aircraft overflew Nabatiyah at very high altitude.

At 1200 hours three Israeli warships carrying Israeli enemy helicopters on board and accompanied by a gunboat were observed off the coast between Tyre and Naqurah.

At 1310 hours Israeli warplanes overflew Batrun and Kurah at very high altitude.

Between 1555 and 1600 hours Israeli warplanes attacked Mazra`at Uqmata, firing an air-to-surface missile.

At 1615 hours the Lahad collaborators' militia fired seven 155-mm artillery shells at the area around the Sujud position from its Zafatah position.

At 1815 hours the Lahad militia collaborating with Israel fired an 81-mm mortar round and directed bursts of medium-weapons fire at areas along the Litani River in the direction of Zawtar al-Sharqiyah and Zawtar al-Gharbiyah from its Qusayr position.

At 1920 hours several 120-mm mortar rounds fired from the occupied strip hit outlying areas of Jba`.

19 February 2000

Between 0500 and 0600 hours an Israeli gunboat off the coast of Mansuri fired a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire in all directions.

Between 0630 and 0635 hours the Lahad militia fired three 81-mm mortar rounds at the area around Tuhrah hill from its Tuhrah hill position.

Between 0800 and 0900 hours an Israeli gunboat off the coast between Mansuri and Amiriyah directed a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire in all directions.

At 1450 hours the plain between Majdal Silm and Shaqra was hit by artillery shells fired by Israeli occupation forces in the occupied strip.

At 2145 hours Israeli occupation forces bombarded the abandoned Lebanese Army barracks, the outskirts of Nabatiyah al-Fawqa and Kafr Rummana from their Tuhrah position.

At 2135 hours Israeli occupation forces bombarded areas along the Zahrani River, Habbush, Wadi al-Kafur and Nabatiyah.

Between 2215 and 2225 hours Israeli occupation forces fired three 81-mm mortar rounds at outlying areas of Bayt Lif from their Dahr al-Jamal position.

20 February 2000

At 0645 hours Israeli artillery in Zafatah fired several shells at Wadi al-Kafur and Nabatiyah.

At 0700 hours Israeli enemy artillery shelled the abandoned Lebanese Army barracks in Nabatiyah.

Between 1245 and 1310 hours the Lahad collaborators' militia directed a number of bursts of fire at an agricultural tractor in outlying areas of the southernmost neighbourhood of Kafr Tibnit.  The tractor, which was being driven by resident Milham, was hit three times.

At 1600 hours in Ayta al-Sha`b elements from the security service of the Lahad collaborators' militia arrested resident Munif Abbas Khalil and took him to the Khiyam prison.

At 1700 hours the Lahad militia collaborating with Israel demolished the house of resident Wahbi Abd al-Hamid Sarur from Ayta al-Sha`b and Sarafand.

At 2140 hours the Lahad collaborators' militia fired 12 81-mm mortar rounds and directed bursts of medium-weapons fire at Jabal Bir al-Dahr and Wadi al-Fatir from its Zafatah and Ayn Qinya positions.

At 2150 hours the Lahad collaborators' militia fired four 81-mm mortar rounds at Wadi Ayn Qinya from Zaghlah hill.

21 February 2000

Between 0930 and 1245 hours Israeli warplanes overflew various parts of Lebanon, breaking the sound barrier over the Bekaa and the North.

Between 1400 and 1415 hours two Israeli helicopters overflew Beaufort Castle, departing in a southerly direction, and Israeli warplanes overflew the South at various altitudes.

At 1530 hours an Israeli convoy crossed from the occupied territories to the occupied strip via the Bab al-Qinyah-Dardarah spring route and established itself at the Israeli forces' Shurayfah hill position.

22 February 2000

Between 0330 and 0500 hours an Israeli gunboat off the coast of Mansuri and Rashidiyah camp directed a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire in all directions.

Between 0830 and 0915 hours Israeli warplanes overflew the South and the Western Bekaa at various altitudes.

At 0900 hours Israeli gunboats combed the coast from Mansuri to Amiriyah south of Tyre.

Between 1000 and 1500 hours two Israeli bulldozers fortified the Israeli Zaghlah position.

At 1400 hours the Lahad militia collaborating with Israel fired two 155-mm artillery shells at the Yuhmur lowland from its Zafatah position.

Between 1000 and 1230 hours Israeli warplanes overflew the South, the Bekaa and Mount Lebanon at very high altitudes, breaking the sound barrier.

The collaborators' militia prevented the inhabitants of Kafr Shuba from leaving the occupied strip via the Kafr Tibnit crossing, giving no reason.

At 1400 hours in Aynata inside the occupied strip elements of the Lahad militia collaborating with Israel arrested resident Hasan Ali Khanafir

and took him to the Khiyam prison.

Between 2030 and 2210 hours Israeli warplanes overflew the South, the Bekaa and Mount Lebanon at various altitudes.

23 February 2000

Between 1400 and 1405 hours the Lahad collaborators' militia fired seven 120-mm mortar rounds at Jabal Bir al-Dahr from its Abu Qamhah position.

At 1520 hours Israeli occupation forces bombarded the outskirts of Majdal Silm and Shaqra with several 155-mm artillery shells from their positions inside the occupied strip.

At 1810 hours the Lahad collaborators' militia fired three 81-mm mortar rounds at outlying areas of Tiri from its Ruwaysat al-Jamus position.

24 February 2000

Between 0430 and 0810 hours Israeli occupation forces and the Lahad militia collaborating with them fired several 155-mm artillery shells and 120-mm mortar rounds and directed a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire at areas along Tasah spring, Dayr al-Zahrani, Mazra`at Uqmata and outlying areas of Yatar and Haddatha from their Zafatah, Tall Ya`qub, Ruwaysat al-Jamus and Suwayda, Razlan and Dabshah hills positions.

At 0645 hours Israeli occupation forces fired artillery shells at Amiriyah in the Qulaylah plain and at the main highway, and the outskirts of Majdal Zun came under Israeli artillery shelling.

Between 0925 and 1145 Israeli occupation forces fired 15 155-mm artillery shells at outlying areas of Tibnin, Haddatha and Bra`shit from their Mays al-Jabal checkpoint position.

25 February 2000

Between 0015 and 0640 hours the Lahad collaborators' militia fired several 155-mm artillery shells and 120-mm mortar rounds at the Yuhmur lowland and outlying areas of Mayfadun and Qa`qa`at al-Jisr from its Zafatah position.

At 0700 hours the Lahad militia collaborating with Israel fired several 120-mm direct-fire rounds at outlying areas of Jba` from its Razlan hill position.

Between 0810 and 0830 hours Israeli warplanes overflew Tyre at various altitudes and at 0820 attacked outlying areas of Mansuri, firing an air-to-surface missile.

At 0850 hours Israeli warplanes attacked the area between Majdal Zun and Mansuri, firing an air-to-surface missile at outlying areas of Mansuri.

Between 1100 and 1200 hours Israeli warplanes overflew the South at very high altitudes.

At 1110 hours the Lahad collaborators' militia directed a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire at the area around the Kafr Tibnit crossing from its Kafr Tibnit crossing position.

Between 1550 and 1555 hours Israeli warplanes attacked outlying areas of Majdal Silm, firing an air-to-surface missile.  Window panes in homes belonging to Hasib Mahdi Zahawi, Ali Ahmad Zahawi, Qasim Muhammad al-Ma`az and Ghasub Husayn Arnus were smashed, and a display window belonging to Abd al-Rahman Yasin was hit.

26 February 2000

Between 0430 and 0615 hours an Israeli gunboat intermittently directed a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire in all directions off the coast of Mansuri.

At 1515 hours Israeli warplanes attacked the area between Jibal al-Butm and Yatar.

At 1520 hours the area between Majdal Silm and Shaqra and the Wadi al-Qaysiyah area were bombarded with several 155-mm artillery shells from the occupation forces' Ibad positions.

At 1525 hours Shaqra was hit by a burst of fire from the Lahad collaborators' Hula position.  The house of Abu al-Hasan al-Amin and the minaret of the local mosque were damaged.

At 1600 hours the residential quarters of Habbush were struck by two heavy shells from the Israeli occupation positions inside the occupied strip.

At 1605 hours Israeli occupation forces bombarded the Habbush plain with several artillery shells, and at the same time the outskirts of Jumayjimah, Khirbat Silm and Wadi al-Qaysiyah were bombarded with 155-mm artillery shells from the occupation forces' positions in neighbouring locations.

At 1645 hours Habbush was again bombarded with heavy artillery shells from the Israeli occupation forces' positions.  A house belonging to Khalil Abd al-Hadi Halal was hit by shrapnel, and power lines in the town were hit and electrical connections cut off at some points.

At 1710 hours Israeli warplanes attacked outlying areas of Jumayjimah, firing several air-to-surface missiles.

Between 1835 and 2230 hours the Lahad collaborators' militia fired several 60-mm mortar rounds and directed a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire at outlying areas of Kafr Rumman from its Tuhrah and Bahlul hill position.

At 2210 hours Israeli occupation forces bombarded Jibal al-Butm, Shaqra, Mansuri, Majdal Zun, Majdal Silm and Qabrikha, hitting several occupied dwellings with 12.7-mm rounds.  The damaged dwellings belonged to Ahmad Sa`id Mar`i, Muhsin Husayn al-Amin, Adnan Husayn al-Amin, Muhsin Abd al-Muttalib al-Amin,and Husayn Muhammad Hasan Abd al-Husayn.  Several rounds also hit the Husayniyah centre and a civilian vehicle.

A 120-mm mortar shell hit the area around Majdal Zun, causing material damage to a house belonging to Yasin Darwish and one other house and a civilian vehicle.

27 February 2000 

Between 1100 and 1215 hours Israeli warplanes overflew the Western Bekaa and the South at various altitudes and at 1205 attacked the area around Mazra`at al-Hamra, firing an air-to-surface missile.

At 1135 hours two Israeli helicopters overflew Beaufort Castle and departed in a southerly direction.

Between 1600 and 1630 hours the Lahad collaborators' militia fired several 155-mm artillery shells and 120-mm mortar rounds at Jabal Safi and the surrounding area from their Zafatah position.

At 1645 hours an Israeli helicopter fired an air-to-surface missile at Wadi al-Fatil between Majdal Silm and Qabrikha and bombarded outlying areas of Mansuri, Majdal Zun, Qantarah and Bani Hayyan.  A number of dwellings in Qibriya belonging to Abd al-Hadi Hijazi, Muhsin Ali Hijazi, Kamil Muhsin Hijazi and Fu'ad Abd al-Hadi Hijazi were hit, as well as the last-mentioned's vehicle.

Between 2050 and 2115 hours the Lahad collaborators' militia fired nine 155-mm artillery shells at Wadi al-Kafur from its Zafatah position.

Between 2150 and 2215 hours Israeli helicopters overflew Iqlim al-Tuffah.

Between 2215 and 2305 hours Israeli reconnaissance aircraft overflew Ba`labakk and Jayyah.

28 February 2000

Between 0215 and 0630 hours an Israeli gunboat off the coast of Ra's al-Ayn directed a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire in all directions.

Between 0625 and 0645 hours Israeli warplanes overflew Tyre at very high altitude.

Between 0900 and 1145 hours Israeli warplanes overflew all parts of Lebanon at various altitudes, breaking the sound barrier.

Between 1010 and 1140 hours several Israeli helicopters overflew the coast off Tyre, Qasimiyah and Adlun.

Between 1300 and 1340 hours Israeli warplanes overflew the South and the Shuf as far as Beirut at various altitudes.

Between 1500 and 1620 hours Israeli warplanes overflew the South and Mount Lebanon at various altitudes and at 1600 and 1620 hours attacked areas along the Tasah spring and Wadi al-Qaysiyah, firing an air-to-surface missile.

At 1530 hours Israeli warplanes overflew Iqlim al-Kharrub at medium altitude.

At 1600 hours Israeli warplanes attacked Samahiyah near Zawtar and Arabsalim, constantly overflying the area.

At 1610 hours Israeli aircraft attacked the area between Zibqin and Shu`aytiyah.

At 1620 hours Israeli aircraft attacked the outskirts of Majdal Silm near the residential area, firing an air-to-surface missile.

At 1635 hours the area between Arabsalim and Humin al-Fawqa and areas along the Zahrani River and Tasah spring came under Israeli artillery bombardment from the Israeli occupation forces' positions.

At 1700 hours the Lahad collaborators' militia fired an 81-mm mortar round at the area around Habbush (lowland neighbourhood) from its Suwayda hill position, causing material damage to several dwellings belonging to Azzam Hasan Hallal and Abd al-Rida Musa Ubayd and to two civilian vehicles.

At 2330 hours Israeli warplanes overflew the central sector at low altitude and attacked Majdal Silm, firing an air-to-surface missile.  They also constantly overflew Nabatiyah at medium altitude.

Between 2325 and 2345 hours Israeli warplanes overflew the South at various altitudes and at 2335 hours attacked Wadi al-Qaysiyah, firing an air-to-surface missile.

During the morning forces of the Lahad collaborators' militia's security service arrested resident Dayf Allah Isma`il Ibrahim from Aynata and took him to the "17" barracks in Bint Jubayl.

29 February 2000

At 0310 hours the Lahad collaborators' militia directed bursts of medium-weapons fire at the area around its Bayyadah position, outlying areas of Mazra`at Buyut al-Siyad and the area around the Mansuri crossing belonging to the South's intelligence section from its Bayyadah position.

Between 0640 and 0650 hours Israeli occupation forces fired eight 155-mm artillery shells at Majdal Zun, Zibqin and Wadi al-Qaysiyah from their Tall Ya`qub and Mays al-Jabal checkpoint positions.

At 0700 hours an Israeli gunboat off the coast of Mansuri directed bursts of medium-weapons fire in all directions, hitting and destroying the fishing nets of three civilian fishermen.

At 0600 hours the Litani River, outlying areas of Qilya and Zillaya and Jabal Bir al-Dahr came under artillery bombardment from the Israeli occupation forces' positions inside the occupied strip, and occupation forces bombarded the Mays al-Jabal ridge, Jabal al-Khalawat and the area around Ayn Qinya, hitting dwellings belonging to Husayn Isma`il Abu Sa`d, Malik Abu Fa`ur, Jada Allah Abu Ibrahim, Nasim Salim, Shafiq Abu Salihah and Thalj Abu Salihah.  Haddatha also came under intermittent Israeli bombardment with 155-mm shells from the occupation forces' Muhaybib positions.

Between 1000 and 1400 hours Israeli warplanes and an Israeli reconnaissance aircraft overflew the South at very high altitudes.

At 1245 hours the Lahad collaborators' militia directed a number of bursts of medium-weapons fire at the area around the Kafr Tibnit crossing from its Burj hill position.

At 1315 hours the Lahad collaborators' militia fired four 120-mm mortar rounds at Jabal Abu Rashid from its Ahmadiyah hill position and directed a number of bursts of fire at the area around the crossing from the Zimriya position.

Between 1515 and 1630 hours Israeli warplanes overflew the South and Mount Lebanon at various altitudes and between 1520 and 1545 hours attacked outlying areas of Jba`, firing five air-to-surface missiles, causing the complete destruction of a house belonging to Mahmud Mustafa Ghamlush.

At 1540 hours Israeli warplanes attacked the area between Jba` and Ayn Bu Siwar, firing an air-to-surface missile.

Between 2000 and 2020 hours the Iqlim al-Tuffah heights came under violent Israeli and Lahad artillery bombardment.

Between 2055 and 2135 hours an Israeli Hawkeye reconnaissance aircraft overflew Tyre at very high altitude, and Israeli MK reconnaissance aircraft overflew the central sector, in particular Wadi al-Qaysiyah.

The Lebanese Government strongly condemns the continued Israeli occupation and the fresh attacks and arbitrary practices against the Lebanese civilian population that have caused and are causing numerous casualties and further serious damage to property and infrastructure.

Like previous attacks, this new series is in flagrant violation of the sovereignty and independence of Lebanon and constitutes a breach of the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and of international law, humanitarian law and the fourth Geneva Convention.

I should be grateful if you would have this letter circulated as a document of the General Assembly, under agenda item 43, and of the Security Council.

(Signed)  Sélim TADMOURY     


Permanent Representative


Document symbol: A/54/786|S/2000/193
Document Type: Letter
Document Sources: General Assembly, Security Council
Country: Lebanon
Subject: Agenda Item, Armed conflict, Incidents
Publication Date: 08/03/2000

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