1967 hostilities – GA revised draft resolution (Latin American countries)

Fifth emergency special session

Agenda item 5

Argentina, Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica,

Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana,

Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Trinidad

and Tobago and Venezuela: revised draft resolution

The General Assembly,

Considering that all Member States have an inescapable obligation to preserve peace, and consequently, to avoid the use of force in the international sphere,

Considering further  that the cease-fire ordered by the Security Council and accepted by the State of Israel and the States of Jordan, Syria and the United Arab Republic is a first step towards the achievement of a just peace in the Middle East, a step which must be reinforced by other measures to be adopted by the Organization and complied with by the parties,

1. Urgently requests:

(a) Israel to withdraw all its forces from all the territories occupied by it as a result of the recent conflict;

(b) The parties in conflict to end the state of belligerency, to endeavor to establish conditions of coexistence based on good neighborliness and to have recourse in all cases to the procedures for peaceful settlement indicated in the Charter of the United Nations;

2. Reaffirms its conviction that no stable international order can be based on the threat or use of force, and declares that the validity of the occupation or acquisition of territories brought about by such means should not be recognized;

3. Requests the Security Council to continue examining the situation in the Middle East with a sense of urgency, working directly with the parties and relying on the presence of the United Nations to:

(a) Carry out the provisions of operative paragraph 1 (a) above;

(b) Guarantee freedom of transit on the international waterways in the region;

(c) Achieve an appropriate and full solution of the problem of the refugees and guarantee the territorial inviolability and political independence of the States of the region, through measures including the establishment of demilitarized zones;

4. Reaffirms, as in earlier recommendations, the desirability of establishing an international régime for the city of Jerusalem, to be considered by the General Assembly at its twenty-second session.



Document symbol: A/L.523/Rev.1
Document Type: Draft resolution
Document Sources: General Assembly, General Assembly 5th Emergency Special Session
Subject: Agenda Item, Armed conflict, Occupation
Publication Date: 04/07/1967

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