Mideast situation – Communications concerning the convocation of a conference on the Armistice Agreement – SecGen note

Exchange of correspondence between the Secretary-General and the
Governments of the Hashemite Kingdom of the Jordan and Israel
regarding the convocation of a conference under article XII of
the General Armistice Agreement

[Original text: English] 
[24 March 1954]


The Secretary-General has the honour to communicate for the information of members of the Security Council the texts of the following additional communications on this matter:

1.  Letter dated 24 February 1954 from the representative of Israel to the Secretary-General.

2.  Letter dated 24 March 1954 from the Secretary-General to the representative of Israel.

3.  Telegram dated 24 March 1954 from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Hashemite Kingdom of the Jordan to the Secretary-General.

4.  Telegram dated 24 March 1954 from the Secretary-General to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Hashemite Kingdom of the Jordan.

Letter dated 24 February 1994 from the representative
of Israel to the Secretary-General

I have the honour to convey the following observations of my Government on your letter of 18 February 1954:

The Government of Israel welcomes your offer to preside at the initial meeting of the conference and expresses the hope that under your chairmanship the two parties will overcome the problems of procedure and agenda without difficulty.

The Government of Israel hopes that in their discussion of the procedure and agenda, the two parties will agree to assume direct responsibility for the conduct of the conference.

If, in your view, Jerusalem is the most suitable venue for the conference, the Government of Israel would suggest that meetings be held in the Israel and. Jordan parts of the city alternately. The Government of Israel would wish the conference to be held at the earliest date compatible with your convenience.

(Signed) Abba EBAN
Ambassador and Permanent Representative
of Israel to the United Nations

Letter dated 24 March 1954 from the Secretary-General to the representative of Israel

I have the honour to refer to the replies of the Governments of Israel of 24 February and of the Hashemite Kingdom of the Jordan of 24 March to my communications of 18 February regarding the convocation of a conference with representatives of the two governments to deal with "concrete issues of limited scope arising out of the implementation of the armistice agreement".

The reply of the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of the Jordan states that its attitude remains unchanged with respect to the appropriate methods of discussing the problems under reference.

I consider that, for the present, my pursuance of this matter any further is not warranted.

I enclose copy of the reply of the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of the Jordan.


Telegram dated 24 March 1954 from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Hashemite Kingdom of the Jordan to the Secretary-General

I have the honour to refer to the correspondence ending with my telegram dated the 6th February 1954 and your telegram dated the 18th February 1954 regarding the invitation to my Government to meet with representatives of the other Government concerned in Jerusalem under your chairmanship for discussions under para 3 of article XII of the General Armistice Agreement. The' Jordan Government has given the views raised in your last telegram their very careful consideration, and find nevertheless that there is nothing in them to justify changing their attitude detailed in my previous telegrams, in that the only appropriate method of discussing the problems under reference, is through the Mixed Armistice Commission which is competent to deal with them under article XI of the said Agreement. I have further to reiterate that the Jordan civilian and military representatives on the Mixed Armistice Commission which is held under the auspices of the Chief Truce Supervision Organization are prepared to meet at any time and at the headquarters of the M.A.C. with the Israeli representatives to discuss all matters referred to in your last telegram, under article XI.

(Signed) Dr. Hussein F. KHALIDI
Minister for Foreign Affairs

Telegram dated 24 March 1954 from the Secretary-General to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Hashemite Kingdom of the Jordan

Have honour refer to replies of Governments of Israel of 24 February and of Hashemite Kingdom of the Jordan of 24 March to my communications of 18 February regarding convocation of conference with representatives of two Governments to deal with "concrete issues of limited scope arising out of implementation of Armistice Agreement”.

Reply of Government of Hashemite Kingdom of the Jordan states that its attitude remains unchanged with respect to the appropriate methods of discussing the problems under reference.

Consider that, for the present, my pursuance of this matter any further is not warranted.

Text reply of Israel Government is quoted below.


Document symbol: S/3180/Add.1
Document Type: Communiqué, Note
Document Sources: Security Council
Country: Israel, Jordan
Subject: International Conventions/Treaties, Peacekeeping
Publication Date: 24/03/1954

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