2024 Country Snapshots

The 2024 Country Snapshots compiles the key statistical data used by the Committee for Development Policy (CDP) at the 2024 triennial review of the least developed country category.

LDCs are defined as low-income countries suffering from structural impediments to sustainable development. To identify LDCs, the CDP uses three criteria: gross national income (GNI) per capita; human assets index (HAI) and economic and environmental vulnerability index (EVI). HAI and EVI are indices composed of fsix and eight indicators, respectively. These fourteen indicators, together with the indices for per capita GNI, HAI and EVI, are presented in two-page profiles for each of the 45 countries classified as LDCs in 2024, thus providing a snapshot of each country’s situation at the 2024 triennial review. The snapshots also illustrate the gaps in progress towards the LDC graduation thresholds for each country, while comparing individual outcomes with corresponding results for all LDCs and developing countries. Additionally, each snapshot provides a short overview on the country’s LDC status and applicable reports and resolutions related to inclusion into and graduation from the LDC category.


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